(2013-08-23 16:09:55)
流年 |
分类: 数学 |
保罗·埃尔德什(Paul Erdós)1913年生于匈牙利布达佩斯,1996年卒于波兰华沙。
- 1929-01
P. Erdos: A
magasabb rendû számtani sorokról Köz.
Mat. Lapok (1929) 187--189; (New)
- 1932-01
P. Erdos: Beweis
eines Satzes von Tschebyschef (in German), Acta Litt. Sci. Szeged 5 (1932),
194--198; Zentralblatt 4,101.
- 1932-02
P. Erdos: Egy
Kürschák-féle elemi számelméleti tétel általánosítása
(Generalization of an elementary number-the\-or\-et\-ic theorem of
Kürschák, in Hungarian), Mat. Fiz.
Lapok 39 (1932), 17--24;
Zentralblatt 7,103.
- 1934-01
P. Erdos: A
theorem of Sylvester and Schur, J.
London Math. Soc. 9 (1934), 282--288;
Zentralblatt 10,103.
- 1934-02
P. Erdos: Bizonyos számtani sorok törzsszámairól (On primes in some
arithmetic progressions, in Hungarian), Bölcsészdoktori értekezés , Sárospatak, 1934,
- 1934-03
P. Erdos, P. Turán: On a problem in the elementary theory of numbers,
Amer. Math. Monthly
41 (1934), 608--611 (;
Zentralblatt 10,294.
- 1934-04
P. Erdos: On the
density of the abundant numbers, J.
London Math. Soc. 9 (1934), 278--282;
Zentralblatt 10,103.
- 1934-05
P. Erdos, G. Szekeres: Über die Anzahl der Abelschen Gruppen gegebener Ordnung
und über ein verwandtes zahlentheoretisches Problem (in
German), Acta Litt. Sci. Szeged
7 (1934), 95--102 (; Zentralblatt
- 1935-01
P. Erdos, G. Szekeres: A combinatorial problem in geometry, Compositio Math. 2 (1935),
463--470 (; Zentralblatt 12,270.
- 1935-02
P. Erdos, P. Turán: Ein zahlentheoretischer Satz (in German),
Mitt. Forsch.-Inst. Math. Mech. Univ.
Tomsk 1 (1935), 101--103 (;
Zentralblatt 12,12.
- 1935-03
P. Erdos: Note
on consecutive abundant numbers, J.
London Math. Soc. 10 (1935), 128--131;
Zentralblatt 12,11.
- 1935-04
P. Erdos: Note
on sequences of integers no one of which is divisible by any
other, J. London Math. Soc.
10 (1935), 126--128; Zentralblatt
- 1935-05
P. Erdos: On
primitive abundant numbers, J. London
Math. Soc. 10 (1935), 49--58;
Zentralblatt 10,391.
- 1935-06
P. Erdos: On the
density of some sequences of numbers, J. London Math. Soc. 10 (1935),
120--125; Zentralblatt 12,10.
- 1935-07
P. Erdos: On the
difference of consecutive primes, Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser. 6
(1935), 124--128; Zentralblatt 12,11.
- 1935-08
P. Erdos: On the
normal number of prime factors of $p-1$ and some related problems
concerning Euler's $\varphi$-function, Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser. 6
(1935), 205--213; Zentralblatt 12,149.
- 1935-09
P. Erdos: The
representation of an integer as the sum of the square of a prime
and of a square-free integer, J.
London Math. Soc. 10 (1935), 243--245;
Zentralblatt 13,104.
- 1935-10
P. Erdos: Über
die Primzahlen gewisser arithmetischer Reihen (in German),
Math. Z. 39 (1935),
473--491; Zentralblatt 10,293.
- 1935-11
P. Erdos, P. Turán: Über die Vereinfachung eines Landauschen Satzes (in
German), Mitt. Forsch.-Inst. Math.
Mech. Univ. Tomsk 1 (1935), 144--147 (;
Zentralblatt 13,6.
- 1936-01
P. Erdos: A
generalization of a theorem of Besicovitch, J. London. Math. Soc. 11 (1936),
92--98; Zentralblatt 14,11.
- 1936-02
P. Erdos: Note
on some additive properties of integers, Publ. de Congr\`es International des Math. , Oslo,
1936, 1--2.
- 1936-03
P. Erdos: On a
problem of Chowla and some related problems, Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 32
(1936), 530--540; Zentralblatt 15,246.
- 1936-04
P. Erdos, H. Davenport: On sequences of positive integers, Acta Arith. 2 (1936), 147--151 (;
Zentralblatt 15,100.
- 1936-05
P. Erdos, P. Turán: On some sequences of integers, J. London Math. Soc. 11 (1936),
261--264 (; Zentralblatt 15,152.
- 1936-06
P. Erdos: On the
arithmetical density of the sum of two sequences one of which forms
a basis for the integers, Acta
Arith. 1 (1936), 197--200;
Zentralblatt 13,150.
- 1936-07
P. Erdos: On the
integers which are the totient of a product of three primes,
Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser.
7 (1936), 16--19; Zentralblatt
- 1936-08
P. Erdos: On the
integers which are the totient of a product of two primes,
Quart. J. Math., Oxford Ser.
