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阿联酋航空推出全新机上儿童玩具,尽显无穷乐趣  Children Take Off On Emira

(2007-04-03 16:11:59)

http://www.grandhotels.com.cn/eWebEditor_V280_Free_sp1/UploadFile/200743151817716.jpg Children Take Off On Emira" TITLE="阿联酋航空推出全新机上儿童玩具,尽显无穷乐趣  Children Take Off On Emira" />


  玩具包中有一个柔软的新玩具专为阿联酋航空推出,一定会成为孩子们的最爱。它叫做“科科”(“Querk”)。 科科是一个喜欢旅游,并能扮成多种不同动物形象周游世界的动物。这个可爱的绒毛玩具包装在柔软的织带内,并配有五种动物服饰:穆斯林狮子装、约克老鹰装、悉尼树袋熊装、巴黎兔子装和德里大象装。
    科科由德国Simba Toys玩具厂为阿联酋航空特约提供,今后两年里只会出现在阿航航班上。随后厂家可零售玩具,但变身服装仍然只有阿航才有。
    阿航和世界著名的故事作者苏士博士(Dr. Seuss)签订了独家协议,其10个经典儿童故事会在阿航的航班上轮流提供。
   阿联酋航空服务供应部高级副总裁特里·戴利(Terry Daly)表示:“我们不断提升阿航的机上产品。我们已经为年轻乘客们安排了一系列全新的玩具、游戏、拼图和读物并轮流提供,这样孩子们在不同航线可以享受更多的乐趣。”
在阿航所有航线上都为婴儿和幼儿提供一套清洁包,其中有:湿巾、乳液、围嘴、牙咬和纸巾。摇篮曲线设计更加适合婴儿。婴儿食品、奶粉、奶瓶和尿布会一直供应。乘坐阿航的儿童可以通过椅背后电视屏幕收看CTV 和Skysurfers频道的喜剧和动画片、电影、音乐,以及一个提供50种游戏的互动频道。
   阿航的空客A340-500,波音777-300远程(ER)以及几乎所有的波音777-200客机都提供信息、通讯和娱乐(ICE)系统。除了Skysurfers频道,阿航这先进的娱乐和通讯系统还推出了新放送的家庭电影、迪斯尼经典电影、世界影院、阿拉伯和喜剧频道的儿童娱乐节目,音频频道的音乐剧如狮子王和吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling)的故事。配置ICE系统的飞机还提供了41种游戏。
Emirates has a surprise for children traveling on board their long haul flights. Frow now on, they will find a brand new bumper bag of goodies to make flying fun, in addition to the airline’s extenstive inflight entertainment package.
The new toys come in one of two must-have bags: a colourful rucksack (presented on flights outbound from Dubai) and a cool bag (presented on inbound flights). Each one comes in five different colour combinations.
Among them is a new soft toy exclusive to Emirates and sure to become a favourite. It’s called a Querk. The Querk is an animal that loves to travel and can take on the guise of various animals from destinations around the world. This lovable character comes in a soft fabric bag with one of five costumes: Salaam the Lion, Yorkie the Eagle, Sydney the Koala, Paris the Rabbit or Delhi the Elephant. 
Children will have fun dressing up the Querk and will be eager to collect the whole set. For babies and toddlers, the Querk comes in the form of a glove puppet dressed in one of the five animal costumes.
The Querk, from German manufacturer Simba Toys, will be exclusively available on Emirates flights for the next two years. It will then be retailed by the makers but the costumes given on Emirates will continue to be exclusive to the airline.
The classic stories from Dr. Seuss will also feature onboard in paperback, the result of an exclusive deal between Emirates and the publishers. Emirates will rotate 10 of the classic children’s stories.
Along with the book, there’s a  fun and colourful magazine –e-kids - produced exclusively for Emirates’ young fliers. Half of the activity book will be dedicated for readers under five and half for six to 12-year-olds. The pack includes games, colouring pencils and a cool child-size eye shade.
Terry Daly, Emirates Divisional Senior Vice President Service Delivery, said: “We are constantly enhancing our onboard product. For our young passengers, we have created a completely new range of toys, games, puzzles and reading material and will rotate the items so that children enjoy much more variety on every flight.”
Everything has been designed in brand new colours. The new product gives children their own livery of purple, green and yellow which is applied to cutlery, tray mats, snack boxes, headset bags as well as the toy bags. 
In addition to new toys, mealtime will be a special treat with a children’s menu specifically designed as part of the new product. 
For babies and toddlers on all routes there’s a toiletry kit with wet wipes, cream, bib, teething ring and tissue pack. A more child-friendly liner for the bassinet has been designed. Baby food, formula, feeding bottles and diapers are always available, as before. For entertainment via the personal seatback television screens, children on Emirates still have their own CTV & Skysurfers channel with comedy and cartoons, movies and music; and an interactive channel offering 50 games.
Emirates' A340-500s, all Boeing 777-300ERs and almost all Boeing 777-200s offer inflight entertainment on 'ice'. In addition to the Skysurfers channel, this state-of-the-art entertainment and communications system features new release family movies, Disney Classics, child-size entertainment on the World Cinema, Arabic and Comedy channels, and musicals such as The Lion King and Rudyard Kipling stories on the audio channels. Ice-equipped aircraft also feature 41 games.   
To complete their enjoyment, children can listen and watch with specially-designed kiddie-sized headsets available in bright colours.


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