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(2009-08-28 01:12:07)









分类: 医改天下大势

译者注:继第一部分(美国为什么要医改?),第二部分(美国医改的阻力),第三部分(美国医改改什么)之后,奥巴马演讲的第四部分分析了实现美国医改的两个核心目的之一——全覆盖的具体设想(如何实现全覆盖)。“我们必须确保每个美国人都能够获得他们能够负担得起的健康保障”,也就是通过一个公共保险计划,“为上亿的美国人提供可以负担的医疗服务”,但是这样的公共计划会受到很大的阻力,因此奥巴马无法实现统一的体系,只能妥协处理:“如果你不喜欢现在的健康保险,或者没有任何健康保险,你将有机会参与到被我们称为‘健康保险交换’(Health Insurance Exchange)的项目中来”。但是,仅仅实现医疗保险的全覆盖,必然要面对的一个问题就是医疗成本的上升,在第五部分,也就是最后一部分,奥巴马分析了如何实现另一个核心目的——控成本。 


June 15, 2009

Obama’s Speech on Health Care Reform


Following is a text of President Obama's prepared address on health care reform to the American Medical Association, as released by the White House.




Now, even if we accept all of the economic and moral reasons for providing affordable coverage to all Americans, there is no denying that it will come at a cost – at least in the short run. But it is a cost that will not – I repeat, not – add to our deficits. Health care reform must be and will be deficit neutral in the next decade.



There are already voices saying the numbers don't add up. They are wrong. Here's why. Making health care affordable for all Americans will cost somewhere on the order of one trillion dollars over the next ten years. That sounds like a lot of money – and it is. But remember: it is less than we are projected to spend on the war in Iraq. And also remember: failing to reform our health care system in a way that genuinely reduces cost growth will cost us trillions of dollars more in lost economic growth and lower wages.



That said, let me explain how we will cover the price tag. First, as part of the budget that was passed a few months ago, we've put aside $635 billion over ten years in what we are calling a Health Reserve Fund. Over half of that amount – more than $300 billion – will come from raising revenue by doing things like modestly limiting the tax deductions the wealthiest Americans can take to the same level it was at the end of the Reagan years. Some are concerned this will dramatically reduce charitable giving, but statistics show that's not true, and the best thing for our charities is the stronger economy that we will build with health care reform.

尽管如此,让我再来解释,我们如何来为这样的一笔费用买单。首先,作为几个月前通过的财政预算的一部分,我们将在10年内投入6350亿美元来建立一项“健康保护基金”(Health Reserve Fund)。这其中的大约一半——3000亿美元多——将通过适度的限制对最为富有的一部分美国人的税收减免来达到,大致会将其降低到里根总统在位最后时期的水平。有人担心这样的改变会剧烈的减少对慈善事业的捐款,然而统计数据已经证实,这样的担心是多余的,而对我们的慈善事业最重要的事情,便是和我们的医疗改革一同建立起来的,一个更为强健的经济。


But we cannot just raise revenues. We also have to make spending cuts in part by examining inefficiencies in the Medicare program. There will be a robust debate about where these cuts should be made, and I welcome that debate. But here's where I think these cuts should be made. First, we should end overpayments to Medicare Advantage. Today, we are paying Medicare Advantage plans much more than we pay for traditional Medicare services. That's a good deal for insurance companies, but not the American people. That's why we need to introduce competitive bidding into the Medicare Advantage program, a program under which private insurance companies offer Medicare coverage. That will save $177 billion over the next decade.

但是,我们也不能仅仅通过提高财政收入这一项措施。我们也需要通过反思老年医疗保险计划中的缺乏效率的部分,来削减一部分开支。对于我们应该在哪些环节削减开支的问题,必定会有相当的争论,我也欢迎这些争论。不过,我也对这个问题有自己的看法。第一,我们应当终止对老年医疗保险计划中基于私人保险部分(Medicare Advantage,以下简称“私人老年医疗保险计划”)过高的偿付水平。如今,我们在私人老年医疗保险计划的花费已经远远高于传统的老年医疗保险计划的部分,这对保险公司而言当然是一笔好买卖,而对于美国人民却不是。也正因为此,我们需要在私人老年医疗保险计划中引入竞争,这在未来10年中将为我们节省1770美元的花费。


Second, we need to use Medicare reimbursements to reduce preventable hospital readmissions. Right now, almost 20 percent of Medicare patients discharged from hospitals are readmitted within a month, often because they are not getting the comprehensive care they need. This puts people at risk and drives up costs. By changing how Medicare reimburses hospitals, we can discourage them from acting in a way that boosts profits, but drives up costs for everyone else. That will save us $25 billion over the next decade.



