(2011-06-20 04:25:22)
必要条件充分条件杂谈 |
分类: 译文 |
Necessary Conditions
If we say that "x is a necessary condition for y," we mean that if we don't have x, then we won't have y. Or put differently, without x, you won't have y. To say that x is a necessary condition for y does not mean that x guarantees y.
Some examples will help here.
Having gasoline in my car (I have a gasoline engine) is a necessary condition for my car to start. Without gasoline (x) my car (y) will not start. Of course, having gasoline in the car does not guarantee that my car will start. There are many other conditions needed for my car to start.
Having oxygen in the earth's atmosphere is a necessary condition for human life. Certainly, having oxygen will not guarantee human life. There are many other conditions needed for human life other than oxygen in the atmosphere.
Being 18 years of age is a necessary condition for being able to buy cigarettes legally in North Carolina. Of course, being 18 does not guarantee that a person will buy cigarettes. There are many other conditions that lead to a person buying cigarettes than being 18 years of age.
Sufficient Conditions
If we say that "x is a sufficient condition for y," then we mean that if we have x, we know that y must follow. In other words, x guarantees y.
Consider the following examples.
Earning a total of 950 points (95%) in this Critical Thinking class is a sufficient condition for earning a final grade of A. If you have 950 points for the course, then it must follow that you will have a final grade of A.
Pouring a gallon of freezing water on my sleeping daughter is sufficient to wake her up. If I pour the gallon of freezing water on her then its guaranteed that she will wake up.
Rain pouring from the sky is a sufficient condition for the ground to be wet.
Please note that in none of these example is the sufficient condition also a necessary condition.
For example, it is not necessary to earn 950 points to earn an A in this course. You can earn 920 points to earn an A. (We cannot say that if you do not have 950 points then you can't have an A.)
It is not necessary to pour a gallon of freezing water on my daughter to wake her up. (A wrecking ball against the wall will do it as well.)
Similiarly, it is not necessary for rain to be pouring from the sky for the ground to be wet. The sprinkler could be on as well.
Test your knowledge of necessary and sufficient conditions by trying the following:
Is sunlight a necessary or sufficient condition for the roses to bloom?
Is earning a final grade of C a necessary or sufficient condition for passing the course?
Is being a male a necessary or sufficient condition for being a father?
Is having the flu virus in your blood a necessary or sufficient condition for being sick?
Is attending class regularly and punctually a necessary or sufficient condition for being successful in class?
Is being 20 years old a necessary or sufficient condition for being a college student?
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