7 (1936), 227--229; Zentralblatt
- 1936-09
P. Erdos: On the
representation of an integer as the sum of $k$ $k$th powers,
J. London Math. Soc.
11 (1936), 133--136; Zentralblatt
- 1936-10
P. Erdos, E. Feldheim: Sur le mode de convergence pour l'interpolation de
Lagrange (in French), C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris 203 (1936), 913--915 (;
Zentralblatt 15,252.
- 1936-11
P. Erdos, T. Gallai, E. Vázsonyi:
Végtelen gráfok Euler vonalairól (On Euler
lines of infinite graphs, in Hungarian), Mat. Fiz. Lapok 43 (1936),
129--140 (T. Grünwald [=; E. Weiszfeld [=);
Zentralblatt 15,178.
- 1937-01
P. Erdos, V. Jarník: Eine Bemerkung über lineare Kongruenzen (in
German), Acta Arith.
2 (1937), 214--220 (;
Zentralblatt 18,6.
- 1937-02
P. Erdos: Note
on the number of prime divisors of integers, J. London Math. Soc. 12 (1937),
308--314; Zentralblatt 17,246.
- 1937-03
P. Erdos, J. Gillis: Note on the transfinite diameter, J. London Math. Soc. 12 (1937),
185--192 (; Zentralblatt 17,115.
- 1937-04
P. Erdos, P. Turán: On interpolation, I. Quadrature and mean convergence in
the Lagrange interpolation, Ann. of
Math. (2) 38 (1937), 142--155 (;
Zentralblatt 16,106.
- 1937-05
P. Erdos: On the
density of some sequences of numbers, II., J. London Math. Soc. 12 (1937),
7--11; Zentralblatt 16,12.
- 1937-06
P. Erdos: On the
easier Waring problem for powers of primes, I., Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 33
(1937), 6--12; Zentralblatt 16,102.
- [1937-7] 1937-07 A P. Erdos:
On the sum and difference of squares of
primes, J. London Math. Soc.
12 (1937), 133--136; Zentralblatt
- 1937-08
P. Erdos: On the
sum and difference of squares of primes, II., J. London Math. Soc. 12 (1937),
168--171; Zentralblatt 17,103.
- 1937-09
P. Erdos, R. Obláth: Über diophantische Gleichungen der Form $n! = x^p \pm
y^p$ und $n! \pm m! = x^p$ (in German), Acta Litt. Sci. Szeged 8 (1937),
241--255 (; Zentralblatt 17,4.
- [1937-10] 1937-10 P. Erdos, G.
Grünwald: Über die arithmetischen
Mittelwerte der Lagrangeschen Interpolationspolynome (in
German), Studia Math.
7 (1938), 82--95 (; Zentralblatt
18,118. (SM *)
- 1938-01
P. Erdos, G. Grünwald: Note on an elementary problem of interpolation,
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
44 (1938), 515--518 (;
Zentralblatt 19,111.
- 1938-02
P. Erdos, Zhao Ke: Note on the Euclidean algorithm, J. London Math. Soc. 13 (1938),
3--8 (Chao Ko [=); Zentralblatt 18,106.
- 1938-03
P. Erdos: On
additive properties of squares of primes, I., Nederl. Akad. Wetensch., Proc. 41
(1938), 37--41; Zentralblatt 23,9.
- 1938-04
P. Erdos, Zhao Ke: On definite quadratic forms which are not the sum of two
definite or semi-definite forms, Acta
Arith. 3 (1938), 102--122 (Chao Ko [=);
Zentralblatt 19,151. (SM*)
- 1938-05
P. Erdos, B. A. Lengyel: On fundamental functions of Lagrangean
interpolation, Bull. Amer. Math.
Soc. 44 (1938), 828--834 (;
Zentralblatt 20,12.
- 1938-06
P. Erdos, P. Turán: On interpolation, II. On the distribution of the
fundamental points of Lagrange and Hermite interpolation,
Ann. of Math. (2) 39
(1938), 703--724 (; Zentralblatt 19,404.
- 1938-07
P. Erdos: On
sequences of integers no one of which divides the product of two
others and on some related problems, Mitt. Forsch.-Inst. Math. Mech. Univ. Tomsk
2 (1938), 74--82; Zentralblatt
- 1938-08
P. Erdos: On the
asymptotic density of the sum of two sequences one of which forms a
basis for the integers, II., Trav.
Inst. Math. Tbilissi 3 (1938), 217--223;
Zentralblatt 19,104.
- 1938-09
P. Erdos: On the
density of some sequences of numbers, III., J. London Math. Soc. 13 (1938),
119--127; Zentralblatt 18,293.
- 1938-10
P. Erdos, K. Mahler: On the number of integers which can be represented by a
binary form, J. London Math.
Soc. 13 (1938), 134--139 (;
Zentralblatt 18,344.
- 1938-11
P. Erdos, Zhao Ke: Some results on definite quadratic forms,
J. London Math. Soc.
13 (1938), 217--224 (Chao Ko [=);
Zentralblatt 19,151.
- 1938-12
P. Erdos: Dummy:
Rendbetevo cikk Dummy
41 (1938), 37--41; Zentralblatt
- 1938-13
P. Erdos: Über
die Reihe $\sum {1 \over p}$ (in German), Dummy Über die Reihe $\sum {1 \over p}$ (in
German), {\it Mathematica, Zutphen B} 7 (1938),
1--2; Zentralblatt 18,343.
