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(2011-01-07 10:41:11)








(东北师范大学人文学院   哥本哈根商学院  吉林 长春 130117


[ ]“情况”一词在中文里所含意义很广,译为英文时决不能固守英文的几个词, 要视原文的上下文,在英文中找出较为恰当的表现方法,灵活地加以处理。

[关键词] 情况, 灵活, 语境


将“情况” 译为英语, 不是件容易的事。 它的意义范围很广,凡是发生的事情都是“情况”。 它可以指条件,所处的形势,局势,案例,信息, 进展,事态,实况,与个人相关的环境条件,某一实物的现状,状态,出现的新事,事物本身的状态,外观,处境,不同于常见现象的特例。也可以是确指的某一事物或者是前文所讲述的而在下文中用代词表现的内容。 下面通过具体译例分别讨论一下。


一、    “情况”是指一般客观情况, 通常可译为circumstances:

1.       不管什么情况,做母亲的都会挺身而出保护自己的孩子。

Mothers would protect their babies in/under almost any circumstances.

2.       情况有变, 我们的计划就要相应地加以修改。

Our plan has to be modified in accordance with the altered circumstances.

3.       如果情况特殊, 委员会可以允许工程超过六个月。

In exceptional circumstances the commision may allow the project duration to exceed 6 monthes.

4.       你认为那里的情况真么样?

 What do you think of the circumstance there?


二、    “情况”指具体条件,也可译为 circumstances:

1. 我知道你最近的情况有所好转。

I know your circumstances have considerably improved of late.

     2. 在美国商界要想获得成功靠什么?仁者见仁,智者见智,看法相去甚远。 假如情况相同,有人就会认为,成功的原因主要靠机会,需要天时与地利。


What does it take to succeed in American business? Opinions vary widely. Given approximately equal qualifications and circumstances, some claim the success factor is largely a matter of luck—being in the right place at the right time.

 3. 学生要么整天上班,要么家庭条件不允许只读书不干活。

The student is in full-time employment or has domestic circumstances which make full-time study impossible.


三、 “情况” 指所处客观形势、客观环境时,可译situation: picture ,climate.

     1. 市场情况完全对我们有利。

       The market situation is entirely in our favor.

     2. 情况有所变化,买主倾向于退出市场。

        The changes in the situation dipose the buyers from the market.

   3. 这种问题必会出现资料不足的情况。

The situation may arise where there is insufficient data available on this topic.

4. 市场情况、形势

market situation;

     5. 经济萧条期间,许多企业出现问题,利润下降,因此而裁员。在这种情况下,失业率会增加。

     In a period of economic recession many businesses suffer, their profits fall and they have to make cuts. In this climate there will be a rise in unemployment..

6. 出现下面情况,按你判断,指出问题可能出现的原因。

Faced with the following situations, according to your perception, please indicate first the probable cause of each problem.

7. 上个月经济情况(形势)发生了很大变化。

         The economic picture has changed a lot in the last month.

8. 翻看历史纪录, 情况往往不一样。

A review of the historical record suggests a different picture.


四、 “情况” 有时指的是案情、案例、此情此景,这时可译为case:

1. 病人可能会出现恶心或困倦等症状。在这种情况下,针灸往往会比药物或其他疗法更有效。

The patients may feel dizzy or tired. Acupuncture can often be more effective than drugs or other treaments (therapies) in those cases.

2.  据我所知,没有那种情况。

As far as I know, there are not cases like that.

3. 情况确实如此。

It was indeed the case .

 4.  投资人在这种情况下会不知所措。

The investor did not know what to do with himself in that case.


 1.  在实际工作中,经常会有略不到的情况。

In practice unexpected case can often occur.

2. 只买过一次东西的人,经过不断联系成为回头客这种情况也不少见。

Not rare are cases where a buyer in a single sale is made a regular customer if pursued continually.

六.有时“情况”指希望得到的信息、有关方面的内容,这时可译为 information.

1.       我们希望了解有关情况

We would like to know all the necessary information.

2.       请贵方将自己所掌握的情况通知我们,以尽早了解申诉问题。

You should supply information to settle your appeal as soon as you have it.

3.       如果贵方想进一步了解情况,请与我们联系,不必客气。

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us .

4.       他建议我向您询问有关工读情况。

He advised me to contact you for information about work-study opportunities.

5.       我方希望得到信用证签发情况。

We are awaiting your information about the L/C position.

6.       他避而不谈我要了解的情况。

He avoided giving me the information I wanted.

7.  他写信给巴黎的朋友,打听情况。He has written to friends in France, asking for information.

七. “情况”有时表达的是某一领域的新变化,进展情况,这时可以用 developmentchangecircumstances 等词表达。

1.       这个世界总是有新的情况发生,我们常常聚到一起谈谈,太好了。

There are so many developments taking place in our world that it would be wonderful if we could meet and have regular dicussion about them.

