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(2009-12-19 17:45:07)




分类: 考来试去

A Brief introduction to Translation


I. Definition


Translation, speaking, implies rendering from one language into another of something written or spoken. It is, essentially the faithful representation, in one language of what is written or spoken in another. It is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL-the source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL-target language).


II. Qualifications of a translator  

1) A translator must be well acquainted with the source language.

We are inclined to feel too confident of our comprehension when we are reading foreign literary works. We think we know it from A to Z, yet, when we start translating it we find it difficult and there are many points misunderstood. We are playing the fool with ourselves because of careless reading, Therefore, translation serves as the best possible approach to the study of foreign languages.


2) A translator must be well acquainted with the target language.

Let's take Yan Fu for instance: When Yan Fu, a famous translator in the Qing Dynasty, was translating "Evolution and Ethics and other Essays", the title turned out to be the crux(症结)that caused him to cudgel his brains (绞尽脑汁)day and night and look pale for it. His wife worried very much representation of the title for quite time and eventually had it translated into《天演论》which has since deserved high praise up till now.


3) A translator must be armed with necessary professional knowledge.


4) A translator must be armed with the ability to live his part.

As famous play writer Maryann pointed out: "a translator must enter into the spirit of character (regard himself as one that plays a role in a play). That is to say, he seems

1. present at the very spot.(亲临其境)

2. involved in the very occurrence.(亲历其事)

3. witnessing the very parties concerned.(亲睹其人)

4. interating the very utterances.(亲道其法)

5. experiencing the very joy and annoy.(亲尝其甘,亲领其苦)

6. sharing the very weal and woe.(亲享其福,亲受其哀)

7. partaking of the glee and grief.(亲得其乐,亲感其悲)


5) A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and vivid imagination.

"Toiling yourself and endure hardship for obtaining a well-chosen word" just as the famous poet Du Fu did "Never give up until an amazing poetic masterpiece is gained". (“为求一字稳,耐得五更寒”,象诗圣杜甫那样具有“语不惊人死不休”得精神与毅力)


III. Criteria of Translation  

Speaking of criteria of translation, as early as in the Tang Dynasty, the learned Monk Xuan Zhuang designed criteria of translation with emphasis placed on accuracy and general knowledge. In the Qing Dynasty, Yan Fu established a three character standard in translation:“信” faithfulness,“达”expressiveness and “雅”elegance, which are similar to "triness" by Herbert Rotheinstein(赫伯特·罗森斯坦)。Faithfulness, expressiveness and gracefulness which are considered the golden rule(金科玉律)in the field of translation.


After the May 4 th Movement, Lu Xun proposed: faithfulness“信”and smoothness“顺”as the criteria of translation.

Shortly after the birth of New China, quite a lot of translators put forward various criteria, such as“忠实”、“通顺”、“准确”、流畅,重神韵而不是行貌(沈雁冰),“神似”与“形似”(许渊冲)and so on ...


Still, some people made diverse interpretations to Yan Fu's three-character criteria of translation as:

“信”— being faithful

“达”— being explicit

“雅”— elegant in words

Which is different from Yan's own definition:

“信”— 达旨(将原文说明)

“达”— 前后引衬,以显其意

“雅”— 尔雅(用汉以前字法,句法)


IV. Methods of Translation 


In translation from English into Chinese, the principal methods used are:

1. Literal translation (metaphase)

2. Literal translation (paraphrase)

3. Transliteration (translation according to pronunciation)


The last one, however, is scarcely used unless it is absolutely necessary. Transliteration is mainly used in translating proper nouns, such as names of persons, places, scientific terms and etc. Whether a translation will be faithful to be the original in all the aspects depends on the possibility of finding the closest, the most natural equivalence(为原文在文体上找到最切近、最自然的对等语)depends on to a great extent a good command of the transformation of the key sentence and the choice of surface structure by a translator (在很大程度上取决于译者能否准确地掌握核心句的转化以及对表层形式的选择).


heartbreaking 令人心碎的

eye-popping 使人膛目的

a belt-tightening 勒紧裤带的政策

a wait-and-see attitude 等着瞧的态度

crack the case 破案

thirst to learn 渴望学习


These examples are comparatively ideal sentence with great affinity, which can be translated by way of metaphase.

