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The colorful beach 美丽的五彩滩

(2017-04-14 20:13:10)
CThe <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

Colorful beach ,located in the northern end of XinJiang.      五彩滩位于新疆的北端。

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

It belong to the Aletai area.  属于阿勒泰地区。

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

Colorful beach on both sides of the river, north and south have a completely differnt style.      五彩滩一河两岸,南北各异。

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

It has the reputation of being the best in the world. 它有着天下第一河滩的美誉。

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The river water beat the rocks on and on, 河流拍打着岩石永不停息,
The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The wind eroded the rocks on and on .狂风侵蚀着岩石永不停息。
The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The formation of the north shore the Yardang landforms. 形成了北岸的雅丹地貌。

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

Whenever the wind blows ,the rocks will be issued strange sound. 每当狂风大作,岩石下便会发出怪叫声。

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The rocks here will make a lot of color. 这里的岩石会变幻出很多颜色。

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

IRTYSH river moistens the trees and flowers of south bank,it also moistens our hearts.额尔齐斯河不但滋润着南岸的树林和花朵,也滋润着我们的心田。

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

The <wbr>colorful <wbr>beach <wbr>美丽的五彩滩

Especially under the sunlight ,  the rocks become colorful and charming.当落日的余晖洒在岩石上,它变得五彩斑斓,娇艳妩媚。


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