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(2010-09-25 14:20:10)



分类: 10下及以后语法词汇题



博主注:本单元的词汇题原题来自《综合英语》第二册的U1(1-5) U2(6-10)。同时也出自大学英语四级词汇训练1200题TEST 4的1-10题。语法题14题来自高考,其他部分疑似原创。 

博主 10.10.8翻译完毕。


1.Even though he has lived in China for many years,Mark still can not     himself to the Chinese customs.

A)adopt          B)adjust          C)adapt 适应            D)accept

答案:C 尽管他已经在中国住了很多年,但是Mark他自己仍然不能适应中国风俗。


2.He tried to     with the manager for has salary.

A)evaluate          B)object         C)bargain 讨价还价       D)pause

答案:C 他为了薪水试着去跟经理谈判


3.To some     ,Mary still does not understand this unit.But she herself does not believe so.

A)extend          B)part        C)extent 程度            D)content

答案:C 从某种程度上说,Mary仍然不能理解这个单位,但是她自己并不这么认为。


4.Great Britain and France will hold a     regarding some European economic problems.

A)conference 会议    B)reference         C)conversion            D)cooperation

答案:A 英国和法国将就一些欧洲的经济问题举行一次会议。


5.Since he often travels on business,he can      himself to sleeping in any place he can find.

A)make          B)accustom 习惯       C)force             D)let

答案:B 由于他经常出差,所以他习惯于在任何地方都能找到睡觉的地儿。


6.He has      much time and energy for his invention.

A)contained         B)proceeded       C)consumed 消耗的           D)paid

答案:C 为了他的发明,他花费了很多的时间和精力。


7.A good teacher always tries to      students to ask question.

A)encourage 鼓励         B)obey       C)recall           D)spread

答案:A 一个好的老师总是鼓励学生们问问题。


8.If you want to see the chairman of the department,you’d better make an    with his secretary first.

A)admission        B)agreement       C)appointment约会 约定            D)alphabet

答案:C 如果你想去看系主任,你最好首先跟他的秘书预约一下。


9.They say the new film is a(n)      picture so they won’t go to see it.

A)internal          B)odd      C)interesting            D)dull 无趣的 呆滞的

答案:D 他们说这个新电影是个单调乏味的片子,所以他们不去看它了。


10.The judge     the murderer to twenty years in prison.

A)required          B)ordered      C)indicated           D)sentenced判决

答案: 法官判杀人犯20年徒刑。


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11.Please let me know     you need my help.

A)because          B)while       C)as            D)if

答案:D 如果你需要帮助的话,请让我知道。


12.They worked day and night      they could earn more money.

A)until          B)so that       C)in order            D)so as

答案:B 他们日夜工作,以使得他们能挣到更多的钱。


13.It was such a strong earthquake      it caused great damage to this area.

A)because          B)as       C)since            D)that

答案:D 这是一场如此强烈的地震以致于对该地区引起了巨大的破坏。


14.Speak louder please       everyone can hear you.

A)in order          B)so as       C)so that            D)if

答案: 请大点声,好让每个人都听到你讲的话。

so that everyone can hear you.目的状语从句


15.He agreed to lend me the money      I promised to pay the money back next week.

A)as if         B)while       C)that             D)on condition that 条件

答案:D 他答应把钱借给我,条件是我保证下周还钱。


16.You'd better set your alarm clock       you should oversleep.

A)before          B)if        C)while             D)lest 以免

答案:D 你最好设置一下你的闹钟,以免你睡过头。


17.Batteries should be kept in dry places    electricity should leak away.

A)for the reason       B)for fear that       C)because of             D)since

答案:B 电池应放在干燥的地方,以免漏电。


18.You can not see the doctor     you have made an appointment with him.

A)if          B)when         C)after            D)unless 除非

答案:D 除非你跟医生有预约,否则你不能去看医生。


19.You can do it well      you keep trying.

A)as long as 只要        B)in order that          C)so that             D)though

答案:A 只要你继续努力,你可以做的很好。


20.We'd better remind him of the date      he forgets.

A)now that          B)even if        C)in case 如果            D)whatever

答案:C 如果他忘记了约会,我们最好提醒他一下。



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