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(2009-10-10 08:49:00)




分类: 10上及以前语法词汇题



1.Although they plant trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still____.

D.bare (树木)光秃秃的,(土地)荒芜的---尽管他们每年都在这个地区植树,但有些山顶还是光秃秃一片。

A.blank 空白的,空闲的  B.hollow 虚伪的,空腹的  C.vacant 空白的,空闲的 

2.All the streets were ____with flags to wecome the Chinese delegation.

C.decorated 装饰---为了欢迎中国代表团,整个街道都用彩旗装饰了。

A.supplied 补给,供给  B.mended 修改,改进    D.pasted 张贴

3.You can’t drive a car unless you hold a driving___.

D.license 执照---没有驾照不准开车。

A.permission 许可,允许  B.ticket 票,入场券  C.pass 护照,通行证 

4.Although the cyclist was unhurt, his bicycle was A.crushed _ between the lorry and the wall.


A.crushed 压碎---虽然那个骑车人没大碍,但他的自行车被压碎在卡车和墙中间。

B.clapped 鼓掌,轻拍  C.split 分裂,分离  D.cracked 使破裂

5.The wholesale price of this coat is $20 and the___price for it is $28.

C.retail 零售的---这件衣服批发价20美元,零售价28美元。

A.virtual 实质的  B.massive 大块的   D.singular 单一的,非凡的

6.As he was the only person who has the key, Simon felt himself___suspicion.


B.in  C.beyond  D.upon

7.It was such a grand view that it  B roused  strong emotion in us sight-seers.


B.roused 激起(某种感情)---景色太美了,激起我们这些游客强烈的情感。

A.rose 升起,起身   C.arose 由…引起,产生  D.raised 提高,饲养

8.It was___of you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.


B.小心的,仔细的  C.就…而言  D.相当多的

9.A lot of old buildings in the town were ruined during the earthquake ,but they were beautifully____soon by the local people.

B.restored 恢复,重建---镇上好多古建筑在地震中被毁,但是当地人很快恢复了它们原来的美。A .recovered 复原    C.resumed 重新开始  D.returned 回返,归还

10.While the development of the suburbs has created problems, it has also provided____modern housing for millions of people.

D.substantial 结实的,牢固的---郊区的发展固然引发了好多问题,但也为许多人提供了结实的、现代化的住房。

A.excessive 过多的,过分的  B.immense 广大的,无边的  C.memorable 值得纪念的,难忘的 


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11.Her ambition____was never fulfilled.

A.to be an astronaut---她想当宇航员的抱负一直没能实现。

B.be an astronaut  C.being an astronaut  D.that to be an astronaut


12.Having missed the last bus, Bob had no alternative      a taxi home though he did not like the idea.


C.but to take---没赶上最后一趟车,鲍伯别无选择只能打车回家,尽管他不喜欢这么做。

A.to take   B.but take    D.but taking

but to do 只能做某事

13.It is impossible for anyone___these photographs before because Mr.Newman had them developed today.

D.to have seen---之前不可能有人看到这些照片,因为纽曼先生今天才把它们冲洗出来。

A.to see  B.saw  C.seeing  


14.Everyone had an application form in his hand, but on one knew which office room____.

B.to send it to---每个人手里都有一张申请表,但是谁都不知道把表交到哪个办公室。

A.to send it    C.to be sent to   D.to have it sent

Room作send it to的宾语

15.Mr.Johnson preferred      heavier work to do.


A.to be given---约翰逊先生愿意分到重活干。

B.to be giving  C.to have given  D.having given


16.     no mistake, you must recheck the results got from the experiment.


C.For there to be---由于不能出错,你必须重新检查实验得出的结果。

A.There is  B.There being    D.Being 

For表示原因,后面加独立主格结构,there 看作独立主格结构的主语,后面用to be。逗号前面的部分作状语,但不是句子,只是个结构。


17.I intended___the matter with you, but I had some guests then.

C.to have discussed---我本来打算和你讨论这件事情,但是我那时正好有客人。

A.to discuss   B.having discussed    D.discussing


18.She had her daughter ___the violin three hours every day.

A.play---她每天让女儿练三个小时的琴。B.played  C.playing  D.to play

have sb. do sth.让某人做某事

19.The project___by the end of this year will greatly improve our working conditions.

C.to be completed---将在年底完工的这项工程,会极大改善我们的工作条件。

A.completed  B.being completed    D.having been completed


20.For nearly four hours they waited for the decision,only___to come again next day.

B.to be told---他们等决定等了将近4个小时,结果却被告知明天再来。

A.they were told    C.were told    D.being told 



09年下半年学位英语教程目录见 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_56573c7e0100fgmj.html


10年上半年学位英语教程目录见 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_56573c7e0100iap0.html 



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