- 1938-14
P. Erdos, G. Grünwald: Über einen Faber'schen Satz (in German),
Ann. of Math. (2) 39
(1938), 257--261 (; Zentralblatt 18,397.
- 1938-15
P. Erdos, T. Gallai, E. Vázsonyi:
Über Euler-Linien unendlicher Graphen (in
German), J. Math. Phys. Mass. Inst.
Tech. 17 (1938), 59--75 (T. Grün\-wald [=;
; Zentralblatt 19,236.
- 1939-01
P. Erdos, A. Wintner: Additive arithmetical functions and statistical
independence, Amer. J. Math.
61 (1939), 713--721 ( MR1,40c;
Zentralblatt 22,9.
- 1939-02
P. Erdos: An
extremum-problem concerning trigonometric polynomials,
Acta Litt. Sci. Szeged
9 (1939), 113--115; Zentralblatt
- 1939-03
P. Erdos: Note
on products of consecutive integers, J. London Math. Soc. 14 (1939),
194--198 MR1,4e; Zentralblatt
- 1939-04
P. Erdos: Note
on the product of consecutive integers, II., J. London Math. Soc. 14 (1939),
245--249 MR1,39d; Zentralblatt
- 1939-05
P. Erdos: On a
family of symmetric Bernoulli convolutions, Amer. J. Math. 61 (1939),
974--976 MR1,52a; Zentralblatt
- [1939-6] 1939-07x P. Erdos, T.
Gallai: On polynomials with only real
roots, Ann. of Math. (2)
40 (1939), 537--548 (T. Grünwald =[)
MR1,1g; Zentralblatt
- 1939-07
P. Erdos, H. Davenport: On sums of positive integral $k$th powers,
Ann. of Math. (2) 40
(1939), 533--536 ( MR1,5d;
Zentralblatt 21,207.
- 1939-08
P. Erdos: On the
easier Waring problem for powers of primes, II.,
Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.
35 (1939), 149--165; Zentralblatt
- 1939-09
P. Erdos, M. Kac: On the Gaussian law of errors in the theory of additive
functions, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S.
A. 25 (1939), 206--207 (;
Zentralblatt 21,207.
- 1939-10
P. Erdos: On the
integers of the form $x^k + y^k$, J.
London Math. Soc. 14 (1939), 250--254
MR 1,42b; Zentralblatt
- 1939-11
P. Erdos: On the
smoothness of the asymptotic distribution of additive arithmetical
functions, Amer. J. Math.
61 (1939), 722--725 MR1,41a;
Zentralblatt 22,10.
- 1939-12
P. Erdos, K. Mahler: Some arithmetical properties of the convergents of a
continued fraction, J. London Math.
Soc. 14 (1939), 12--18 (;
Zentralblatt 20,294.
- 1940-01
P. Erdos, A. Wintner: Additive functions and almost periodicity $(B^2)$,
Amer. J. Math. 62
(1940), 635--645 ( MR2,41f;
Zentralblatt 24,16.
- 1940-02
P. Erdos: Note
on some elementary properties of polynomials, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 46 (1940),
954--958 MR2,242b; Zentralblatt
- 1940-03
P. Erdos: On a
conjecture of Steinhaus, Univ. Nac.
Tucumán. Revista A. 1 (1940), 217--220
MR 2,360c; Zentralblatt
- 1940-04
P. Erdos: On
extremal properties of the derivatives of polynomials,
Ann. of Math. (2) 41
(1940), 310--313 MR1,323g;
Zentralblatt 24,4.
- 1940-05
P. Erdos, P. Turán: On interpolation, III. Interpolatory theory of
polynomials, Ann. of Math. (2)
41 (1940), 510--553 ( MR1,333e;
Zentralblatt 24,391.
- 1940-06
P. Erdos: On the
distribution of normal point groups, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 26
(1940), 294--297 MR1,333f;
Zentralblatt 63,Index.
- 1940-07
P. Erdos: On the
smoothness properties of a family of Bernoulli convolutions,
Amer. J. Math. 62
(1940), 180--186 MR 1,139e;
Zentralblatt 22,354.
- 1940-08
P. Erdos, P. Turán: On the uniformly-dense distribution of certain sequences
of points, Ann. of Math. (2)
41 (1940), 162--173 ( MR1,217c;
Zentralblatt 23,22.
- 1940-09
P. Erdos, M. Kac, E. R. van Kampen , A.
Wintner: Ramanujan sums and almost
periodic functions, Studia
Math. 9 (1940), 43--53 (
MR3,69f; Zentralblatt
- 1940-10
P. Erdos: The
difference of consecutive primes, Duke
Math. J. 6 (1940), 438--441
MR1,292h; Zentralblatt
- 1940-11
P. Erdos: The
dimension of the rational points in Hilbert space,
Ann. of Math. (2) 41
(1940), 734--736 MR2,178a;
Zentralblatt 25,187.
- 1940-12
P. Erdos, M. Kac: The Gaussian law of errors in the theory of additive
number theoretic functions, Amer. J.
Math. 62 (1940), 738--742 (
MR2,42c; Zentralblatt
- 1941-01
P. Erdos, P. Turán: On a problem of Sidon in additive number theory and on
some related problems, J. London Math.
