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DAC1HDR 我的超详细翻译

(2011-04-20 20:07:30)



分类: CD播放器,前后级,音箱cdplayer

DAC1HDR <wbr>我的超详细翻译
DAC1HDR <wbr>我的超详细翻译
DAC1HDR <wbr>我的超详细翻译





The DAC1 HDR offers slightly better build quality than earlier models, and adds a motorized Alps volume potentiometer. National Semiconductor LM4562 op-amps are used throughout its analog stage, as well as Teflon RCA connectors. Though it maintained the tonal balance of earlier DAC1s, the HDR proved more musical and engaging, with a bigger soundstage, better solidity and separation of instruments in the stereo image, and better treble resolution, said Erick Lichte.

Erick Lichte 评论道:“DAC1HDR比起之前的型号有更好的做工,而且使用了Alps公司电动电位器。在模拟放大级上使用了松下LM4562晶体管运放。RCA端子采用Teflon制品。DAC1HDR以其前辈DAC1为声音的基础,加强音乐性与动听性。拥有更大的声场,更强的声音密度,与立体声场中的乐器分离度,更好的高频解析力。”

Benchmark DAC1 Pre USB D/A headphone amplifier DAC1 HDR, September 2010

Erick Lichte reviewed the DAC1 HDR in September 2010  

I'm trying to live in better balance with my expectations in life. High expectations for myself, the people around me, and the things I buy often leave me unhappy, frustrating, and frustrated, respectively. Slowly, I am learning that the greatest joys in life come when I don't know I'm looking for them.


Such an unexpected joy happened in 2004, when I first used the original Benchmark DAC1 at a recording session I produced with John Atkinson. Using the DAC1 to power a pair of Sennheiser HD600 headphones, I was completely impressed with the DAC1's sound quality. When I learned that it could also decode almost every PCM bit depth and sample rate, that it could function as a preamplifier, and that it retailed for only $850 (current price: $995), I was shocked and delighted. Not long after that session, I bought an original DAC1. Since then it has, well, set the benchmark for an all-in-one digital-to-analog converter, volume control, and headphone amplifier.

这种惊喜发生在2004年,当我于约翰一起用DAC1制作一张唱片时。当时,我用DAC1驱动HD600耳机,我完全被DAC1的音质所震惊。当我得知DAC1 能当做各种BIT率的PCM解码, 还能当做前级,却仅售850美金(现在售价995美金)时,我震惊之后雀跃了!我立刻自己买了一台DAC1。自从那时起,benchmark公司开始了其数模转换,音量控制,耳机放大器一体机的历程。

Benchmark has upgraded and amended the DAC1 a number of times since the first iteration. They first added a USB input (the DAC1 USB, $1295), then an analog line-level input (the DAC1 PRE, $1595). Now arrives the DAC1 HDR ($1895, footnote 1), which includes everything in the three previous models, as well as a motorized Alps volume potentiometer that responds to a remote control. Unlike my DAC1, the HDR also features National Semiconductor LM4562 op-amps throughout the analog stage, as well as Teflon RCA connectors.


从第一代DAC1开始,Benchmark不断进行改进。第一次改进时,他们加入了USB输入(DAC1USB 1295美金),然后,加入模拟线性输入(DAC1 PRE 1595美金),现在,DAC1HDR来了(1895美金),DAC1HDR具有前三个大哥拥有的一切本领,增加了一个Alps的电位器,以用于遥控器遥控操作。

When JA asked me to review the DAC1 HDR, I had one big question: Would it sound much different from my old DAC1?


I found the fit, finish, styling, and layout of the DAC1 HDR to be slightly better than those of my DAC1. The volume pot felt smooth and sturdy to the touch, and I found it easy to select inputs and put the HDR in sleep mode with the centrally placed knob. Aside from some casual use of the USB input, I fed the HDR data from my Theta Miles CD transport via a Stereovox HDXV S/PDIF coaxial cable. The HDR fed a variety of power amps and integrated amplifiers I had on hand, including Rogue Audio's M180 monoblocks, the Simaudio Moon i3.3 and Mystère ia21 integrateds, and Pass Labs' XA30.5 and Aleph 3 power amps. When using any of the integrated amps, I bypassed the DAC1 HDR's volume control and fed the Mystère and Simaudio the HDR's calibrated output. I fed all of the amps except the Aleph 3 and Mystère balanced signals via the HDR's XLR outputs.

