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Book 4 Unit 6 Teaching Plan

(2009-05-25 14:12:59)






2007级公管1班、广播电视编导1班;园林本1班、高职本1;化学2+2; 法律、思政、物理2+2








Book 4: Unit 6  How to Mark a Book




1 Learn the way to support a statement.

2 Scan the text and understand the structure of the text.

3 Understand the main idea of the text.

4 Learn about the use of important new words and expressions.

5. Learn the usage of transition.


text analysis, Language points and sentence patterns


explanation; discussion; exemplification


College English Intensive Reading: Teachers’ Book

College English Intensive Reading: Integrated Exercises

On-line resources: English on line




First period

Step 1 Lead-in: (10 minutes)

1) What kind of books do you like?

2) How do you read a book?

3) Do you have any suggestions on how to become an efficient reader? 


Teaching method: pictures, explanation, students’ presentation

Teaching aids: Multimedia


Step 2 Skimming& Scanning(15 minutes)

Read the text quickly, get them main idea of the passage and finish reading comprehension on p.154-155

Teaching method: explanation, students’ presentation

Teaching aids: Multimedia


Step 3 Text Analysis(10 minutes)

Part I lines1-4:

PartII lines.5-34

Part III lines 35-85

Part IV lines.86-112

Teaching method: explanation

Teaching aids: Multimedia


Step 4 Further understanding(10 minutes)

Multiple Choice

1. According to the author, the real book owners are those who _____.

    A) have paid for them

    B) have gained their property right

    C) have their minds enriched

    D) have dipped into most of them

2. The purpose of the author’s comparing the beefsteak in the butcher’s to 

     that in your ice box is that ________________.

     A) you have paid for them so that you can take them back

     B) you can cook them anyway you like since they are yours

     C) you don’t get anything valuable unless you have made them part of


     D) you are the real owner of beefsteak since you have paid for them

3. The author uses the example of beefsteak to remind us that ______.    

     A) books are as important as beefsteak to our body

     B) books must be absorbed as beefsteak is in our body and to do us good

     C) books should be kept in a good place just as beefsteak in an ice box

     D) we can write in the books since we have paid for them

 4. Which of the following is NOT true?

     A) The author would have to mark up a painting or a statue.

     B) The author wouldn’t let his baby make drawings on an original

          painting by a great artist.

     C) The author wouldn’t scribble all over a rare or an elegantly bound


     D) The author would take pains to keep intact the physical appearance

          of famous books.

 5. What is the best title for this part?

    A) Ownership of a book and book owners

    B) Don’t write in rare and elegant edition

    C) Show respects to the author by buying a cheap edition

    D) Read through all the books you have bought

Step 5 Discussion(5 minutes)

Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading?

Teaching method: explanation, students’ presentation

Teaching aids: Multimedia


Second period:

Step 1 Background information(15 minutes)

A Survey:

Directions: Here is a survey about “Young People’s Attitudes towards Reading”. Below are the results from the survey conducted by Mori of Nestle Family Monitor. The results are based on questionnaires completed by over 900 teenagers at 33 state and independent schools and 6 colleges between March and May in 2003.


Do teenagers read?

Eighty-three percent read in spare time.

Eleven percent never read outside of school hours (these students were more likely to come from a home where neither parent nor guardian worked).

Sixteen percent boys never read in their spare time compared to only seven percent girls.

What makes young people want to read?

Forty-three percent will read something as a result of a peer recommendation.

Ten percent will read something if it is recommended by a teacher. Fifteen percent are keen to read a book about a film they enjoy.  

Twenty-three percent say they will read a book about a famous person they are interested in or as a hobby (this figure is higher for boys).

Other results:

Age from 13 to 14 is a key period where an interest in reading dwindles.

Seventy percent say they will prefer to watch TV or a DVD than read a book.

On the whole, girls are more enthusiastic about reading than boys.

Boys are “significantly more likely than girls to say that they are encouraged to read if the book is about a place, subject or hobby in which they are interested”.