Soc. 16 (1941), 212--215 (
MR3,270e; Zentralblatt
- 1941-02
P. Erdos: On
divergence properties of the Lagrange interpolation
parabolas, Ann. of Math. (2)
42 (1941), 309--315 MR2,283d;
Zentralblatt 24,307.
- 1941-03
P. Erdos: On
some asymptotic formulas in the theory of the ``factorisatio
numerorum", Ann. of Math. (2)
42 (1941), 989--993 MR3,165b;
Zentralblatt 61,79.
- 1941-04
P. Erdos, J. Lehner : The distribution of the number of summands in the
partitions of a positive integer, Duke
Math. J. 8 (1941), 335--345 (
MR 3,69a; Zentralblatt
- 1942-01
P. Erdos, G. Szegõ: On a problem of I. Schur, Ann. of Math. (2) 43 (1942),
451--470 ( MR4,41d; Zentralblatt
- 1942-02
P. Erdos: On an
elementary proof of some asymptotic formulas in the theory of
partitions, Ann. of Math. (2)
43 (1942), 437--450 MR4,36a;
Zentralblatt 61,79.
- 1942-03
P. Erdos: On the
asymptotic density of the sum of two sequences, Ann. of Math. (2) 43 (1942),
65--68 MR 3,165c.
- 1942-04
P. Erdos: On the
law of the iterated logarithm, Ann. of
Math. (2) 43 (1942), 419--436
MR4,16j; Zentralblatt
- 1942-05
P. Erdos: On the
uniform distribution of the roots of certain polynomials,
Ann. of Math. (2) 43
(1942), 59--64 MR3,236a;
Zentralblatt 60,55.
- 1942-06
P. Erdos: Some
set-theoretical properties of graphs, Univ. Nac. Tucumán. Revista A. 3
(1942), 363--367 MR5, 151d;
Zentralblatt 63,Index.
- 1943-01
P. Erdos: A note
on Farey series, Quart. J. Math.,
Oxford Ser. 14 (1943), 82--85
MR5,236b; Zentralblatt
- 1943-02
P. Erdos, J. A. Clarkson :
Approximation by polynomials,
Duke Math. J. 10
(1943), 5--11 ( MR4,196e;
Zentralblatt 63,Index.
- 1943-03
P. Erdos: Corrections to two of my papers, Ann. of Math. (2) 44 (1943),
647--651 MR5,172c and 5,180d;
Zentralblatt 61,79 and 63,Index.
- 1943-04
P. Erdos, A. Tarski: On families of mutually exclusive sets,
Ann. of Math. (2) 44
(1943), 315--329 (; Zentralblatt 60,126.
- 1943-05
P. Erdos, S. Kakutani: On non-denumerable graphs, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (1943),
457--461 ( MR4,249f; Zentralblatt
- 1943-06
P. Erdos: On
some convergence properties in the interpolation
polynomials, Ann. of Math. (2)
44 (1943), 330--337 MR4,273e;
Zentralblatt 63,Index.
- 1943-07
P. Erdos: On the
convergence of trigonometric series, J. Math. Phys. Mass. Inst. Tech.
22 (1943), 37--39 MR4,271e;
Zentralblatt 60,178.
- 1943-08
P. Erdos: Some
remarks on set theory, Ann. of Math.
(2) 44 (1943), 643--646
MR5,173c; Zentralblatt
- 1944-01
P. Erdos, L. Alaoglu : A conjecture in elementary number theory,
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
50 (1944), 881--882 ( MR6,117b;
Zentralblatt 61,78.
- 1944-02
P. Erdos: Addendum. On a problem of Sidon in additive number theory
and on some related problems [ J.
London Math. Soc. 16 (1941), 212--215],
{\it J. London Math. Soc.} {\bf 19} (1944), 208
MR7,242f; Zentralblatt
- 1944-03
P. Erdos, L. Alaoglu : On highly composite and similar numbers,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
56 (1944), 448--469 ( MR6,117c;
Zentralblatt 61,79.
- 1944-04
P. Erdos: On
highly composite numbers, J. London
Math. Soc. 19 (1944), 130--133
MR7,145d; Zentralblatt
- 1944-05
P. Erdos: On the
maximum of the fundamental functions of the ultraspherical
polynomials, Ann. of Math. (2)
45 (1944), 335--339 MR5,264e;
Zentralblatt 63,Index.
- 1944-06
P. Erdos: Some
remarks on connected sets, Bull. Amer.
Math. Soc. 50 (1944), 442--446
MR6,43a; Zentralblatt
- 1945-01
P. Erdos, N. H. Anning : Integral distances, Bull.
Amer. Math. Soc. 51 (1945), 598--600 (
MR7,164a; Zentralblatt
- [1945-2] 1945-02 P. Erdos:
Integral distances, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 51 (1945),
996 MR7,164b; Zentralblatt
- 1945-03
P. Erdos: Note
on the converse of Fabry's gap theorem, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 57
(1945), 102--104 MR6,148f;
Zentralblatt 60,203.
- 1945-04 P. Erdos: On a lemma of
- 1962-01
P. Erdos: An
inequality for the maximum of trigonometric polynomials,
Ann. Polon. Math. 12
(1962), 151--154 MR25\#5330;
Zentralblatt 106,277.
- 1962-02
P. Erdos: Applications of probability to combinatorial
problems, Colloq. on Combinatorial
Methods in Probability Theory (Aarhus, 1962) , pp.~90--92,
Matemisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, 1962;
Zentralblatt 142,251.
