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(2009-05-12 21:16:23)















5月6号那天,完成最后一门考试之后两个小时,我怀着惴惴的心情,坐大巴到了休斯顿。要知道,College Station的口罩脱销了,我一点自我保护都没啦!虽然之前看新闻,说口罩也不是特别管用。有些国家甚至要提议大家不要戴口罩,以免造成恐慌。但是戴上口罩,心里就觉得安全一点。









罗嗦了这么半天,我是想说,在美国,大家还不觉得H1N1是什么大事儿。虽然口罩在College Station脱销了,可是谁也不戴,都等着看是不是会进一步发展呢。记得回来前几天和一个教授聊天,他还说:普通的流感也会死人呢。我想你到了休斯顿之后只要别去party,就应该没事儿!



到达东京,气氛一下子就变了。飞机刚刚停稳,呼啦呼啦上来一堆全副武装的日本官员——护目镜、口罩、头套、防护服、橡胶手套。其中一个年纪稍大的女士,用带着日本口音的英语广播了一通,意思是我们要检查啦,谢谢大家的配合云云。之后就来了另外一位女士,拿着红外线体温探测仪,挨个扫描 —— 当时感觉万分被动,就像等着挨枪子儿一样。在她后面,是一位年轻的女士,负责收我们填好的健康报告表。每收一份表格,都要询问下一站的目的地是哪里,然后填上。就因为这个,整个过程巨慢。当时我还想呢:让我们填表的时候填上不就好了?至于这样吗。接着说检查过程吧,如果发现谁的体温升高,检疫人员会给一个电子体温计再测量一次。不过不知道那天是怎么回事,好像体温计都不太好用。我看到我前面几排的一个人,用了一个体温计,又换一个,一直换了五、六次。总之检疫过程很慢,虽然有几组人员同时做这件事,还是至少用了半个多小时。



NW29上的设施不错,每个人的座位前都有一个互动媒体,可以看电影或者玩有些。我小睡了一会儿,吃了晚餐,看了Ink heart,不知不觉飞机就到了。



















入住了之后,又有两个北京市疾控中心的工作人员,一个帮我测了体温,一个做了详细的调查——我把以上的行程,从College Station算起,都告诉他们了。我也拍了照片,可是其中一个人不太愿意公开,所以就不放上来了。


    OK, now I should tell how I got here.

    Local time 7:13am on May 7th, I flew from Houston to Atlanta, then Tokyo, then Beijing. The plane landed in Beijing around 12am local time on May 8th. I traveled about 27 hours.

While the plane got ready to land, while I saw the sea of lights in Beijing, my eyes became wet. There had been so many times when I came back to Beijing in the evening after business trips. Whenever I saw the lights, I felt warm inside. This time was not so different, but more intense. After all, it had been 10 months. I was finally home.

    OK, no emotional stuff. Let me tell you about the trip.

    Two after my last exam on May 6th, I was on a shuttle to Houston, worried. You gotta know that all masks in College Station were sold out! Although news said that masks were not necessarily effective to prevent swine flu. Some countries even suggested people not wear masks, in case it would cause panic. But with mask, I would just feel safer.

    There were only 3 passengers on the shuttle. Nobody wore a mask.

    I stayed in a hotel next to the airport that night – nobody wore mask.

    In the morning of May 7th, at Bush airport, no body wore mask.

    There was only one person with mask on the plane from Houston to Atlanta.

    From Atlanta to Tokyo, there were several Asians wearing masks.

    Well, my point is, I felt that nobody really thought H1N1 was a big deal in the U.S. Although all the masks were sold out in College Station, nobody wore it – I felt that they would not use it till it got worse. Several days before I came back, I talked with Professor W. He said: people could die from normal flu too. I am sure you would be OK as long as you do not party in Houston!

    Everything seemed changed in Tokyo. Right after the plane landed, several fully equipped (dressed like in bio-lab) Japanese officials boarded the plane and started the quarantine procedure. One lady broadcast the quarantine requirement. Another scan everybody with an infrared thermo checker one by one. That moment I felt like I was waiting for a bullet, lol. After her was a young lady who collected the health form we already filled on the plane. She was pretty slow though, because she asked every transfer passenger what was the next stop. I was thinking: why don’t they just ask everybody to fill that directly in the form!

