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(2010-05-29 03:52:25)








分类: 爱心传递公益组织
Dear friend,
On behalf of the Board of Pass Love Charity Foundation (PLCF), we are very honored to announce that PLCF will be fiscal sponsor to Professor Jing Wang at MIT!
Professor Wang is a professor teaching media, advertising, and Chinese cultural studies at MIT. She is also the Chair of the Advisory Board of Creative Commons China Mainland and was just appointed to serve on the Advisory Board of Wikimedia Foundation.

PLCF and Professor Wang share the same dedication to NGO work, especially in the work area of helping children in primary schools to improve their educational resources.

For many years, Prof Wang has contributed to nurture and support grassroots NGOs in China. And now, it is close to her 60th birthday. It has been her long wish to raise fund at this special time to support charity Nonprofits in China.

The fund, China NGO Development Fund, is a special fund fiscally sponsored by PLCF. And the raised donation this time will go to Alma Anta to support a primary school in Guangxi Province, China.


Although PLCF will not be the main beneficiary of the current fund rising, it will help promote PLCF's mission, form collaborations with the beneficiary nonprofit, and join the effort of Prof Wang to Pass Love to grassroots nonprofits.

More details are on the cause link here:

Friends, we hope you can support us for this noble cause, and help Prof Wang to make his 60th birthday wish come true.

------- Below is translation in Chinese ---------
爱心传递慈善基金会(Pass Love Charity Foundation, PLCF)董事会,非常荣幸地宣布PLCF将作为麻省理工学院的王瑾教授的Fiscal Sponsor(财务赞助管理上的支持)!

王 教授多年来支持中国的草根公益组织,并和爱心传递慈善基金会在支持中国特困地区的小学来改善其教育资源方面有同样的理念。

很久以来,王教 授有一个心愿,就是在她六十大寿的时候,通过草根的方式,通过网络的方式,向朋友们募捐来帮助中国公益组织的心愿。

此 次王教授在爱心传递慈善基金会下开设中国NGO发展基金。本次募款主要用于“爱心蚂蚁”公益组织,来帮助他们直接资助特困小学中的孤儿与其他孩童。

虽 然爱心传递慈善基金会本身不是这次募捐的主要受助组织,但这个专项基金会活动后对爱心传递的理念有宣传效果,促进我们同主要受助组织的合作,帮助王教授完 成她的心愿。


朋友们,我希 望大家支持这个有特殊意义的慈善活动,同时也帮助尊敬的为中国公益事业操劳多年的王教授实现她60大寿的愿望。


Below is the letter from Professor Wang
*This is why I care*
Dear friend,
Many of you asked how I wanted to celebrate my big *60*. Since Candy’s passing, I’ve thought about adopting a child but failed. As I grow older, rebuilding a family is less important to me than helping out orphans and children living in extreme poverty. So I made a wish for my 60th birthday: I want to raise funds for a Chinese grassroots NGO “Alma Anta” who is serving a primary school in the drought area of Guangxi Province. Many children in that school are either orphans or children from single-parent families.

The funds raised will help this NGO deliver water, food, stationary, and books to those deprived kids. A little kindness from us can do wonders. I write to ask you to consider a contribution in honor of my birthday to the cause I set up - China NGO Development Fund - in the amount ranging from $10 - $60, or in any amount you can afford. If the donation reaches $2,666 by my birthday (May 29th), I'll donate $500 myself. The donation site to do this good deed is ~


And if you are curious, you can go to the special website set up by my friend Jack Xuan to watch a video and see the photos of the children you will be helping with~


You all knew that lately I’ve been doing a lot of NGO-related work in the underdeveloped regions of China. It made me truly happy to be able to help those who are in need the most. Please celebrate May 29th with me by making it the most meaningful birthday I have ever had. I really appreciate your kindness and friendship. May our good karma continue for ages to come! Love, Jing

1. The Fund helps the most self-reliant as well as the most worthy Chinese grassroots NGOs
2. Our philosophy is to release (the creative energy of the socially underprivileged), not to provide relief continuously.
3. The Fund is built on the fieldwork foundation laid down by MIT New Media Action Lab (NMAL) and especially through an NGO2.0 Project
4. See NMAL at http://web.mit.edu/newmediaactionlab/www/aboutpost2009.html
5. This Fund works closely with Pass Love Charity Foundation to select NGO candidates as fund recipients.

关 于本基金此次筹款的用途的详细说明


筹 款主要用在两个地方: 孤儿院和一般学校。

第一,食物。计划买一些主食,水和一些蔬菜!今年春季西南地区旱灾之后庄稼 欠收,有的农作物甚至枯死,很多地方都没有吃的东西。计划买一些水和节水蔬菜送到山里的一些学校里,如白萝卜,冬瓜等。七百弄的县城里有好几个只有一间教 室的孤儿院,一般人数在30个人左右,他们年龄从2岁到15岁不等,平时只有一位老师兼当保姆照顾他们,吃的东西自然是简单得不能再简单,甚至连牛奶是什 么都不知道。小孩正是长身体,需要补充营养的时候,但他们有时连大米都吃不上,更别说其他有营养的东西了。所以准备买一些主食送到孤儿院,如大米,黄豆 等。

第二,助学款和生活费。我们走访过那边很多学校,发现很多孩子都是留守儿童,父母不在家,亲戚之间亦很少来往。很多学生例如前面的帖子里提到的蓝宁,又要 上学又要照顾弟妹,平时生活很困苦,计划可以给点生活补贴给他们,让他们可以集中更多精力在学习上。其实在那边,像蓝宁这种学生已经算幸运,因为他们母亲 时不时还是会寄点钱给他们当学费。如果往七百弄更深的山里面走,很多小孩连学费都交不上,被逼在家做农活,更不知道何时才能踏入渴望的学校!计划在筹款金 额允许及学费可能的前提下,给予一些条件确实艰苦的孩子学费补贴。

第三,学习用具和图书。走访过程中,发现很多学校有的学生连教科书都买不上,很多是在上课的时候抄写其他同学课本上的内容。课外书更是少之又少。练习本都 是反复利用,写完一次用橡皮全擦掉,再继续写。拟计划买一些针对各个年级有益的课外书和一些和一些学习用品例如铅笔练习本等。


Thank you for supporting to China NGO Development fund!
Thanks for your generosity that can help make Prof Wang's 60th birthday wish come true!

Board of Pass Love Charity Foundation
May, 2010


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