Try to do such kind of survey in different classes. Use the statistics you get to analyze their attitudes towards reading. Then report your results orally to the whole class.

Your preferred places for recreational reading (multi-choices)



Step 2 Simple Understanding on Words and phrases (20 minutes)


Step 3 Some importan people (13 minutes)

 1)John Deway (1859~1952), American philosopher and educator

Achievement: His educational psychology and philosophy had a great influence on educational development.

2. Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899~1977), American educator.


•        Famous for his unconventional theories about higher education

•         President of the University of Chicago in 1929 at the age of 30

•         Remained president until 1945

•         Chairman of the board for the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica published in 1974

3. Mr. Vallee (1901~1986), American singer of popular music who enjoyed fame in the 1920’s

4. “Paradise Lost”: an epic poem by John Milton (1608~1674), first printed in 1667.

5. “Gone with the Wind”

•        A romantic novel of Georgia during the American Civil War and Reconstruction

•         Written by the American author Margaret Mitchell  (1900~1949)

•         Published in 1936

•         Awarded a Pulitzer Prize


Teaching method: students’ presentation

Teaching aids: Multimedia


Step 4  Assignment(2 minutes)

1)      Read the text and recite words;

2)      Summary the text

Write a paragraph of 120-150 words explaining your view of active reading. You are required to cite examples to support your argument.


Third period

Step 1 words and sentences(35minutes)

1.read between the lines: look for what is implied or suggested, but not actually stated

 I could read between the lines that my daughter was homesick though she said that she didn’t like college life very much.

我们常常得从小说的字里行间来了解故事的真正含义。We often have to read a novel between the lines to get the real meaning of the story.

2. persuade: vt. cause (sb.) to do (sth.) by talking to him or arguing with him


His doctor has persuaded him to give up smoking many times.

He persuaded her to go to school, even though she did not want to.

3. pay for: hand over the price of; bear the cost of

He will have to pay for his foolish behavior.

He paid dearly for his mistake

4. prelude: n. something that comes before and acts as an introduction to something more important

The widespread fighting in the streets may be a prelude to more serious trouble.

His frequent depressions were the prelude to a complete mental breakdown.

5. transfer: v. take or move from one person or place to another

The parents decided to transfer the boy to another school.

Tom transferred from Department 3 to Department 1.

6. absorb: vt.

1) take in (a liquid, knowledge, ideas, etc.)

White surfaces don’t absorb much heat or light. Instead, they reflect rays of heat and light that strike them.

To follow and absorb a passage is a little bit hard as it requires a high level of mental involvement.

2) interest sb. very much

Computer games absorb so much of children’s attention that some of them forget to go to school.

7. read through: finish reading

I will give you my opinion when I read the book through.


8. preserve: vt. keep safe from harm, danger or decay

The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.

We are now becoming more aware of the importance of preserving our environment.

CF: preserve, conserve & reserve


preserve 指保持某个有价值的东西完好无损,质量不变。与reserve 相



conserve 指合理使用某个有价值的东西,暗示一旦用光,难以填补。reserve    指保留以便以后使用。

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.

1) This sum of money is                   for my daughter.

2) It is policeman’s job to                  law and order.

3)                   your energy. We will climb mountain tomorrow.

4) He tried to                  his child from danger.

9. manufacture: vt. make or produce by machinery in large quantities

Many of the clothes and toys sold in Canada are manufactured in China.

The main business of the company is to manufacture the farm machinery.

10. invariably: adv. always; without exception

The old woman invariably gets up at 6 in the morning.

All things are invariably divided into two parts.

11. literally: adv.

1) actually; exactly

2) (used for giving force to an adjective)

3) word by word

4) according to the words and not the intention

Directions: Read the following sentences and decide what the word “literally” means in each sentence.

1) Don’t translate the Greek passage literally.

2) There are people in the world who literally do not know how to

     boil water.

3) When he said he never wanted to see you again I’m sure he

    didn’t mean it literally.

