分类: 爱心传递公益组织 |
Ten Purposes for Charity Sale 2006--Pass Love Project!
1. Raise charity fund to support
students for underdeveloped rural areas in China.
2. Promote the ideology of Pass Love--Pass the Love Forward (not simply return favor
to the helper, but also to others in need, to co-cultivate a
community, and to spring love networks)
3. Practice the teamwork spirit of Pass Love Charity
Foundation (PLCF).
4. Collaborate with various student organizations
in prestigious Beijing colleges. Collaborate with other Chinese
Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) as well.
5. Establish long-term collaboration with organizations and
6. Recruit new volunteers in China and USA
(overseas in general). In particular, call for overseas Chinese
students and scholars to donate their time for charity
7. Explore the possibility of opening chapters in colleges.
8. Build volunteers and donators database for future activities and
continuous donation efforts.
9. Create connections with print- and online- media in Beijing and
other cities.
10. Examine and reflect on the execution of PLP team core, and adjust the blueprint of
future charity events.
For donation, volunteering,
Contact Pass Love Charity Foundation
Or leave message on BBS: http://www.passlove.org/bbs/
We thank you for your support!