新生儿外科医师王-刚 新浪个人认证
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(2010-01-10 21:43:07)





分类: 利比里亚



这名患儿叫Junior Lakpor,在蒙罗维亚一家医院出生。出生后大夫、护士以及家人都惊呆了:他的肚子上裂了一个洞,成团的肠子暴露在肚子外面。那家医院没见过这样的病人,以为是个“怪胎”,于是把他转到了JFK医院。来到JFK医院急诊室后,值班医生也没见过这样的病人,不知如何处理,于是通知了我。我来到急诊室后,看到患儿母亲躺在床上哭泣,当地医生和护士也对这名患儿不报希望。我仔细检查了病人,告诉值班医生这是罕见的新生儿腹裂畸形,需要紧急且准确的处置,方能挽救患儿生命。我马上戴上手套,纠正了肠管的扭转,避免了肠管的坏死,然后用无菌纱布覆盖后再用绑带松松地包扎。JKF医院没有新生儿培养箱,只能给患儿包上襁褓以避免低温。 然后给患儿建立了良好的静脉通道,及时补充液体了和抗生素,改善了患儿的脱水状况。同时,我紧张地联系化验室来做血液化验,联系儿科病房准备好房间,联系手术室和麻醉科做好手术前准备。


手术结束后,患儿安全返回小儿外科病房。患儿父亲、祖母以及其他亲属非常感激。孩子的父亲激动地和我拥抱,说:“God bless you!”。手术室以及儿科病房的医生、护士还有保安听说这个罕见病后,都跑来看望这名小患儿,很多人还拉着我的手表示感谢,这让我也非常感动。能为非洲儿童做些踏踏实实的工作,他们是会很感激的。


Emergency operation to save gastroschisis patient

    In Jan 7,I accomplished an operation to a 1-day baby with gastroschisis successfully.

    The patient’s name is Junior Lakpor,born at a hospital in Monrovia.After birth,the doctors,nurses and his relatives were astonished to see that there was a hole in his abdomen with intestinal loops exposed outside.The doctor in that hospital didn’t see it before.So the patient was transferred to JFK medical center.When the patient arrived at emergency room of JFK hospital,the doctor on duty didn’t see it before either,and didn’t know how to deal with,so I was informed.When I arrived at the emergeny room,I saw his mother weeping on the bed.The local doctors and nurses also thought it no hope.I examined the patient carefully,and told the doctor on duty that it was a rare neonatal congintal malformation,it needed urgent and correct treatment to save the baby.I wore the gloves and corrected the volvulus to avoid further intestinal necrosis.Then the bowel was covered with clean gauze and wrapped by bandage loosely.There was no neonatal incubator in JFK hospital,the patient was merely wrapped with swaddler to avoid heat loss.Then the IV line was established,the fluid and antibiotics were given to the baby to improve the dehydration condition.Meanwhile,I contacted the Lab,pediatric ward, department of anesthesiology,opration theater to prepare operation.

    When the general condition of the patient was stable and the pre-operative preparation was ready,the baby entered OT.The anesthesia for 1-day newborn was difficult.An experienced anesthetist finished the general anesthesia.I began to do the operation with my assistant Dr.Moses.I disinfected the bowel exposed outside carefully,then separated the adhesions among intestines softly.After that,I sent the bowel back to abdominal cavity gradually by nasogastric tube aspiration and intestinal decompression technique.At last the abdominal wall defect was repaired.The operation was successful.When the patient woke up,the patient breathed smoothly,the dyspnea which I mostly worried about didn’t happened.

     After operation,the patient went back to pediatric surgical ward safely.His father,grandma and other relatives were very appreciated it.His father held me in a warm embrace and said “God bless you!”.The doctors,nurses,and even security staff in OT and pediatric ward heard the rare disease,came to see the patient.Some of them shook my hand and thanked me,which moved me.If you did something for African children,they would appreciate it.






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