4) I was literally bored to death!

key: 3    2

12. I’d no more scrible all over a first edition of “Paradise Lost” than I’d give my baby a set of crayons and an origional Rembrandt!

1. Analyze the structure of the sentence.

No more … than是这句的基本结构。no more … than 意味两者都是否定,重点往往在前一分句。如:I can no more play bridge than you no more than 不过是,仅仅是。用在名词或数词前,在句中起形容词作用。如:This is no more than a joke.

a first edition of”, 注意用的是a不是the,指第一版中的一本;Paradise Lost 是英国17世纪著名大诗人弥尔顿所著的一部史诗,具有极高的艺术价值,其第一版自然也很珍贵。original 这里指原画,非复制品,是荷兰17世纪的大画家Rembrant (伦勃朗),其作品具有极高的价值。这里用人名代替作品,是英文中常见的用法。

2. Paraphrase this sentence.

I wouldn’t write carelessly on the pages of a first edition of “Paradise Lost”, just as I wouldn’t give my baby a set of crayons and an original painting by Rembrandt.

13. If your respect for magnificent binding or printing gets in the way, buy yourself a cheap edition and pay your respects to the author.

1) Paraphrase this sentence.

If the excellent binding or style of printing of the book makes you hesitate to mark on it, buy yourself a cheap edition of it and try to understand the author’s ideas by any means including marking the book.

2) Translate the sentence into Chinese.


14. You can’t let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an understanding of what you have read.

1) How to understand this sentence?

If you move your eyes very quickly across the lines of a book, you can’t get an understanding of what you have read.

NB: 特别注意 “not … and …”的结构,意为:“如果……就不……”,例如:

You cannot eat your cake and have it.

You can’t sell the cow and drink the milk.

2) Translate the sentence into Chinese.



Step 2 Vocabulary Exercises (13 minutes)

Teaching method: explanation; students’ presentation

Teaching aids: Multimedia, textbook


Step 3Assignment (2 minute)

1)      Master words and phrases

2)      Recite one paragraph you like


Fourth period

Step 1 Useful Expressions (10 minutes )

1. 字里行间between the lines

2.  劝某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth.

3. 购买行为act of purchase

4. 从最重要的意义上来说in the most important sense

5. 外观physical appearance

6. 不断使用continual use

7. 第一版first edition

8. 妨碍  get in the way

9. 向某人表示敬意pay one’s respects to sb

10. 必不可少be indispensable to

11. 其次,第二  in the second place

12. 消遣小说light fiction

13. 放松的状态in a state of relaxation

14. 努力争取reach for

15. 停止leave off

16. 双向活动two-way operation

17. 存在于consist in

18. 论据的顺序sequence of points

19. 与……有关be relevant to

20. 逐点point by point


Teaching method: students’ presentation

Teaching aids: Multimedia


Step 2 Talking about the pictures(5 minutes)


Teaching method: students’ presentation

Teaching aids: Multimedia


Step 3 Translation (10 minutes)

Teaching method: students’ presentation

Teaching aids: Multimedia, textbook


Step 4 Summary(5 minutes)

 M. J. Alder tells us to write between the lines in order to (进行更有效的阅读) . He claims that you dont literally own the books (除非你将它变成自己的一部分) And marking up a book while reading is the best way to make it become yours.(为什么在书上做记号对阅读是必不可少的呢?                                                          There are three reasons to it. 1) It will keep your minds alert and active; 2) We may record our thoughts (这是我们积极思考的结果); 3) The physical  act  of  noting  will  retain  in  our  memory  (作者所表达的思想和我们曾有的想法)


Teaching method: listening,explanation

Teaching aids: multimedia

Step 5 Listening (10 minutes)

Teaching method: listening

Teaching aids: Multimedia, textbook

Step 6 Talking About the Pictures



Teaching method: explanation

Teaching aids: multimedia


Step 6  Assignment(2 minutes)

To improve your reading comprehension, you should read constantly and make reading a habit. In additon, you have to develop certain reading skills.

Now write a short piece in tow or three paragraphs entitled How to Improve Your Reading Comprehension.










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