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钟琬婷5年级英语作文《Careless Bob》

(2009-05-08 06:45:39)






分类: 钟琬婷英文文章

Careless  Bob

                              By Zhong Wanting


 Bob is a careless boy. His friends always make fun of him. Bob doesn’t mind, however.

 One day, Bob got up a bit late. He put on his clothes hastily, took his bag and rushed out of his house. When he arrived at his class, he was five minutes late. His teacher, Miss Jones, was amused when he entered the classroom. ‘Why, Bob, you should have a look at your socks!’ Everybody laughed. Bob had a red sock on his left foot and a yellow one on his right foot!

 Next morning, Bob was very careful when he pulled on his socks. But when he looked at his clock, he saw he was late again. Bob ran to school.

 Miss Jones laughed when she saw Bob because he was wearing a sneaker and a leather shoe!

 Bob made up his mind not to be so careless. He prepared everything for the next day. However,Bob forgot to set the clock. He grabbed a bag and sped towards school. Nobody laughed at Bob. But when he opened the bag, he saw it was full of business letters! Bob had taken his father’s bag by mistake!



     广州市农林下路小学  五年(3)班  钟琬婷


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