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(2011-03-09 12:18:19)




分类: 国际视野



     Richard E. Cavanagh1987-1995年曾执掌哈佛大学肯尼迪学院,作为了8年执行院长。也是著名的美国会议协会(Conference Board)的CEO、曾经是麦肯锡咨询公司的合伙人,也出版过一本再版过13次的畅销管理书籍。他也曾在在卡特总统任内的预算和管理部门工作,为中国人熟知的是,他曾常年担任ETS考试的主席。Cavanagh在美国是著名的社会企业的管理者和研究者,如今他重回肯尼迪学院执教。

    另一位主讲人是Aaron Lobel。 Aaron是加拿大人,是肯尼迪政府学院的优秀的博士毕业生,后来发现自己并不热衷研究而更热爱社会企业建设。后来在布鲁金斯学会实习期间,开始组建了如今非常成功的针对海外的美国人的媒体。

    其中Richard E. Cavanagh提到做社会企业的最好时段是刚刚毕业从零开始的年轻人或是功成名就的退休阶段的人士。他说组建社会企业的董事会只需要三种人:能为这个组织带来资源的、能提供思想和咨询的、带来声望的人士。


The main workshop leaders will include:
Richard E. Cavanagh, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy and the Kennedy School’s  Executive Dean from 1987-1995, returned to the faculty after serving as CEO of The Conference Board for 12 years. Earlier, he was a partner of McKinsey and Company, Inc., where he coauthored the bestselling management book, The Winning Performance, published in 13 national editions. He also held Presidential appointments in the Carter Administration’s Office of Management & Budget. Cavanagh serves on corporate and nonprofit boards and was the Chairman of the Educational Testing Service (ETS). His teaching interests center on entrepreneurship and corporate governance.
Also, Aaron Lobel from DC speaking about how he launched and grew his media network: Americaabroad
Aaron Lobel founded America Abroad Media (AAM) and serves as the organization's president and chairman of the board, as well as executive producer of America Abroad and AAM Television. Mr. Lobel received a Ph.D. in International Affairs from Harvard University's Department of Government, where he was also awarded the University's top teaching award, the Joseph Levenson Prize. Prior to founding America Abroad Media, Mr. Lobel was a Research Fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C.; National Security Fellow at the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University; and a National Security Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, where he edited Presidential
Judgment: Foreign Policy Decision Making in the White House (Hollis Press 2001).
Mr. Lobel currently serves on the Advisory Board of Business for Diplomatic Action, Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE), a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and is a consultant to the Bipartisan Policy Center. Mr. Lobel is a native of Toronto, Canada. He lives in Washington, D.C with his wife and son.
Aaron has expanded his operations from a radio show in DC to hundreds of tv and radio programs worldwide. Recently, he opened up new offices in Kabul and he will also be opening up new offices and opportunities in Pakistan. Aaron is always happy to talk to students interested in working in international affairs, tv, radio, and entrepreneurship. In launching his highly successful organization.  Come dine with us this evening and make connections with some of the fascinating people who will be at this event!

Pound Hall second floor (room 201) at 7 p.m.
The workshops will not be available online.


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