eat (swallow) the leek  (吃芹菜)→ 忍受耻辱

lie on one's back  (躺在背上)→ 仰卧

kiss-me  (吻我)(野生)→ 三色紫罗兰


kiss-me-quick  (快来吻我吧)→ 额发

see with half an eye  (睁一只眼,闭一只眼)→ 一望便知

have a cigar  (请抽烟!)→ 你好!

forget-me-not (不要忘记我)→ 勿忘我





1. He bent solely upon profit.

A. Surface:他只屈身于利润之前。

B. Shallow:只有利润才使他低头。

C. Deep:他惟利是图。


2. We are here today and gone tomorrow.

A. Surface:我今天在这里,明天就到别处了。

B. Shallow:今日在世,明日辞世(死去)。

C. Deep:人生朝露。


3. John is tall like I am the queen of Sheba.

A. Surface:约翰高得像是示巴皇后。

B. Shallow:约翰高的话,我就是示巴皇后。

C. Deep:要说约翰个头高,没那回事。


Translation C, however, not only breakes the crust of the original, but gains an insight into the deep structure through the surface structure.


That's to say when essence(内容)is in contradiction with form(形式)in translation and to harmonize the two, essence should be stressed.(在神与形矛盾而又无法同一时,应重神似,有时不得不牺牲形式)


4. Their accent couldn't fool a native speaker.   当地人一听口音,就知道他们是外地人。

5. Truth lies at the bottom of the decanter(酒瓶).   酒后露真言。

6. Darkness released him from his last restraints.   一到天黑,他就原形毕露。

7. How much did you suffer?

“Plenty,” the old man said.     —The Old Man and Sea


“一言难尽。 ”老头说。


8. How many winter days have I seen him, standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind!


9. The thought that Huck might have failed was intolerable, agonizing.



VI. The process of Translation 翻译的步骤


A formal translation must be completed through five steps:



1. Preparation  准备

2. analysis & understanding of the original  分析与吃透原文

3. expression_r_r_r_r in target language  表达

4. proofreading  校正

5. finalization  定稿




Preparation implies that we need to lay our hands on the reference materials which are relevant to the works.


Comprehension is the key step of a translation; therefore, a translator must read the original time and again.

1) Glancing (skimming) over the original text you are going to translate.

2) Consulting your dictionary to make sure the exact meaning and implication of the new words found in original text through the first reading and the contextual relationship.

3) The third reading of the original should be emphasized on the understanding of the author's ideological content, artistic quality, writing technique and style.

*linguistic analysis in combination with logical analysis of the original.

*The process of comprehension is that of unity between thinking in source language and that in target language

*Penetration into the artistic conception of the original through the linguistic form and crust.


expression_r_r_r_r implies the change of the original from one language into another. This depends on how well you digest the original and how good your accomplishment of the target language are.


Every Chinese character should be well-chosen, every sentence well-organized and every paragraph carefully polished.



The English speaking people are proud of the compactness(严谨)of their language, while we Chinese are proud of the conciseness(简洁)of our mother tongue.


English syntax(句法)emphasizes on hypotaxis “形合” which means that clauses, sentences, even parts of phrases are connected by connectives(连接词). Thus, English sentence structure is well-knit.


Unlike English, Chinese language is stressed on parataxis(意合)which means that sentences and the various parts of them are joined by meaning instead of connectives.


VII. Contextual Relationship


The following linguistic terms are of some importance in the understanding of this aspect.

1. Syntactic marking: The marked worked words that determine the specific meaning of a word.

2. Semotactic marking: The collocation and the relationship of the juxtaposed words(紧邻相连的词)governs the specific meaning a word.

3. Referential clusters: All those words that mean a great help to understanding and judging the specific meaning of a word.



● If when I tell you, dearest dear, that your agony is over, and that I have come here to take you from it, and that we go to England to be at peace and at rest, I cause you to think of your useful life laid waste, and of our native France so wicked to you, weep for it, weep for it!



With the help“倘若果真如此”,“那么”,“如果这样做,……那么”,the logical relationship of the context is clearly

shown in the translation.


*But the actual achievement of this campaign, which is still misunderstood, should never be underestimated. It brought about the first defeat of a German army in the Second World War.




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