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(2016-04-14 12:35:07)

内容来源:分享美国 地址链接:http://go.usa.gov/ctJBj


帕姆·洛伦可(Pam Lourenco)在约翰内斯堡(Johannesburg)刚下了公共汽车就听到一个男人对她吹口哨。“他走到我旁边,开始问我叫什么名字。我不理他,继续往前走。他就抓住我的胳膊说:‘亲爱的,你为什么不跟我说话?’”洛伦可躲开他,一路跑到办公室,但他一直跟着,继续对她尖叫着骂脏话。“这是我生命中最漫长、最可怕的一段路。”


力争解决这个问题的国际性运动“Hollaback”的执行主任艾米丽·梅(Emily May)表示:“当我们在2005年开始讨论这个问题的时候,没有人明白‘街头骚扰’是什么意思。他们以为这指的是街上要钱的人。”

这种行为曾被称为catcalling(挑逗搭讪),但艾米丽·梅不赞成使用这个词。 她说:“Catcalling这个词有轻描淡写的作用,就好像一只猫冲你喵喵叫。虽然这对你来说很讨厌,但让人讨厌的东西和可怕的东西之间存在着非常大的区别。”

“hollaback”这个词源于“holler back”(喊回去),借助格温·史蒂芬尼(Gwen Stefani) 在2005年唱红的一首歌流行起来。艾米丽·梅说:“它代表了一种对街头骚扰的勇敢回应。”

据Hollaback和康奈尔大学(Cornell University)对街头骚扰的最新报告显示,在22个国家接受调查的妇女当中,超过半数的人报告说曾经被动手动脚。[请见英文报告]

https://share.america.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Screen-Shot-2016-04-07-at-5.37.22-PM-300x300.pngHollaback组织的用粉笔抗击骚扰活动中的一条抗议街头骚扰的口号 (图片由Hollaback提供)


Hollaback的一个手机应用程序(app)让人们能够拍摄并报告街头骚扰事件,并标记事件发生的位置。“制止街头骚扰”(Stop Street Harassment)组织也创建了一个博客(blog),用于同样的目的。




当你看到有人受到骚扰时问一问:“他们在打扰你吗? 你还好吗?”







Pam Lourenco heard the man whistle as soon as she got off the bus in Johannesburg. “He walked up next to me and started asking me what my name was. I ignored him and kept walking. He then grabbed my arm and said, ‘Sweetie, why don’t you talk to me?’” Lourenco pulled free and ran to her office as he followed, screaming obscenities at her. “It was the longest and scariest walk of my life.”

This is street harassment, and it happens all over the world.

“When we started having this conversation in 2005, nobody had a clue what ‘street harassment’ meant,” said Emily May, the executive director of Hollaback, an international movement to combat the problem. “They guessed it was people on the street asking for money.”

It used to be known as catcalling, a term May rejects. “‘Catcalling’ is diminishing, like it’s a cat meowing at you. That might be annoying to you, but there’s a very big difference between something that’s annoying and something that’s scary.”

The word “hollaback” — a mash-up of “holler back” popularized in a 2005 Gwen Stefani song — “indicated an empowered response to street harassment,” May said.

More than half of women surveyed in 22 countries reported being fondled or groped, according to the latest report on street harassment from Hollaback and Cornell University.

https://share.america.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Screen-Shot-2016-04-07-at-5.37.22-PM-300x300.pngA slogan from a Hollaback “chalk walk” protesting street harassment. (Courtesy photo)

It’s not just scary for women. Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community also are targets of street harassment.

A mobile phone app from Hollaback allows people to photograph and report incidents of street harassment and tag their locations. The group Stop Street Harassment has created ablog for the same purpose.

The work is raising awareness. New York City, for example, now requires the police department to post data online about sexual harassment on public transit.

Here are four ways Hollaback says bystanders can help when they witness street harassment:

Check in with the target

Ask the person who you think is being harassed, “Are they bothering you? Are you okay?”

Distract the harasser

A simple action like asking for the time can be a nonconfrontational way of showing your presence and distracting them from their current behavior. 



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