袁萌 陈启清 8月6日
On the Foundations
of Nonstandard Mathematics
Mauro Di Nasso
Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata, Universit`a di Pisa, Italy
E-mail: dinasso@dma.unipi.it
Abstract In this
paper we survey various set-theoretic approaches that have been
proposed over the last thirty years as foundational frameworks for
the use of nonstandard methods in mathematics.
Since the early developments of calculus, innitely small and
innitely large numbers have been the object of constant interest
and great controversy in the history of mathematics. In fact, while
on the one hand fundamental results in the dierential and integral
calculus were rst obtained by reasoning informally
itwaseasilyseenthattheirusewithoutrestrictions led to
contradictions. For instance, Leibnitz constantly used
innitesimals in his studies (the dierential notation dx is due to
him), and also formulated the so-called transfer principle, stating
that those laws that hold about the real numbers also hold about
the extended number system including innitesimals. Unfortunately,
neitherhenorhisfollowerswereabletogiveaformaljustication of the
transfer principle. Eventually, in order to provide a rigorous
logical frameworkforthetreatmentoftherealline, innitesimal numbers
were banished from calculus and replaced by the εδ-method during
the second half of the nineteenth century. 1 A correct treatment of
the innitesimals had to wait for developments of a new eld of
mathematics, namely mathematical logic and, in particular, of its
branch called model theory. A basic fact in model theory is that
every innite mathematical structure has nonstandard models, i.e.
non-isomorphic structures which satisfy the same elementary
properties. In other words, there are dierent but equivalent
structures, in the sense that they cannot be distinguished by means
of the elementary properties they satisfy. In a slogan, one could
say that in mathematics “words are not enough to describe
1An interesting
review of the history of calculus can be found in Robinson’s book
[R2], chapter X.