- 1962-03
P. Erdos: Beantwortung einer Frage von E. Teuffel (in
German), Elem. Math.
17 (1962), 107--108; Zentralblatt
- 1962-04
P. Erdos, B. Bollobás: Gráfelméleti szélsõértékekre vonatkozó problémákról
(Extremal problems in graph theory, in Hungarian),
Mat. Lapok 13 (1962),
143--152 ( MR26\#3036;
Zentralblatt 117,412.
- 1962-05
P. Erdos: Néhány
elemi geometriai problémáról (On some problems in elementary
geometry, Hungarian), Köz. Mat.
Lapok 24/5 (1962), 1--9.
- 1962-06
P. Erdos, A. Hajnal: On a classification of denumerable order types and an
application to the partition calculus, Fund. Math. 51 (1962/1963),
117--129 ( MR25\#5000;
Zentralblatt 111,11.
- 1962-07
P. Erdos, A. Rényi: On a problem of A. Zygmund, Studies in mathematical analysis and related
topics , pp.~110--116, Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford,
California, 1962 ( MR26\#2586;
Zentralblatt 171,316.
- 1962-08
P. Erdos: On a
problem of Sierpi\'nski, Atti Accad.
Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. (8)
33 (1962), 122--124 MR27\#93;
Zentralblatt 111,47.
- 1962-09
P. Erdos: On a
theorem of Rademacher-Turán, Illinois
J. Math. 6 (1962), 122--127
MR25\#1111; Zentralblatt
- 1962-10
P. Erdos: On
circuits and subgraphs of chromatic graphs, Mathematika 9 (1962), 170--175
MR26\#3035; Zentralblatt
- 1962-11
P. Erdos, H. Hanani: On $C_1$-summability of series, Michigan Math. J. 9 (1962), 1--14
( MR25\#362; Zentralblatt
- 1962-12
P. Erdos: On the
integers relatively prime to $n$ and on a number-theoretic function
considered by Jacobsthal, Math.
Scand. 10 (1962), 163--170
MR26\#3651; Zentralblatt
- 1962-13
P. Erdos, L. Pósa: On the maximal number of disjoint circuits of a
graph, Publ. Math. Debrecen
9 (1962), 3--12 ( MR27\#743;
Zentralblatt 133,167.
- 1962-14
P. Erdos: On the
number of complete subgraphs contained in certain graphs,
\mta 7 (1962),
459--464 MR27\#1937; Zentralblatt
- 1962-15
P. Erdos, A. Hajnal: On the topological product of discrete $\lambda$-compact
spaces, General Topology and its
Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra (Proc. Sympos., Prague,
1961) , pp.~148--151, Academic Press, New York; Publ. House
Czech. Acad. Sci., Prague, 1962 ( MR26\#6927;
Zentralblatt 114,141.
- 1962-16
P. Erdos: On
trigonometric sums with gaps, \mta 7 (1962), 37--42
MR26\#2797; Zentralblatt
- 1962-17
P. Erdos: Remarks on a paper of Pósa, \mta 7 (1962), 227--229
MR32\#2348; Zentralblatt
- 1962-18
P. Erdos: Representations of real numbers as sums and products of
Liouville numbers, Michigan Math.
J. 9 (1962), 59--60
MR24\#A3134; Zentralblatt
- 1962-19
P. Erdos, J. Czipszer, A. Hajnal:
Some extremal problems on infinite graphs
(Summary in Russian), \mta
7 (1962), 441--457 ( MR27\#744;
Zentralblatt 114,13.
- 1962-20
P. Erdos, A. Hajnal: Some remarks concerning our paper ``On the structure of
set mappings'' [ Acta Math. Acad. Sci.
Hungar. 9 (1958), 111--131]. Non-existence
of a two-valued $\sigma$-measure for the first uncountable
inaccessible cardinal, {\it Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar.} {\bf 13}
(1962), 223--226 ( MR25\#5001;
Zentralblatt 134,16.
- 1962-21
P. Erdos: Some
remarks on the functions $\varphi$ and $\sigma$,
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Math. Astr.
Phys. 10 (1962), 617--619
MR26\#3652; Zentralblatt
- 1962-22
P. Erdos: Számelméleti megjegyzések, III. Néhány additív
számelméleti problémáról (some remarks on number theory, III., in
Hungarian), Mat. Lapok
13 (1962), 28--38 MR26\#2412;
Zentralblatt 123,255.
- 1962-23
P. Erdos: Számelméleti megjegyzések, IV. Extremális problémák a
számelméletben, I. (Remarks on number theory, IV. Extremal problems
in number theory, I., in Hungarian), Mat. Lapok 13 (1962), 228--255
MR33\#4020; Zentralblatt
- 1962-24
P. Erdos, C. A. Rogers: The construction of certain graphs, Canad. J. Math. 14 (1962),
702--707 ( MR25\#5010;
Zentralblatt 194,253.
- 1962-25
P. Erdos: Über
ein Extremalproblem in der Graphentheorie (in German),
Arch. Math. 13
(1962), 222--227 MR25\#2974;
Zentralblatt 105,175.
- 1962-26
P. Erdos: Verchu
niakoy geometritchesky zadatchy (On some geometric problems, in
Bulgarian), Fiz.-Mat. Spis. B\u ulgar.
