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A letter from An American friend

(2011-06-20 00:06:09)


分类: 涉外婚姻男女情感
Thanks for the text yesterday.  Like I said I have been thinking about you lately and wondering how you and the baby is doing.  I went to Mxxx(a city), last week for the xxx there and before I left I looked to see how far it was to New York.  But it is still quite far.  I still never been to New York and would love to visit that city.  Maybe someday..

I am sorry for not writing sooner but have been very busy.   At work, my bidder was successful and now I am the National Account Manager for the Bxxxx account.  The extra money is nice, but with more responsibility comes more headaches. 
Jane(a false name I changed 中国国内女孩子,化名) is such a huge disappointment for me.  I remember you telling me I did not have any trust so with her I tried to show her how much I cared.  Really, after being with her I really did fall for her.  I had feelings for her that were even stronger than I did for my ex-ex-wife.  I never thought I would feel the way I did for my ex-ex with anyone else.  So I guess the only good thing is I now know that I can fall in love again and I can have a better relationship than before since I am a bit more wiser.  Summer, I never wanted a child, but there were times where I found myself wanting to build a family with her.  But the down side is because I did feel the way I did, it hurt very much.
I also really feel bad because I loved Jane so much, I wanted to be with her, it was because of her that I did file divorce papers(he divorced his second wife). 
I have dated a little since then but really hard to find a nice person.  Especially Chinese.  Honestly, I am really starting to get discouraged by Chinese girls.  A couple months ago, shortly after Jane and I broke up I met this girl Kate(a false name 化名).  She actually approached me and we have become friends.  She is from mid-Chian, and has been here about 1,5 years now.  She is 32, has a 12 year old child.  She is very interested in me, but I tell her I do not want to be a father and we just stay friends.  I have been helping her a lot since it keeps my mind off Jane.
I dated this other girl 3 or 4 times.  Her name was Eve, and she was born in east China, but was living in Taiwan before coming to USA.  She was going to school learning English.  And she would always ask me to help her financially just after meeting her.  I took her to XX one weekend for a XX event which she had no interest in seeing.  So after that I stopped seeing her.  I felt she just wanted money from me and there was no future for us.
I know what I want and what I am looking for in a mate.  I don't want anything but a Long Term relationship with someone with similar taste and interest.  I don't want to change anyone or control them or make them feel like I own them.  I just want someone to travel and enjoy life with.  Someone to build a future together and build memories together.
Right now I am not seeing anyone.  Just been focused on work, paying my bills and saving.  I done pretty good.  I got all my credit cards paid off.  My BMW I only owe XXXX left.  And I have put about XXK in the bank.
MXXXX( a city 城市名) was beautiful.  I had a nice time visiting, but would be better if there was someone there with me to share the experience.  I think later this year I will make the trip down to Brazil.

这个人40岁出头,他的第二任妻子,中国人,为了呆在美国利用他和他结婚,但是结婚后给他戴了很多绿帽子被他抓到几次。之后,他飞去国内见一个女孩子Jane好几次,而且也去见了她家人,在帮她办理签证事宜时那女孩却消失了。当他告诉我他们的事情时,我提出了我的疑惑,因为我不是很信任那女孩。可是看在他的份上,我还是给他很多帮女孩签证的建议和操作。因为他一直告诉我她和他的一些情况,我对那女孩的不信任让他很气愤,为此他和我断了来往。那女孩消失后,他才明白我当时的不信任是有道理的。但自此后我们之间很少联络。几个月过去了,我才最近给他发了短信问他可好,最近怎样。这就是他给我的回信。我也一直很想帮他找一个合适的中国女孩子,可是最近出现的这个事件使我死了心,不想再管闲事了。Mind my own business.


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