我感到DAC1HDR的外观比起DAC1有进步。音量旋钮更加顺滑,与底座结合也更加紧密。功能选择操作起来也更加顺手。我用Theta Miles CD转盘以Stereovox HDXV S/PDIF同轴线接在DAC1HDR上,然后,DAC1HDR同时为我身边的多组纯后级功放与合并功放做输出。包括Rogue Audio的M180单声道后级,Simaudio Moon i3.3,Mystère ia21合并功放,Pass Labs XA30.5Aleph 3后级。在接合并功放时,我采用DAC1HDR的直通功能,跳过DAC1HDR的前级音量控制功能。

Before doing any critical listening, I let the HDR cook in my system for a few weeks. During that time, I fell under the spell of controlling a Benchmark product with a remote. Though I thought the HDR's remote wasn't the most intuitive I'd ever used (the button that should increase the volume actually changes the input), I got used to its layout and loved having it do my bidding.


During the HDR's weeks of warmup, I slowly became aware that the music it was making sounded more relaxed, fleshed out, and dynamic than I was used to. I found myself listening to music more than I had with my old DAC1. I also found myself enjoying music more than I had in a while. My system has always had a nice tonal balance, big soundstage, and the right amounts of accuracy and soul. With the DAC1 HDR, the sound was similar to what I was used to, yet everything felt more right. The best compliment I can give the DAC1 HDR is that it made music feel good—which made me feel good.


Audiophilia nervosa eventually kicked in, however, and I got the urge to nitpick the similarities and differences between the DAC1 HDR and my old DAC1. Using the 1kHz test tone on Editor's Choice (CD, Stereophile STPH016-2) and my RadioShack decibel meter, I matched the levels of the two Benchmark DACs and began comparing them. Through the HDR, Broken Bells' "The High Road," from their eponymous album (CD, Columbia KC 55865), had fantastic separation between instruments, a soundstage both wide and deep, and a full yet punchy midbass. Switching back to my DAC1 on the same track, I was a bit shocked at how different it sounded. Actually, that's not correct—these DACs sounded quite similar. What shocked me was how different these DACs felt. The DAC1 HDR felt wonderfully organic and colorful, while the DAC1, though accurate, sounded a touch grayer and less involving.

审判时刻终于来到,我已经迫不及待地开始分辨DAC1HDR与DAC1之间的异同。使用1千赫兹测试音《Editor's Choice》,与我的RadioShack公司的分贝计,我将DAC1与DAC1HDR调到相同的声压,然后开始了对比测试。我听到,DAC1HDR 在 播放Broken Bells的《The High Road》这首歌时,乐器伴奏具有梦幻般的分离度,声场既宽又深,中低频饱满又强劲。切换到DAC1,播放同样曲目,我被巨大的差别所震惊。实际上,认为DAC1与DAC1HDR声音相似,是错误的。DAC1HDR的声音是极其自然而活生的,多姿多彩!而 DAC1,虽然音色是准确的,但是,听上去显得苍白而缺乏感情。



I came to the same conclusion listening to the Pet Shop Boys and Torsten Rasch's excellent soundtrack to Sergei Eisenstein's silent film Battleship Potemkin (CD, EMI 8744502). This new score for Eisenstein's seminal 1925 film pairs Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe's throbbing synthesizers and club beats with Rasch's densely scored strings. Compared with the HDR, the old DAC1 had a slightly less layered and slightly narrower soundstage, and a somewhat thinner midbass. The Potemkin soundtrack especially benefited from the HDR's ability to spatially delineate each sound and instrument from the others, to offer a clear picture of this music's disparate and intriguing textures.

当聆听《Battleship Potemkin》后,我得到同样的结论。DAC1的层次感与声场都不如DAC1HDR。中低频也显得偏瘦弱。在表现《Potemkin》这曲时,DAC1HDR 将乐器在空间中发出的声线描绘得互不干扰,轮廓非常清晰,将这首音乐的细节与迷人质感组成一幅清晰的画面展现在我眼前。


My wife and I love to sing along to songs in the car, and our current favorite is Animal Collective's "My Girls," from their Merriweather Post Pavilion (CD, Domino 219). It sounds fantastic as we drive I-94 (and especially when we sing along). However, I don't like listening to it on my home stereo, which easily reveals just how compressed and overcooked this recording is. The upside of the album's bad mastering is that I now use it as a reference for how components deal with today's ubiquitous overcooked recordings. Though I consistently found that the DAC1 HDR offered more resolution than my old DAC1, it was actually more forgiving of this album's hot treble. Through the DAC1, the treble sounded a touch more homogeneous, making sibilants sound like a shaken shaker or a struck hi-hat. While both Benchmark DAC1s rendered almost identical tonal balances, the HDR laid out each treble sound with greater spatial clarity and timbral definition. The HDR's rendering of music was always subtly and surprisingly more musical, even with poor recordings.