Akad. Nauk. 5(38) (1962), 205--212
- 1963-01
P. Erdos, H. Davenport: A theorem on uniform distribution, \mta 8 (1963), 3--11 (
MR29\#4750; Zentralblatt
- 1963-02
P. Erdos, J. Neveu , A. Rényi:
An elementary inequality between the
probabilities of events, Math.
Scand. 13 (1963), 99--104 (
MR29\#4075; Zentralblatt
- 1963-03
P. Erdos, H. Kestelman , C. A. Rogers:
An intersection property of sets with
positive measure, Colloq. Math.
11 (1963), 75--80 ( MR28\#2182;
Zentralblatt 122,299.
- 1963-04
P. Erdos, A. Rényi: Asymmetric graphs, Acta
Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 14 (1963),
295--315 ( MR27\#6258;
Zentralblatt 118,189.
- 1963-05
P. Erdos, A. Rényi: Egy gráfelméleti problémáról (On a problem in the theory
of graphs, in Hungarian), \mta
7 (1962), 623--641, 1963 (
MR33\#1246; Zentralblatt
- 1963-06
P. Erdos: On a
combinatorial problem, Nordisk Mat.
Tidskr. 11 (1963), 5--10, 40
MR26\#6061; Zentralblatt
- 1963-07
P. Erdos, H. Hanani: On a limit theorem in combinatorial analysis,
Publ. Math. Debrecen
10 (1963), 10--13 ( MR29\#3394;
Zentralblatt 122,248.
- 1963-08
P. Erdos: On a
problem in graph theory, Math.
Gaz. 47 (1963), 220--223
MR28\#2536; Zentralblatt
- 1963-09
P. Erdos: On
some properties of Hamel bases, Colloq. Math. 10 (1963), 267--269
MR28\#4068; Zentralblatt
- 1963-10
P. Erdos, G. A. Dirac: On the maximal number of independent circuits in a
graph, Acta Math. Acad. Sci.
Hungar. 14 (1963), 79--94 (
MR26\#5563; Zentralblatt
- 1963-11
P. Erdos: On the
structure of linear graphs, Israel J.
Math. 1 (1963), 156--160
- 1963-12
P. Erdos, A. Rényi: On two problems of information theory,
\mta 8 (1963),
229--243 ( MR29\#3268;
Zentralblatt 119,340.
- 1963-13
P. Erdos, H. Davenport, W. J. LeVeque
: On Weyl's criterion for uniform
distribution, Michigan Math. J.
10 (1963), 311--314 ( MR27\#3618;
Zentralblatt 119,282.
- 1963-14
P. Erdos: Quelques probl\`emes de théorie des nombres (in
French), Monographies de
l'Enseignement Mathé\-matique, No.~6 , pp.~81--135,
L'Enseignement Mathématique, Université, Geneva, 1963
MR28\-\#2070; Zentralblatt
- 1963-15
P. Erdos: Ramsey
és Van der Waerden tételével kapcsolatos kombinatorikai kérdésekrõl
(On combinatorial questions connected with a theorem of Ramsey and
van der Waerden, in Hungarian Mat.
Lapok 14 (1963), 29--37
MR34\#7409; Zentralblatt
- 1963-16
P. Erdos, H. Sachs : Regul"are Graphen gegebener Taillenweite mit minimaler
Knotenzahl (in German), Wiss. Z.
Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg Math.-Natur. Reihe
12 (1963), 251--257 ( MR29\#2797;
Zentralblatt 116,150.
- 1963-17
P. Erdos, A. Rényi: Remarks on a problem of Obreanu, Canad. Math. Bull. 6 (1963),
267--273 ( MR31\#2528;
Zentralblatt 121,296.
- 1963-18
P. Erdos, S. Stein : Sums of distinct unit fractions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1963),
126--131 ( MR26\#71; Zentralblatt
- 1963-19
P. Erdos, S. J. Taylor : The Hausdorff measure of the intersection of sets of
positive Lebesgue measure, Mathematika 10 (1963), 1--9 (
MR27\#3765; Zentralblatt
- 1963-20
P. Erdos, P. Kelly : The minimal regular graph containing a given
graph, Amer. Math. Monthly
70 (1963), 1074--1075 (.
- 1963-21
P. Erdos: Megjegyzések a ,,Néhány elemi geometriai problémáról''
címû cikkhez Köz. Mat. Lapok
(1963) 1--2.
- 1964-01
P. Erdos, F. Bagemihl : A problem concerning the zeros of a certain kind of
holomorphic function in the unit disk, J. Reine Angew. Math. 214/215
(1964), 340--344 ( MR31\#3580;
Zentralblatt 131,75.
- 1964-02
P. Erdos, A. Hajnal, J. W. Moon :
A problem in graph theory,
Amer. Math. Monthly
71 (1964), 1107--1110 (
MR30\#577; Zentralblatt
- 1964-03
P. Erdos, L. Moser: A problem on tournaments, Canad. Math. Bull. 7 (1964),
351--356 ( MR29\#4046;
Zentralblatt 129,347.
- 1964-04
P. Erdos: An
interpolation problem associated with the continuum
hypothesis, Michigan Math. J.
11 (1964), 9--10 MR29\#5744;
Zentralblatt 121,258.