Anyway, people who was found with a high body temperature by the infrared thermo checker had to measure their body temperature with an electronic thermometer too – once confirmed with high body temperature, the person would be taken away. Something was wrong with the thermometers that day, so I saw one person was given a different thermometer for about 5 or 6 times. Anyway the quarantine was really slow in spite there were several groups of people handling the whole plane. It took about half an hour to an hour for them to finish it and let us got off the plane.

    Right after that I finally got my first mask – the officials handed out one to every passenger. After I walked into the airport, I found that nearly every international flight was postponed. My plane’s boarding time was postponed to 8pm, then kept being postponed for several times and finally got confirmed at 9:40pm. I did not understand why at first. But I know now: NW29 gathered people from several planed flew form the US. Every plane, including NW29 needed to be quarantined.

    I boarded on NW29 with my mask. But when I looked around, there were only 2 to 3 people with mask. So I took it off too. Several days later I heard that the guy who got the flue was just sitting several rows in front of me. No wonder they say “Caution is the parent of safety”!

    NW29 was apparently much better equipped than the one I took from Atlanta. Everybody had an active media in front. So I slept for a while, had my dinner, watched Ink Heart, and then the plane landed in Beijing!

    To tell the truth, I felt much better in Beijing compared with Tokyo. On the one hand, I was home. On the other hand, there were no officials scanning people one by one on the plane. At the quarantine, there was still body temperature checker, but it was just a door you need to walk through.

    Then I went to my friend’s place. In the day I meet some other friends, dined out, and shopping. The second day I did pretty much the same. If that guy did not have swine flu, I should have shopped and met friends for another two days. But nobody could change what had happened – the quarantine sinfonia started from 1:30am on the 11th.

    I was already asleep at that time. While half in dreams I heard TH’s phone ringing. She gave it to me after several second: L, your father! I looked my watch: 1:30am. What is wrong with my father!

    While then my father told me about the suspected patient on my flight and asked me to call the local CDC back. They called my family because I left their number on the health chart.

    Then I called them back. The person who answered the phone was very polite. He hung up after asking me several basic questions. Well, then I could not sleep. TH and my sister told me not worry too much and go back to sleep. But I know that the local CDC in my district will report to the city’s CDC, then to the provincial level, then to Beijing. Every office might call me! And that was the way the government worked. Well… if I knew this would happen, I would just gave the TH’s number directly.

    I slept for a little while, before and after which I got 3 other phone calls. The last one was from the CDC in Chaoyang District of Beijing, they said: We would come to you in a bit.

    So, about 5am in the morning, I went to downstairs with my suitcase.

    It was already bright. There were two white vehicles downstairs outside. One was from Chaoyang CDC, one was from the emergency center. While walking to them, I heard the guards and some early people saying: Is she from Unit 2 of the building?

Oh no… now I can only pretend to be cool… So I went to them, wearing a smile. The two CDC people were wearing masks. They two emergency center people were wearing protection suit (like space men). I helped them finish the questionnaire (well, actually a form), and got on the van while they helped me with my suitcase. One of the emergency people told me: we will arrive in a bit.

    Well, “a bit” took more than half an hour, as they were not familiar with the route. Just then, something really funny happened. After travelling a while, the driver pulled over. Then the other guy stuck his neck out and talked to 3 old ladies who were walking outside on the road (they were doing their morning exercise): excuse me, how could I get to Guo Men Hotel? The old ladies, nearly at the same time, all stepped back in shock. One of them said: oh no! Don’t talk to us like this. It is so scaring! But anyway, they pointed the road.

    I started laughing while they stepped back, till we arrived at the hotel.

    The hotel was behind two gates. Right after the second one was the building I live now. Two doctors came up as soon as the van stopped and measured my temperature. Then the hotel service person took me to register. They were all very nice. I asked them if they mind I taking pictures, they said they did not. The girl working for the hotel even took two pictures for me.

    After arriving at my room, two Beijing CDC employees came. One measured my body temperature again. The other one did a really detailed questionnaire – including all the places I visited 7 days before I started the trip. I also took pictures. But one of them do not want them be on internet. So, I will keep it for myself.

    Well, now everybody knows what happened next: my friends sent some daily stuff (such as shampoo and body wash. It is not that the hotel does not have them, it is just that I want to use my own) and laptop. So I could surf online again!


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