2.       这些机构对中国发生的情况起到重要作用。

   The institutions and departments are playing a large role in the changes taking place in China.

3.       本报将及时介绍我国的政治、经济、文化等各方面情况。

   Our paper gives timely coverage to politicaleconomicand cultural developments in the country.

4.       请密切观察形势并将发展情况随时告之。

Please survey the situation closely and keep us informed of the developments.

    5.  新的情况及其所带来的增长在中国的巨大变化中起着重要的作用。

.       The new development and the consequential growth will play a large role in the changes taking place in China.

八. 有时“情况”是指与某人有密切关系的总形势与事物进展情况,这时可以译成 thing(s)或其派生词everything:

1.       情况怎么样?

How are things going? How ‘s everyting ?

2.       那还是1996年。从那以后,情况好多了。

That was in 1996. Since then things have been much better.

3.       你的情况怎么样?

How are things with you?

4.       现在情况不一样了。

Things aren’t what they used to be.

     5.  情况变了,啥都不一样了。

 Things have changed. Things are different now.

九.在商务往来中,“情况”指实际情况、具体内容,或案情的实际内容,这时往往可译成fact, detail, particulars, particular fact 等词:

1.       以下为托运人提供的情况。

Here are the particulars furnished by the shipper.

2.       贵方所需要的详细情况在剪样薄、价目单以及商品目录里都有。

The sample cutting book, price list and catalog will give you the details you requrie.

3.       我方能否接受所安排的办法要视具体情况而定。

Whether or not we can accept an arrangement will depend on the particular facts.

4.       甲公司第一年用200万元购得一片土地。第三年以250万元卖出。乙公司的情况与甲公司相同,只是第三年所卖价格是230万。

Corporation A purchased a parcel of land in Year 1 for two million. It sold the land in Year 3 for 2.5 million. The facts with Corporation B are the same as those with A except that B sold the land for 2.3 million.

5.       制定现金流量时, 似乎没有流动资金给股东, 这种情况不利于吸引投资人。 When we make a cash flow statement, there seems to be no liquidity for dividends to shareholders, a fact that might make it more difficult to attract investors.

6.       按实际交货情况收款。

To charge the buyer at actuals.

7.       我们了解了真实情况。

We have learned the truth .

十.情况往往可以指某一事物本身的状态,也可以指与其他事物相互的关系。这时可译为position, standing, status 或是state等词:

  1. A----今后交货是否可以不转船?


    -----Is it possible to avoid transshipment for future deliveries?

    ------ That depends much on the shipping position.

  2. 他方财务情况是:

    Their financial position (standingstatusis as follows:

3. 实际情况怎样?

What is the actual position of affairs?

      4. 我方等待贵方信用证签发情况。

         We are awaiting your information about L/C postion.

5. 不正常的情况给我们带许多不方便。

The improper state of affairs caused us a lot of inconvenience.

6. 情况/状态调查case status request

7. 就业情况/状态employment status  

8. 失业情况/状态inactive status in employment

9. 人口流动情况/状态mobility status


十一、 Position ,standing status 等词含义也较广。既可以指有利形势,又可指不利形势。如果情况涉及拨款与分配或再投资内容,用soundness benefit 可能会比position, standing, status 更好些:

1.    他方财务情况对此次投资有利。

Their financial soundness is favorable to the investment.

2. 每年提取储备基金的比例由董事会根据公司经营状况讨论决定。

   The proportion to be deducted of the reserve funds per annum shall be decieded on by the Board of Directors in the light of the business benefit of the Joint Venture.(经营情况实际是指盈利情况,译文用了benefit ,使原中文的情况具体化了。)


十二、 当被叙述的内容处于某种受控状态、秩序井然时,“情况”可以译为 condition order 等词:

1.       我们可以向你方保证,货物离开此地时情况良好。

We can assure you that the goods were in good order when they left here.

2.       我方深信货物到达目的地时情况会良好

We believe that the goods will arrive at the destinantion in perfect condition.

3.       此油脂在天气变化的情况下也不会被液化流开。

The slushing compound will not liquify and run off under changing weather conditions.

4.       货物外表情况良好。

The goods (packages) are in apparent good order and condition.


十三、如果“困难”与“情况”连用,那就是指困难处境,可以译为troubleproblem,或plight 等。

1.       他听了家里的困难情况后,同意出去找工作。

After she had heard about the family’s financial troubles (problems), she agreed to look for a job.

2.       对于受害人的情况大家都感到震惊。

Everyone was horrified about the plight of the vicitims.



1.       他遇到过同样的情况

He had the same experience.

2.       她在农村的情况我已经听说了。

I ‘ve heard about her experience in the country.



1. 在以后报价时,请考虑上述情况。

Please take the above into consideration when submitting quotations in future.

2. 听到这种情况,我们都很遗憾。

        We are sorry to hear that .

     3. 如果出现那种情况,我方对发生费用概不负责。

        If that happens, we shall not be liable for expenses.

