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《新企业》对惠普研究首脑Prith Banerjee提出的七个问题(上)

(2011-06-30 17:39:27)









    It’s been about two months since Hewlett-Packard’s new CEO Léo Apotheker put the company on a new cloud-centric path as part of a big speech laying out a new strategy. But there haven’t been a lot of specific announcements concerning how 惠普 is going to get there.
    几个月前,惠普新任CEO 李艾科在一个阐述公司新战略的演讲中,言明惠普将向着新的以云为中心的道路挺进。但是目前,并没有更多的声明来阐述公司将如何实现这一目标。


                               《新企业》对惠普研究首脑Prith <wbr>Banerjee提出的七个问题(上)

    It turns out there’s a lot of work going on at HP that’s taking place with the cloud–and the new strategy in mind. I recently caught up with Prith Banerjee, 惠普’s Senior Vice President for Research and director of 惠普 Labs. We talked about how the research going on in the labs fits with the new strategy, or as Banerjee would put it, how the work in the labs is actually driving the corporate strategy. He also talks about some of the moves 惠普 is planning to make in the cloud in the coming months.
    这可以说明惠普围绕着云计算以及新战略理念有着许多要做的工作。我最近遇到了惠普研究高级副总裁暨惠普实验室的主任Prith Banerjee。我们就惠普实验室的研究工作如何配合新战略进行了交谈,或者按照Banerjee的说法,实验室的工作如何在实际上驱动着惠普的战略。他同时还提到了惠普计划在今后几个月中做出的一些动作。


    NewEnterprise: Prith, When Léo made his presentation, everyone focused on his comments around the cloud, but the expectation coming in had been that his comments would focus primarily on software. He really touched on both, but the cloud was the bit that everyone remembers. At a high level, what do his comments mean for you at 惠普 Labs?
    《新企业》: 当李艾科演讲的时候,每个人都注意到他围绕着云计算做出了评论。一开始大家都认为他将主要侧重于软件方面,而且他实际上触及了软件和云计算两个领域,但大家最关心的还是他关于云计算的演讲部分。站在比较高的位置来看,他的评论对于你和惠普实验室意味着什么?


    Banerjee: HP’s strategy is around seamless, secure, context-aware experiences. It’s around cloud and connectivity. And again software is the glue that brings them all together. What we believe we are going to bring to our customers is a seamless view of the world and a seamless way of accessing information. The driving problem that we are trying to solve is around the explosion of information both in the consumer world and in the enterprise world. And what 惠普 wants to bring to the table is a way to help customers seamlessly migrate from the consumer world to the enterprise world and back and forth, and in a secure manner. First of all, connectivity over the cloud, while being secure all the time.


    And what’s new at HP Labs since Léo has been on the job?


    We have eight teams at HP labs, and in their own way each is working on different aspects of things that Léo talked about. Print and content delivery, that’s around the document ecosystem, if you look at mobile and immersive experiences, it’s directly tied to the future of connectivity and the connected world. Our work on cloud security is clearly tied to Leo’s strategy around cloud. Look at information analytics, that’s the software that’s going to take all the information and drive better insights. Work on intelligent infrastructure and networking will be the foundational layer of the cloud as people try to reach out to the cloud, both as consumers and enterprises we have to have robust, scalable high performance infrastructure. On services Leo talked about solutions for various vertical fields, financial, health care, transportation and so on. So that’s the grand context. So HP Lab’s strategy has been forward-looking. Our role has been to provide guidance three to five to 10 years into the future. And we’re delighted to be in a position of driving the company’s strategy. It’s not like we’re following the company’s strategy. The company’s strategy is just well-aligned with the kinds of things that we were doing at HP Labs to begin with.




    Let’s talk about some of the specific things you see coming out of HP Labs three and five and 10 years out.


    We are particularly excited about some near-term work. Leo talked about the cloud, and when we talk about the cloud, there’s the public cloud. Shane Robison [HP's executive VP and chief strategy and technology officer] and Léo talked about HP coming into the public cloud arena. There’s some core intellectual property that HP Labs has developed that is core to the strategy. When you come out with a public cloud effort you need to have some foundational things like storage as a service. The key technology there came out of our key-value storage technology at HP Labs. That’s a scalable, reliable, low-cost way of providing tremendous amounts of storage to our customers. That should come out within a few months. That will be the first thing that comes out. Immediately following that there will be a compute-as-a-service play. And that is based on the Cirious platform work that is going on in our cloud and security lab. It’s a compute-as-a-service play that we call internally cells-as-a-service. These are virtual compute cells and memory cells and networking, sort of virtualizations, which allow people to create these multi-tenant applications that are incredibly secure so that there’s no way for one customer to impact the application of another customer on the cloud. You should see that in the hands of customers in the next six to eight months. Longer-term we are moving up the stack. We have significant work going on at the higher level around platform-as-a-service. We have IP built in the Intelligent Infrastructure Lab to provide future Web application developers a platform which will be highly scalable, available and secure. On top of that will be services we provide on the cloud. That’s where the services lab comes in. We have hired a new person, Jamie Erbes, to lead that effort. Jamie and her team are trying to develop a set of cloud services aimed at verticals like health care and transportation and financials. We’re coming up with some very unique IP in these solution areas. And our delivery mechanism will be over the cloud. As you create the interesting applications you need some deep analytics to see how you can improve services to customers.
    Banerjee:一些近期的工作让我们非常振奋。李艾科谈及云的时候,我们谈及云的时候,所指的都是公共的云。如今,惠普正在进入公共的云领域。一些惠普实验室所研发的核心技术,正是执行这一战略的关键。为了达到公共云的效果,你需要首先打一些基础,例如我们提出的“存储即服务”。这是一个出自惠普实验室的具有核心价值的存储技术。它具备延展性、可靠性并且成本低廉,它将为我们的客户提供超大容量的存储。在不久之后的几个月内,我们就会发布它。紧接着的就是我们提出的“计算即服务”,它基于惠普云及安全实验室的Cirious平台。这个“计算即服务”在我们内部被称作“细胞即服务”。它是由虚拟计算细胞、内存细胞以及网络等各种虚拟化技术构成的,允许用户创建具有极高安全性的多租户应用。在云中,一个用户创建的应用绝对不会受到其他用户的影响。在今后六到八个月中,你可以在我们的用户中了解到这一点。关于长期发展,我们有许多项目。在“平台即服务”方面,我们也有着出色的工作。我们在智能架构实验室为未来的网络应用开发者提供了具有高延展性、高可用性以及高安全性的平台。在其之上,则是我们在云端提供的服务,这也是服务实验室的领域。我们还引进了新的人才,Jamie Erbes,来领导服务方面的研究。Jamie和她的团队正在计划开发一系列基于垂直应用的云服务,例如医疗行业、运输行业以及金融行业。在这些解决方案领域,我们拥有一些非常独特的想法。另外,我们的发布机制也将基于云端。在创造出一个有意思的应用时,你需要一些深入的分析来观察,如何基于用户需求进一步改进这个应用。


    These sound like things that we’ll see in fairly short order. What are some of the longer-term things you’re working on?


    Our networking and intelligent infrastructure labs are working on some very novel ways of building out future networks for enterprises that will be for a cloud setting. And there’s the work on the data centers and servers of the future. The future server architectures will be the foundation of the cloud in the future. Those will come out in a little longer time frame. The server architecture work will come out maybe two to five years in the future.


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