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钟琬婷4年级英语作文《I Love Detective Stories》

(2009-05-07 14:05:27)






分类: 钟琬婷英文文章

I Love Detective Stories

By Zhongwanting


 I like reading English novels. I have read many books, such as “Treasure Island”, “Jane Eyre”, “Heidi” and “The Hound of Baskervilles”. Of all the different sorts of novels, I like detective stories best.

 I love reading detective stories because they are thrilling, mysterious, sometimes a little bit frightening and include a lot of logic and reasoning. And I just like all those kinds of things!

 Once I read a newspaper. There was a little test on it. It was as follows:

 What will you think about when you glance at the numbers 1850 or 1680?

 A.  Cashes

 B.  History ages

 C.  Dancing notes and small creatures

 D.  Secret codes or part of a telephone number

 And I chose B. The analysis was:

‘You are very sensitive to data. You have a very strong memory and good imagination, and you also have a strong feeling of time concept. This kind of people will not only find out the exact time of an event and the persons involved, but also comprehend the data involved in the event. So, this kind of people is fit to become detectives, lawyers, historians and doctors, etc. ...’

 When I read the analysis, I was very surprised. I even asked myself, ‘Am I fit to be a detective or all sorts of that?’

 Now, when I finish reading another detective story, I will ask myself yet again, ‘Is that really affinity or just a coincidence?’

 The first time I got in touch with detective stories was last year. In November, there was a film on TV. It was ‘Death on the Nile’. Mum said it was a very exciting detective movie, telling about a murder on a passenger ship which led to two other murders. In the end, the two murderers committed suicide.

 The day when the film would be broadcasted came at last. I was waiting eagerly, curious to watch it. Who were the murderers? How did they do it? ... I kept asking myself, which only made me even more eager.

 At last, the moment came. Dad turned on the TV. We waited. I stared at the clock on the wall. Then the exciting moment came. The film started.

The whole story was mysterious, frightening and thrilling. Some of the scenes were so frightening that I held to my mother’s hands tightly and tried to close my eyes. But I couldn’t, because the movie was very thrilling. I was unwilling to lose any of the circumstances. Finally, I finished watching that film with wonder and amaze.

 Ever since that weekend of watching ‘Death on the Nile’, I have become more and more interested in detective stories. I found detective stories very interesting and attracting. I can read a detective novel for hours, totally attracted by the clever detective and the cunning criminals, while a love story of the same length will interest me for only 15 minutes.

 The hero in my heart is the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes. I have a dozen or more Sherlock Holmes Detective Stories on my bookshelf, such as ‘A Study in Scarlet’, ‘The Hound of Baskervilles’, ‘A Sign of Four’ etc. They are my favourites. I also have many detective books written by ‘The Queen of Crimes’, Agatha Christie. Hercule Poirot, the great detective, who is also the main character in ‘Death on the Nile’, is also one of my favourite detectives. And I also love ‘The Internet Detectives Series’. The young detectives, Tamsyn, Rob, Josh, Tom, Lauren and Mitch, are all very bright. But here I would like to advise you: don’t buy books with one page of English and one page of Chinese. This kind of book probably will make you always think about Chinese while reading English books!



    广州市农林下路小学  四年(3)班  钟琬婷











 A. 钱的数目

 B. 历史年代

 C. 跳跃着的音符或一个个小人物

 D. 密码或电话号码的一部分













      广州市农林下路小学  四年(3)班  钟琬婷




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