     4. 他也问了我们分手后我的其它情况。

        He also asked what had happened to me since we separated.

5.       找个机会再谈那的情况好么?

Don’t you think we can talk about it on another occasion?



1.       剩余数量(情况)我们一无所知。

We know nothing of balance.

2.       这些公司和银行对中国的市场(情况)十分了解。

These companies and banks know the Chinese market very well.

3.       特殊情况单独考虑。

Any exceptions will be considered on an individual basis.

4.       论文答辩情况Thesis presentation and defense


十七、 很多情况下,“情况”在英语译文中不通过相应的词,而是通过其他词语或语言环境体现出来。

1. 我们很高兴收到你方来信,了解我校情况。

   We were very happy to receive your letter of inquiry about our school.

2. 他们谈了工作的情况,谈得很晚。

They talked about their work far into the night.

3. 做小手术时会是一种什么情况。

       Minor operations ---what to expect.

4. 有贸易往来的国家建立了一种叫做国际收入的记账概念,它记录了一个国家和别的国家在贸易和资本流动方面的情况。

Trading nations have developed an accounting concept called balance of payments , which records a country’s trade and capital flow in relation to other countries.

5.       鉴于贵方遇到人力不可抗拒的情况,我们同意撤销订单。

In view of force majeure at your end we agree to cancel the order.

6.       一般情况下,他课堂活动不积极。 In general he is not active in class activities.

7.       情况是,省了一个词而影响了表意清除,我们就不能省去这个词。

We should never omit a word at the expense of clearness.



1.       税官出访是在特殊的情况下进行的。Visit abroad of foreign tax officials is only in exceptional cases.

2. 可能由于业务上复杂,会带来特殊情况。There are unique situaions which could be a result of business complexity.

3. 特殊情况特殊处理。Any exceptions will be considered on an individual basis.  

4. 特殊情况、案例special case; extraordinary case;


十九、 情况的其它表现方式。

1. 美国人如何看待到中国进行商业谈判的问题----常见的几种情况:

   How Americans perceive negotiation in China –some generalizations.

2. 各分公司根据业务情况,自行决定。

  Each branch is allowed to make decisions on their own in accordance with their business background.

3. 他们向经理汇报的谈判情况。

  They reported their discussion to the manager.

4. 考虑到实际情况,要有灵活的办法。

   Practical considrations dictate flexible approaches.

5. 情况介绍会

   A briefing session

6. 货源情况

   The availability of the goods

7. 一国,把矾土加价六成,迫使其他成员国就范。在磷酸盐和锡的卡特尔里,也出现同样的情况。(同样的模式/格局)

   A country imposed a sixfold price increase on bauxite, forcing the other memebers to follow . The same pattern occurred in phosphate and tin cartels.

8. 合营企业各方认为,合营企业的账目与记录应准确地反应收入与支出,以确定其经营的获利情况。

   The PARTIES understand that the JOINT VENTURE’s books and records shall accurately match income and expenses in order to determine the profitability of the JOINT VENTURE’s operations.

9. 帐目与记录应准确公正地反映合营企业的财务活动情况。

   The books and records shall accurately and fairly reflect the financial transactions and activities of the JOINT VENTURE.

10. 我们必须根据具体情况来判断每件案子。

   We must decide each such case on its merits.

11. 统计数字反映出合营企业所进行的各个项目的财务情况.

   The data consolidate the financial results of all projects undertaken by the joint venture.(反映的是财务最终结果)

13. 当事一方可由于业务需要向其指定的需要了解这种情报的职工透漏独有情报。在这种情况下,该当事方应采取一切合理措施防止这些职工用独有情报替自身利益服务。

   Proprietary Information may be disclosed by a Party to its designated employees whose duties so require and in such event such Party shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent such employees from using Proprietary Inforamtion for their benefit.

14. 如果天气情况有利,我们就可以去。

If the weather turns out favorable, we will go.

15. 在财力,人力许可的情况下within constraints imposed by the fiscal and human resources available

16. 交货执行情况delivery performance

17. 合同执行的进展情况(指执行任务情况的好坏)the progress of the performance of the contract

18. 生活水平的改善要依情况而定(指周边环境情况)。

The improvement in living standards needs to be put into context.

19. “工作情况”(指工作性质,任务),这时可译成about the work/job

20. “工作情况”( 某人的工作情况,也就是此人的工作表现),可翻译为(one’s) work performance







2Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ,Pitman Press,1978.

3Gage Canadian Dictionary, Gage Educational Publishing Co. 1979


5】现代汉语词典, 商务印书馆,1978.


Qingkuang-- The Best Way in English

Tian Zhongyu


Abstract: The Chinese word情况 (qingkuang) has a wide semantic coverage. It should not be restricted to only a few English “equivalents” when translated into English. Different contexts demand different wording.

Key words: qingkuang, flexibility, context



[1][作者简介]田中雨 1943-),男,吉林长春人,东北师范大学人文学院哥本哈根商学院教授




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