聆听《My Girls》,当我在驾驶轿车时,他听起来还不错,但是,我绝对不会在我家的立体声系统上听这首曲子。因为,我家的HIFI系统揭示出这首歌曲有极其压缩无立体感的,过分夸张的录音。这张唱片的差劲录音唯一的优点在于,让我作为对现在层出不穷的垃圾录音唱片的参考。我发现DAC1HDR有更高的分析力,他对这张唱片的垃圾高频有更多的包容力,而DAC1则让这些高频变得分辨不清,使得齿音听上去颤抖饿摇筛或是罢工的金属刷。两者音色平衡有相似性,但是DAC1HDR将各个高频声音表现的更具清晰的空间感与轮廓的凝聚度。HDR的音乐描绘是细致而有惊人的音乐性,即使是表现垃圾唱片。


I also used the DAC1 HDR as a headphone amp. It drove my Sennheiser HD600s every bit as well as does my DAC1. Through 'phones, the HDR again revealed itself as more refined and musical than the DAC1, with a bigger soundstage, better solidity and separation of instruments in the stereo image, and better treble resolution. I had no trouble getting the HDR's USB input to talk to my laptop (running Windows Vista) when playing files ripped from "Red Book" CDs. I wasn't able to try the Benchmark DAC1 HDR's analog input—I have no analog source. A goal for the near future is to get my first turntable. Stay tuned.


DAC1HDR的耳机放大器部分与DAC1一样好,插上我的HD600,DAC1HDR展现出比起DAC1更加精确细腻,更加动听的音乐。声场更加大,声线更加凝聚,乐器分离更好,分析力也更高。于是我立刻将我的笔记本电脑(Windows Vista)与DAC1HDR用USB线连接,播放直接从CD抓轨的音乐。由于我没有模拟音源,所以没有办法测试DAC1的模拟输入部分。

Summing up

Ostensibly, the DAC1 HDR's volume pot, RCA terminals, and op-amps are the only things that should make it sound different from my old DAC1. While I expected these upgrades would make some audible differences, I also expected that the two DACs would sound essentially the same. Sure enough, it turned out that the DAC1 and DAC1 HDR are cut from the same sonic cloth. However, the HDR offered subtle improvements in many areas of performance over the DAC1. All together, these small differences made a change greater than their mere sum. The DAC1 HDR made music in a more engaging and organic way than its little brother, and I think most listeners will be able to hear that difference—or, at least, feel it.

Yes, the DAC1 HDR costs almost twice as much as the original DAC1, and no, it doesn't sound twice as good. That said, I feel the DAC1 HDR's higher price is entirely justified, based on its outstanding performance and myriad features and inputs. If the original DAC1 was a Goliath-slayer among DACs, the DAC1 HDR is King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans slaughtering Xerxes' army in the battle of Thermopylae. Benchmark's DAC1 HDR is my new reference for a high-value, do-it-all DAC-preamplifier-headphone driver. I didn't expect the DAC1 HDR to outshine my old DAC1 as much as it did. No wonder I so enjoyed my time with it.—Erick Lichte


显然 ,DAC1HDR的音量旋钮,RCA端子,运放是仅有的可能让声音不同于我的DAC1的要素。我知道这些部分的升级会使听感不同,但我也期望这两个DAC声音相同。可以确信,DAC1与DAC1HDR这两件不同的衣服是来自同一块布料,然而,DAC1HDR在各方面进行了微妙的改进。这些微妙的改进形成1+1远大于2的效果。DAC1HDR的音乐比起老大哥DAC1来说,更加感人,更加鲜活。我认为几乎所有人都能分辨他们之间的区别。

DAC1HDR比起DAC1贵了近一倍,但是,其声音并不是成一倍的提高。但我要说,贵一倍的价格是合理的。因为DAC1HDR具有杰出的表现,多功能,多输入端子。假设DAC1最初版扮演解码中的巨人杀手之角色,那么,DAC1HDR是斯巴达国王列奥尼达斯,率领300名斯巴达勇士在温泉关战役中奋勇厮杀波斯国国王王薛西斯的部队,重创波斯军。DAC1HDR成为我的“高性价比”,“解码,前级放大器,耳机放大器全能”的新参考标准。我没有想到DAC1HDR超越了我的DAC1,我非常享受DAC1HDR!—Erick Lichte



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