Third, we need to introduce generic biologic drugs into the marketplace. These are drugs used to treat illnesses like anemia. But right now, there is no pathway at the FDA for approving generic versions of these drugs. Creating such a pathway will save us billions of dollars. And we can save another roughly $30 billion by getting a better deal for our poorer seniors while asking our well-off seniors to pay a little more for their drugs.



So, that's the bulk of what's in the Health Reserve Fund. I have also proposed saving another $313 billion in Medicare and Medicaid spending in several other ways. One way is by adjusting Medicare payments to reflect new advances and productivity gains in our economy. Right now, Medicare payments are rising each year by more than they should. These adjustments will create incentives for providers to deliver care more effectively, and save us roughly $109 billion in the process.



Another way we can achieve savings is by reducing payments to hospitals for treating uninsured people. I know hospitals rely on these payments now because of the large number of uninsured patients they treat. But as the number of uninsured people goes down with our reforms, the amount we pay hospitals to treat uninsured people should go down, as well. Reducing these payments gradually as more and more people have coverage will save us over $106 billion, and we'll make sure the difference goes to the hospitals that most need it.



We can also save about $75 billion through more efficient purchasing of prescription drugs. And we can save about one billion more by rooting out waste, abuse, and fraud throughout our health care system so that no one is charging more for a service than it's worth or charging a dime for a service they did not provide.



But let me be clear: I am committed to making these cuts in a way that protects our senior citizens. In fact, these proposals will actually extend the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by 7 years and reduce premiums for Medicare beneficiaries by roughly $43 billion over 10 years. And I'm working with AARP to uphold that commitment.

让我说的更清楚一些:我承诺在保护我们老年人的利益的前提下来达成这些费用削减。实际上,这些提议将会把老年医疗保险信托基金(Medicare Trust Fund)的寿命延长7年,并在10年中让老年医疗保险项目受益者的保费总共下降约430亿美元。我将与美国退休人员协会(AARP)紧密合作,来兑现这些承诺。


Altogether, these savings mean that we have put about $950 billion on the table – not counting some of the longer-term savings that will come about from reform – taking us almost all the way to covering the full cost of health care reform. In the weeks and months ahead, I look forward to working with Congress to make up the difference so that health care reform is fully paid for – in a real, accountable way. And let me add that this does not count some of the longer-term savings that will come about from health care reform. By insisting that reform be deficit neutral over the next decade and by making the reforms that will help slow the growth rate of health care costs over coming decades, we can look forward to faster economic growth, higher living standards, and falling, not rising, budget deficits.



I know people are cynical we can do this. I know there will be disagreements about how to proceed in the days ahead. But I also know that we cannot let this moment pass us by.



The other day, my friend, Congressman Earl Blumenauer, handed me a magazine with a special issue titled, "The Crisis in American Medicine." One article notes "soaring charges." Another warns about the "volume of utilization of services." And another asks if we can find a "better way [than fee-for-service] for paying for medical care." It speaks to many of the challenges we face today. The thing is, this special issue was published by Harper's Magazine in October of 1960.

前些日子,我的朋友,国会议员艾尔·布鲁莫劳尔(Earl Blumenauer)给我一本杂志特刊,这份特刊的主题是:“美国医疗的危机”。其中一篇文章指出了“高涨的费用”,一篇对“医疗服务的利用量”提出了警告,另一篇则质问我们是否可以找到“一个(比现付医疗费,fee-for-service)更好的方式来为医疗服务买单”。这份特刊提到了我们如今面对的许多挑战。但是我想说的关键在于,这份杂志特刊,是哈珀杂志(Harper's Magazine)在1960年10月所出版的。


Members of the American Medical Association – my fellow Americans – I am here today because I do not want our children and their children to still be speaking of a crisis in American medicine fifty years from now. I do not want them to still be suffering from spiraling costs we did not stem, or sicknesses we did not cure. I do not want them to be burdened with massive deficits we did not curb or a worsening economy we did not rebuild.



I want them to benefit from a health care system that works for all of us; where families can open a doctor's bill without dreading what's inside; where parents are taking their kids to get regular checkups and testing themselves for preventable ailments; where parents are feeding their kids healthier food and kids are exercising more; where patients are spending more time with doctors and doctors can pull up on a computer all the medical information and latest research they'd ever want to meet that patient's needs; where orthopedists and nephrologists and oncologists are all working together to treat a single human being; where what's best about America's health care system has become the hallmark of America's health care system.



That is the health care system we can build. That is the future within our reach. And if we are willing to come together and bring about that future, then we will not only make Americans healthier and not only unleash America's economic potential, but we will reaffirm the ideals that led you into this noble profession, and build a health care system that lets all Americans heal. Thank you.









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