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(2016-06-27 14:28:13)
分类: 美国人物

在2000年代后期,黛尔·桑德斯(Darril Astrida Saunders)想寻找一种方式来赚取外快。作为一名受过专业教育的农业主管,她看到了她的家族在特立尼达东部拥有的10公顷可可种植园的商业潜力。这位年届40并有两个孩子的母亲意识到:可可豆并没有多少利润可图,但以可可为原料的产品却是利润可观。

桑德斯从当地传统中汲取灵感,在自家厨房里用老配方尝试制作巧克力饮料,并让家人和朋友品尝。在他人赞誉的鼓励下,她开始在集市、节日集会和纪念品商店推销她的巧克力饮料品牌:“加勒比异国风情山区之骄”(Exotic Caribbean Mountain Pride)。通过反复尝试,她学到了有关零售、机械设备以及其他与业务相关的知识。


https://share.america.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/387755113_5743f01bef_b-1024x768.jpg在企业家的眼里,可可豆的价值潜力无穷。 (star5112 / Creative Commons)




她在接受《特立尼达和多巴哥卫报》(Trinidad and Tobago Guardian)的采访时说:“我希望人们[记住]我曾经为特立尼达和多巴哥的可可产业做出贡献”。

桑德斯已入选参加在加州硅谷(Silicon Valley, California)举行的“2016年全球创业峰会”( 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit)。

Darril Saunders: Chocolate is her passion — and business too

In the late 2000s, Darril Astrida Saunders was looking for a way to earn extra money. An agricultural manager by education, she looked at the business side of the 10-hectare cocoa estate in eastern Trinidad owned by her family. The 40-year-old mother of two realized that cocoa beans didn’t produce much profit; cocoa-based products did.

Drawing inspiration from local tradition, Saunders experimented with old recipes for chocolate beverages in her home kitchen and tested them on family and friends. Encouraged by the response, she started marketing her chocolate drinks at fairs, festivals and souvenir stores under the Exotic Caribbean Mountain Pride brand. She learned about retail, machines and other business-related issues through trial and error.

“I’m motivated to grow as an entrepreneur,” Saunders says.

https://share.america.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/387755113_5743f01bef_b-1024x768.jpgThe value of cocoa beans is in the eye of an entrepreneur. (star5112 / Creative Commons)

She introduced new flavors, added chocolate liqueurs and other cocoa-based goods to her production line, started selling through supermarkets, and explored markets in the U.S. and the U.K.

She relies on an older brother and two daughters for the bulk of the work and employs three people.

The company continues to expand, but its founder wants to preserve the artisanal taste of her products.

“I want to be [remembered as] someone who did something for cocoa in Trinidad and Tobago,” she told the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian newspaper.

Saunders was selected to attend the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Silicon Valley, California.


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