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(英语口语)Family Affairs—About the Family

(2010-06-22 09:52:46)






Family Affairs—About the Family 关于家庭


1.       How many people are there in your family? 你家里有几个人?

2.       Do you have any brothers and sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?

3.       I’m the only child. 我是独生子/独生女。

4.       I’m still single. 我还单身。

5.       I’m married, but no child. 我结婚了,但还没孩子。

6.       I don’t want to start a family yet. 我还不想成家。

7.       I’m looking for a babysitter. 我正在找一个照顾孩子的保姆。

8.       Do you live alone? 你自己一个人住吗?

9.       You do have a happy family! 你的家庭真幸福啊!

10.   You are a proud father. 你真是个自豪的父亲。

11.   It’s not easy to raise a child these days. 现在抚养个孩子真不容易。

12.   You shouldn’t spoil your child. 不要宠坏你的孩子。

13.   His family is an ordinary family with three generations living together under one roof. 他家是个三代同堂的普通家庭。

14.   Korea is implementing a family planning policy. 韩国正在实行一种家庭计划政策。

15.   Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional festival for family unification. 中秋节是一个家庭团圆的传统节日。

16.   Compared with the Western, people in the East place much importance on family. 与西方相比,东方人更重视家庭。

17.   A young couple started a family. 一对年轻的夫妇组建了自己的家庭。

18.   We have four people in the family, my parents, my elder brother and I. 我们家里有4口人,我父母,我哥哥和我。

19.   The whole family decided to spend their holiday in Hawaii. 全家决定去夏威夷度假。

20.   He is an orphan, so he is not sure which family name he should have. 他是个孤儿,所以他不知道自己姓什么。

21.   Many new marriages end in divorce. 很多新婚夫妇的婚姻都以离婚收场。



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