- 1964-05
P. Erdos, A. E. Ingham: Arithmetical Tauberian theorems, Acta Arith. 9 (1964), 341--356 (
MR31\#1228; Zentralblatt
- 1964-06
P. Erdos: Extremal problems in graph theory, Theory of Graphs and its Applications (Proc. Sympos.
Smo\-lenice, 1963) , pp.~29--36, Publ. House Czech. Acad.
Sci., Prague, 1964 MR31\#4735;
Zentralblatt 161,205.
- 1964-07
P. Erdos, G. Piranian: Laconicity and redundancy of Toeplitz matrices,
Math. Z. 83 (1964),
381--394 ( MR29\#1471;
Zentralblatt 129,42.
- 1964-08
P. Erdos: On a
combinatorial problem, II., Acta Math.
Acad. Sci. Hungar. 15 (1964), 445--447
MR29\#4700; Zentralblatt
- 1964-09
P. Erdos, A. Ginzburg : On a combinatorial problem in Latin squares,
\mta 8 (1963),
407--411, 1964 ( MR29\#2197;
Zentralblatt 125,282.
- 1964-10
P. Erdos: On a
problem in elementary number theory and a combinatorial
problem, Math. Comp.
18 (1964), 644--646 MR30\#1087;
Zentralblatt 127,22.
- 1964-11
P. Erdos: On an
extremal problem in graph theory, Colloq. Math. 13 (1964/1965),
251--254 MR31\#3353; Zentralblatt
- 1964-12
P. Erdos, A. Hajnal: On complete topological subgraphs of certain
graphs, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest.
Eötvös Sect. Math. 7 (1964), 143--149 (
MR30\#3460; Zentralblatt
- 1964-13
P. Erdos: On
extremal problems of graphs and generalized graphs,
Israel J. Math. 2
(1964), 183--190 MR32\#1134;
Zentralblatt 129,399.
- 1964-14
P. Erdos, A. Rényi: On random matrices, \mta 8 (1964), 455--461 (
MR29\#4769; Zentralblatt
- 1964-15
P. Erdos: On
some applications of probability to analysis and number
theory, J. London Math. Soc.
39 (1964), 692--696 MR30\#1997;
Zentralblatt 125,86.
- 1964-16
P. Erdos: On
some divisibility properties of ${2n\choose n}$,
J. London Math. Soc. On some
divisibility properties of ${2n\choose n}$, {\it Canad. Math.
Bull.} 7 (1964), 513--518
MR30\#52; Zentralblatt
- 1964-17
P. Erdos, J. W. Moon : On subgraphs of the complete bipartite graph,
Canad. Math. Bull. 7
(1964), 35--39 ( MR28\#1612;
Zentralblatt 122,419.
- 1964-18
P. Erdos, H. Heilbronn : On the addition of residue classes mod $p$,
Acta Arith. 9 (1964),
149--159 ( MR29\#3463;
Zentralblatt 156,48.
- 1964-19
P. Erdos, E. G. Straus: On the irrationality of certain Ahmes series,
J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.)
27 (1964), 129--133 ( MR31\#124;
Zentralblatt 131,49.
- 1964-20
P. Erdos: On the
multiplicative representation of integers, Israel J. Math. 2 (1964),
251--261 MR31\#5847; Zentralblatt
- 1964-21
P. Erdos: On the
number of triangles contained in certain graphs,
Canad. Math. Bull. 7
(1964), 53--56 MR28\#2537;
Zentralblatt 121,403.
- 1964-22
P. Erdos, L. Moser: On the representation of directed graphs as unions of
orderings, \mta
9 (1964), 125--132 ( MR29\#5756;
Zentralblatt 136,449.
- 1964-23
P. Erdos: On two
problems of S. Marcus concerning functions with the Darboux
property, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures
Appl. 9 (1964), 803--804
MR31\#5944; Zentralblatt
- 1964-24
P. Erdos: Problems and results on diophantine
approximations, Compositio
Math. 16 (1964), 52--65
MR31\#3382; Zentralblatt
- 1964-25
P. Erdos, T. Gallai: Solution of a problem of Dirac, Theory of Graphs and its Applications (Proc. Sympos.
Smolenice, 1963) , pp.~167--168, Publ. House Czech. Acad.
Sci., Prague, 1964 (; Zentralblatt 161,433.
- 1964-26
P. Erdos: Some
applications of probability to graph theory and combinatorial
problems, Theory of Graphs and its
Applications (Proc. Sympos. Smolenice, 1963) , pp.~133--136,
Publ. House Czech. Acad. Sci., Prague, 1964
MR30\#3459; Zentralblatt
- 1964-27
P. Erdos: Some
remarks on Ramsey's theorem, Canad.
Math. Bull. 7 (1964), 619--622
MR30\#576; Zentralblatt
- 1964-28
P. Erdos, A. Hajnal: Some remarks on set theory, IX. Combinatorial problems in
measure theory and set theory, Michigan Math. J. 11 (1964),
107--127 ( MR30\#1940;
Zentralblatt 199,23.
- 1964-29
P. Erdos, B. Gordon , L. A. Rubel , E. G.
Straus: Tauberian theorems for sum
sets, Acta Arith.
9 (1964), 177--189 ( MR29\#3417;
Zentralblatt 135,100.
