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(2016-01-06 09:59:02)


内容来源: 分享美国  地址链接:http://go.usa.gov/cNqEj

2015年,乌克兰采取了走向未来的步骤,例如国家反腐败局(National Anti-Corruption Bureau)的第一批监察人员宣誓就职,在农业和金融等诸多部门采取放松管制的措施,同时改革国营能源公司,降低对俄罗斯石油和天然气的依赖程度。

12月9日,美国副总统拜登(Biden)在乌克兰议会 发表讲话,对乌克兰取得的重大进展表示赞赏。他还指出,“为了促使乌克兰继续取得进展,继续获得国际社会的支持,你们还需要再接再厉。”



1. 农业

农业占乌克兰国内生产总值的近14%。2015年, 农产品出口比前一年增长6%。政府为农产品企业提供了更多的便利,促使农民的生产率得到提高。作为放松管制的措施之一,政府取消了原来需要申请的14类许可证,撤销了对农产品企业的6类许可证要求。2016年,政府将继续放松管制,促进私有化,食品安全和标准也将向欧盟(European Union)看齐。



 2. 反腐败

乌克兰已经明确表示制止腐败十分重要。为此,政府成立了国家反腐败局,任命前反腐败检察官担任新机构的负责人,同时该局的第一批监察人员已宣誓就职。 政府还通过了公开数据法,允许民众公开查阅有关财产权、民事官员工资等以前对外保密的数据。反腐败将仍然是2016年的首要工作。


3. 能源

乌克兰经济依靠天然气获得能源,以往有一半的天然气供应来自俄罗斯。乌克兰决心改革能源部门,降低对俄罗斯的依赖程度。 2015年,乌克兰议会通过了改革乌克兰石油天然气公司(Naftogaz)的法律,开始为消费者的利益改革旧的补贴体制。 2016年,政府希望继续放松管制,通过新的国家能源效率和节能机构(State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving)提高能源效率,



4. 金融与投资

为了实施与国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)达成的协议,乌克兰
议会通过立法,要求提高银行所有权的透明度,并对银行提出新的资本要求,同时放松对外来投资的管制。政府还修改了税务条例,加强保护借贷方和消费者 。2015夏,美国-乌克兰工商论坛(U.S.-Ukraine Business Forum)强调,乌克兰通过各种途径改善了商业和投资环境并指出今后可进行的改革。



5. 执法



参加有关乌克兰的讨论@UnitedforUkr ,订阅共同支持乌克兰(United for Ukraine)的每周新消息。 

Ukraine made strides toward its future as a more democratic country in 2015. It swore in the first detectives to its National Anti-Corruption Bureau, launched deregulation in several sectors, such as agriculture and finance, and took steps to reform state-owned energy companies and reduce reliance on Russian oil and gas.

In a speech to Ukraine’s parliament on December 9, Vice President Biden commended Ukraine’s significant progress. “But for Ukraine to continue to make progress and to keep the support of the international community,” Biden said, “you have to do more, as well.”

Before you can predict 2016 developments in Ukraine, review the recent major reforms:

乌克兰从取得重要进展的2015年走向新的一年A disk tiller in Kalush, Ukraine

1. Agriculture

Ukraine’s agricultural sector accounts for nearly 14 percent of the country’s GDP. In 2015, ag exports grew 6 percent from the year before. The government is making it easier for agribusinesses to operate, and farms are more productive. As part of its deregulation efforts, the government canceled 14 previously required permits and eliminated six licensing requirements for agribusinesses. In 2016, the government will continue deregulation and privatization and align safety and food standards with those of the European Union.


乌克兰从取得重要进展的2015年走向新的一年Ukraine’s open data law boosts citizen involvement.

 2. Anti-corruption

Ukrainians have made it clear that stopping corruption is very important. In response, the government established the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, appointed a former anti-corruption prosecutor as its new head, and swore in the bureau’s first detectives. The government also passed an open data law, giving the public easy access to information on property ownership, civil servant salaries and other previously secret data. Fighting corruption will remain a top priority in 2016.


乌克兰从取得重要进展的2015年走向新的一年A worker at a gas station near Lviv, Ukraine

3. Energy

The Ukrainian economy runs on natural gas, and historically half of that gas came from Russia. Ukraine is determined to reform its energy sector and decrease its reliance on Russia. In 2015, Ukraine’s parliament passed laws to reform Ukraine’s state-owned oil and gas company Naftogaz and began reforming the subsidy system for consumers. In 2016, the government hopes to continue deregulation and to promote energy efficiency among the population through the new State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving.


乌克兰从取得重要进展的2015年走向新的一年U.S. business experts greet Ukraine’s prime minister.

4. Finance and investment

In line with the country’s International Monetary Fund deal, Ukraine’s parliamentpassed legislation to increase transparency in bank ownership, introduced new capital requirements for banks, and decreased regulation of investments by foreigners. The government also amended the tax code andstrengthened protections for creditors and consumers. In the summer of 2015, the U.S.-Ukraine Business Forum highlighted ways the business and investment climate has improved in Ukraine and possible future reforms.


乌克兰从取得重要进展的2015年走向新的一年Kyiv’s new police are sworn in July 4, 2015.

5. Law enforcement

One of the most successful reforms of 2015 was the introduction of the new patrol police in Kyiv and other cities. From the public vote on patrol-car designs to the transparent recruitment process and mandatory pledge by new officers to refuse bribes, the changes show a break from corrupt ways of the past. The new patrol police in Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv and Kharkiv received training from international trainers and have been well-received by the public. In 2016, Ukraine will further modernize its law-enforcement institutions.


Follow the conversation on Ukraine @UnitedforUkr and sign up for weekly updates on United for Ukraine.



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