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《这一生为何而来》-The Instruction: Living the life your soul intended

(2011-09-25 05:04:43)


分类: 我存在因为我阅读



















 http://s15/middle/85f7f85cxb1c99cbb1dbe&690Instruction: Living the life your soul intended" TITLE="《这一生为何而来》-The Instruction: Living the life your soul intended" />

http://s14/middle/85f7f85cxb1c9b4da6dcd&690Instruction: Living the life your soul intended" TITLE="《这一生为何而来》-The Instruction: Living the life your soul intended" />









这个级别的灵魂不止是创造者,他们同时也是鉴赏家。他们热爱生命中一切美丽美好的事物:丰盛美食,陈年醇酒,华衣美服。我想很多服装设计师和大厨师肯定也都是这个级别的,我相信《潜水钟与蝴蝶》里的Jean-Dominique Bauby也绝对是一个七级灵魂。






第十级灵魂是圣人和觉悟者。他们对于人世间令我们困惑的一切—包括我们自己—都豁然了悟,因而获得了内心彻底的自在和祥和。他们变得无私,甚至无惧于死亡。耶稣,释迦摩尼佛,乃至于美国灵性作家DR. Wayne Dyer, 都是十级灵魂。

 http://s10/middle/85f7f85cxb1cba0b1bd09&690Instruction: Living the life your soul intended" TITLE="《这一生为何而来》-The Instruction: Living the life your soul intended" />


-The helper:帮助者

-The caregiver:照顾者

-The educator:教育家

-The thinker:思想家

-The creator:创造者

-The performer:表演家

-The hunter:猎人

-The leader:领袖

-The spiritualist:灵性主义者

-The transformer:改革者

http://s15/middle/85f7f85cxb1cb98f6910e&690Instruction: Living the life your soul intended" TITLE="《这一生为何而来》-The Instruction: Living the life your soul intended" />
I’ve always believed that I have previous lives. Sometimes something very strange happen in my dream, and when I wake up, I can feel confused, excited, annoyed, but seldom scared. Although I’ve never received any unmistakable messages from any of my past lives (If I can believe I have more than one of them already) like someone else who claimed to have had, I do believe dreams are doors to the information from somewhere out of our this life, wherever it might be.

Thus when I read the book The Instruction: Living the life your soul intended, I felt as if meeting and talking to an old, understanding friend who is more spiritual than I am.


The author Ainslie Macleod is a Scottish psychic who had experienced a lot of frustration and waste in his life until he finally found his calling as a psychic more than 10 years ago, and decided to devote his life to studying and exploring everything about our souls.


Why are we so different?

Is this a question you’ve asked yourself? In this book, Ainslie said the reason is because we have different soul ages and soul types.

First of all, we’re more than a body, a face and a biologic age. We’re all souls, and the reason we-or our souls come to the world is to learn how to be a human. In order to learn, we have to reincarnate, and get older with every reincarnation.

There are altogether 10 levels of soul ages. And according to the author, several thousand years and many lifetimes ago, we come into the world as a level I soul, and at the end of Level 10, we might have something like 120-150 lives behind us.

The level 1-5 souls are young souls while the level 6-10 souls are old souls, and each soul age has its own unique characteristics or advantages and risks:

-Level 1 souls are brand new souls and like toddlers, they try to avoid anything that’s new and complicated, including the modern world. I will call this level “Small villagers”. Think of people in African tribes, North American Indians (like Eskimoians);


-Level 2 souls see the world in terms of black and white, good and bad and although they are mostly devout religion followers, they want religion for protection rather than spiritual connection. And only the god they believe in is the real God. I think most of characters in fairy tales belong to this group, as well as those Jews fighting for Jerusalem.


-Level 3 souls are “Good citizen”. They are more urban than previous souls, they work hard and wants to have social approval in almost everything they do. Remember seeing those people who put their national flag on top of their backpack, out of their car, in front of their house and of course on their body(to wear)faces at those worldwide events like World cup and Olympics, they are most likely level 3 souls? I believe these are typical Level 3 souls.

-Level 4 souls are more complicated than the first 3 levels but they can be typical “Hypocrites”. They have high moral standards in their homes and community, and thus can be “social models”, but at the same time they may be doing just things they accuse their children and their peers of, like gambling,alcohol abuse, drug addiction, etc. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of English writer Rorbert Louis Stevenson is perhaps the best example of Level 4.



-Level 5 souls are aggressive and ambitious, and they are born leaders. Alexander the Great, Napolean, Hitler, George W. Bush and most of other American presidents are at these levels. One thing I found very interesting here is the author mentioned those souls who want face lift and boob jobs are all of these levels. So It seems most celebrities automatically are level 5!


Souls of Level 6 to level 10 are called old souls, and all these levels are not so concerned about the external standards and requirements but rather their own internal world. It begins with the desire to understand the purpose of life and gradually transforms into a desire to understand the purpose of one particular life: their own.


Level 6 souls question everything. They want more fairness for themselves and people around them. They can be trade union leaders, strike organizers, social workers.

Level 7 souls are souls of artists, poets, writers, musicians, inventors, and genius. Renaissance is a time when lots of such souls were born, Michelangelo, Leonard da Vinci, Titian, Donatello, etc, etc. They are the reason why our culture and civilizations are what they are today.

These souls are creative, innovative, and can be so self-absorbed that there is danger of neurosis. Think of Van Gogh cutting his ear.