- 1964-30
P. Erdos, L. Few , C. A. Rogers:
The amount of overlapping in partial
coverings of space by equal spheres, Mathematika 12 (1964), 171--184 (
MR31\#664; Zentralblatt
- 1964-31
P. Erdos, C. A. Rogers: The star number of coverings of space with convex
bodies, Acta Arith.
9 (1964), 41--45 ( MR29\#5165;
Zentralblatt 132,32.
- 1965-01
P. Erdos: A
problem on independent $r$-tuples, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös Sect. Math.
8 (1965), 93--95 MR41\#5223;
Zentralblatt 136,213.
- 1965-02
P. Erdos: Extremal problems in number theory, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol.~VIII ,
pp.~181--191, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1965
MR30\#4740; Zentralblatt
- 1965-03
P. Erdos, H. S. Shapiro , A. L. Shields
: Large and small subspaces of Hilbert
space, Michigan Math. J.
12 (1965), 169--178 ( MR31\#2607;
Zentralblatt 132,349.
- 1965-04
P. Erdos: On a
problem of Sierpi\'nski (Extract from a letter to
W.~Sierpi\'nski), Acta Arith.
11 (1965), 189--192 MR32\#5620;
Zentralblatt 129,28.
- 1965-05
P. Erdos, L. Pósa: On independent circuits contained in a graph,
Canad. J. Math. 17
(1965), 347--352 ( MR31\#86;
Zentralblatt 129,399.
- 1965-06
P. Erdos, J. W. Moon : On sets of consistent arcs in a tournament,
Canad. Math. Bull. 8
(1965), 269--271 ( MR32\#57;
Zentralblatt 137,433.
- 1965-07
P. Erdos: On
some extremal problems in graph theory, Israel J. Math. 3 (1965),
113--116 MR32\#7443; Zentralblatt
- 1965-08
P. Erdos, P. Turán: On some problems of a statistical group-theory,
I., Z.
4 (1965), 175--186 ( MR32\#2465; Zentralblatt 137,256.ie und Verw. Gebiete
- 1965-09
P. Erdos, F. Harary, W. T. Tutte:
On the dimension of a graph,
Mathematika 12
(1965), 118--122 ( MR32\#5537;
Zentralblatt 151,332.
- 1965-10
P. Erdos: On the
distribution of divisors of integers in the residue classes (mod
$d$), Bull. Soc. Math. Gr\`ece
(N.S.) 6 I (1965), fasc.~1, 27--36
MR34\#7474; Zentralblatt
- 1965-11
P. Erdos, I. Csiszár: On the function $g(t) =\limsup_{t \to \infty}
(f(x+t)-f(x))$, Bull. Soc. Math.
Gr\`ece (N.S.) On the function $g(t) =\limsup_{t \to \infty}
(f(x+t)-f(x))$, {\it \mta} 9 (1965), 603--606 (;
Zentralblatt 133,304.
- 1965-12
P. Erdos, A. Rényi: On the mean value of nonnegative multiplicative
number-theoretical functions, Michigan
Math. J. 12 (1965), 321--338 (
MR34\#2537; Zentralblatt
- 1965-13
P. Erdos, A. Sharma : On Tchebycheff quadrature, Canad. J. Math. 17 (1965),
652--658 ( MR31\#3774;
Zentralblatt 156,71.
- 1965-14
P. Erdos, A. Hajnal, R. Rado:
Partition relations for cardinal
numbers, Acta Math. Acad. Sci.
Hungar. 16 (1965), 93--196 (
MR34\#2475; Zentralblatt
- 1965-15
P. Erdos, A. Rényi: Probabilistic methods in group theory,
J. Analyse Math. 14
(1965), 127--138 ( MR34\#2690;
Zentralblatt 247.20045.
- 1965-16
P. Erdos: Remarks on a theorem of Zygmund, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 14a
(1965), 81--85 MR31\#5031;
Zentralblatt 148,54.
- 1965-17
P. Erdos: Some
recent advances and current problems in number theory,
Lectures on Modern Mathematics,
Vol.~III , pp.~196--244, Wiley, New York, 1965
MR31\#2191; Zentralblatt
- 1965-18
P. Erdos: Some
remarks on number theory, Israel J.
Math. 3 (1965), 6--12
MR32\#1181; Zentralblatt
- 1965-19
P. Erdos, J. Aczél: The non-existence of a Hamel-basis and the general
solution of Cauchy's functional equation for non-negative
numbers, Publ. Math. Debrecen
12 (1965), 259--263 ( MR32\#4022;
Zentralblatt 151,210.
- 1966-01
P. Erdos, M. Simonovits: A limit theorem in graph theory, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 1
(1966), 51--57 ( MR34\#5702;
Zentralblatt 178,273.
- 1966-02
P. Erdos, B. Volkmann : Additive Gruppen mit vorgegebener Hausdorffscher
Dimension (in German), J. Reine Angew.
Math. 221 (1966), 203--208 (
MR32\#4238; Zentralblatt
- 1966-03
P. Erdos: An
example concerning open everywhere discontinuous functions,
Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl.
11 (1966), 621--622 MR33\#5796;
Zentralblatt 163,299.
- 1966-04 P. Erdos, E. H"artter : Konstruktion von nichtperiodischen Minimalbasen mit der Dichte $1 \over 2$ für die Menge der nichtnegativen ganzen Zahlen (in German), J. Reine Angew. Math. 221 (1966), 44--47 ( MR32\#7533; Zentralblatt 135,97.