The souls of this level are not only creators, but connoisseurs; they love everything beautiful in life, like gourmet food, vintage wines, and stylish clothes. I think a lot of fashion designers are chefs must be this level, too. And I believe Jean-Dominique Bauby from Movie Le Scaphandre et Le Pallilon is absolutely a level 7 soul.

Unlike level 7, level 8 souls are more connected to the society, and although they are self-inspectors, they are not overly obsessed with themselves. They are usually involved in political parties, organizations and charities that are established with good intention. I think David Suzuki, the most famous Canadian environmentalist, and Paula Begoun, the author of Don’t go to the cosmetics counter without me, the American woman who is knowledgeable and brave enough to expose the dirty facts of cosmetic industry, are both Level 8 souls.

I’ll call Level 9 souls “The yogis”. They almost have no interest in society and the external world, and focus most of their energy on their self improvement. They live a quiet, peaceful and in many ways very passive life. Souls of this level, certainly don’t do any harm to the world, but they may not contribute anything to it either. All of those ancient Asian monks and nuns, gentlemen and gentlewomen who went to live in the mountain and those modern Indian yogis who choose to do the same are level 9 souls.

Level 10 souls are the saints and enlightened ones. They have understood everything they need to understand about life and themselves, they have total peace and tranquility, they become selfless, they are not even afraid of death anymore. Gandhi, Christ, Buddha, even Dr. Wayne Dyer, the American spiritual writer, are level 10.

It’s not enough to just know our soul age. In order to completely understand who we really are, we need also know what kind of souls we are. Like the soul age, the soul types can be also divided into 10 types:

-The helper

-The caregiver

-The educator

-The thinker

-The creator

-The performer

-The hunter

-The leader

-The spiritualist

-The transformer

Soul type





Dedication, Stoicism



Empathy, Loyalty



Erudition, Eloquence



Restraint, Rationality



Sensitivity, Idealism



Passion, Playfulness



Determination, Practicability



Charisma, wisdom



Compassion, Spirituality



Inspiration, Love


According to author, most of souls are defined by two influences rather than one, with one of them dominant. For example, Nelson Mandela  and John Lenon are both Level 10 spiritualist with Leader influences.


After knowing who we really are by knowing both our soul age and soul type, the next question will be: WHY ARE WE HERE? The author  again said there are 10 different missions for different souls:

1.    Mission of change: people with this mission can make incredible marks on the world, but it also has a strong internal aspect. If you like to read self help books, the author said you have “Change” in your mission.

2.    Mission of exploration: These souls want the maxim opportunity for having real world experience. The people who want to climb the mountains ”because the mountains are there”, those who want to go to the South Pole and North Pole, the astronauts all have this mission. The English business man Richard Branson is perhaps the most interesting explorer.

3.    Mission of examination: These souls can examine internally to investigate their thoughts and actions to give their life meaning, and if their focus is external, they will have the thirst for knowledge and desire to understand the world. Philosophers, writers, academics, scientists become what they are because of this mission.

4.    Mission of flow: The purpose of this type of soul is perhaps the best, or the easiest. They come here to accept everything as is, and take life as it comes.

5.    Mission of control: When a mission of control is focused internally, it gives people the need to have a huge say in their destiny. They won’t want others to make decisions on their behalf, or telling them what to do. And when it’s focused outwardly, they have the need to run things.

6.    Mission of connection: For people with this mission, touch is as essential to their survival as oxygen. According to statistics, over 80% people have connection as their primary mission.

7.    Mission of avoidance: They are the opposite to people with mission of connection. Tranquility and solitude are most important for these souls. But the danger is they tend to isolate themselves too much from others.

8.    Mission of healing: Healing is a common mission for those in the medical, caring or teaching professional. Mother Teresa, a Level 10 Hunter type, and Florence Nightingale, a Level 6 helper, both have this mission. Outwardly, it’s achieved by making others better. Inwardly, it’s about healing trauma from this lifetime and ones in the past.

9.    Mission of reliance: They come here to depend on other people. I think these souls are the luckiest souls (or they need to be very lucky to really fulfill their mission, finding someone they can rely on). Every time when I see someone in wheelchair on the street, I feel sorry for them, but now I have a different thought. Maybe that’s their mission in this life.

10. Mission of love.


The second part of the book becomes repetitive, confusing and even a little bit overwhelming for me. For example, those 10 desires and 10 challenges are somewhat overlapping, and besides, why is it necessary to say no to all of our desires like wealth, health, attraction, particularly if some souls’ mission is to be rich, a healer or a performer?

Also, I found the author’s recommendation of how to find our soul age, soul type, soul mission, our fears and desires, etc. are not so practical. He suggested that we go into a meditative state and ask for help from our spiritual guide. I’ve been meditating for many years and tried it and didn’t have the fortune to talk to “my spiritual guide”, and what about people who don’t like meditation or don’t know what meditation is? Does that mean they can never find their mission in this world? I don’t think so! And I truly think by reading the description given by author, anyone with basic understanding will have no difficulty finding the answer. After all, it’s our own soul.

But I still think this is a great book and I feel very grateful about it. It makes me understand who I really am—A level 7 creator and thinker, and why I am the way I am: Why I am so obsessed with beautiful things and why ugly things, people and sceneries always make me feel so depressed; Why I love the company of books and music so much more than that of people; Why I’d rather be alone than making friends with people who like to ask you ”what’s up, buddy?” or “What’s going on?”, or such meaningless small talks like English people’s conversation of weathers. I love to be with myself, and I’ll always choose solitude over friendship, any friendship. I’ve been frustrated, and confused about myself, but now I know why.


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