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蒋方舟的真实英语笔译水准 第05部分

(2012-08-17 11:44:33)


























The news exploded with greater impact in the Barrio Chino than in the social clubs. At first it was met with derision, but this changed into absolute vexation on the part of those erudite women who reviewed marriage as a condition more ridiculous than sacred. My engagement satisfied all the rituals of Christian morality on the terrace, with its Amazonian orchids and hanging ferns, of my fiancée's house. I would arrive at seven in the evening dressed all in white linen, with a gift of handcrafted beads or Swiss chocolates, and we would talk, half in code and half in seriousness, until ten, watched over by Aunt Argénida, who fell asleep in the blink of an eye, like the chaperones in the novels of the day.




1、“My engagement satisfied all the rituals of Christian morality”:“我的订婚典礼遵循了基督教对仪式感的一切要求”。“仪式感”不知道是怎么想出来的。此句意思就是“一切按基督教义的全部仪式来办”。

2、“I would arrive at seven in the evening dressed all in white linen, with a gift of handcrafted beads or Swiss chocolates”,译成“我七点到达,穿着白色亚麻的礼服,带着手工制作的珠子瑞士巧克力作为礼物”,似疏忽了时态“would”在这里起的作用。因此,后面的“or”就误译成“和”了。这是小问题。

3、“and we would talk, half in code and half in seriousness, until ten, watched over by Aunt Argénidawho fell asleep in the blink of an eye, like the chaperones in the novels of the day.”译成“然后我们聊天,一半密语一半严肃。直到十点,被一眨眼就睡着的阿珍妮达阿姨照看着这一天,如同小说的开头第一章”,这里面,就有些问题需要讨论了。

首先“被阿珍妮达阿姨照看着”不准确。从逻辑上说,他们都已是成年人,没有被“照看”的必要。这似应为一种仪式,由已婚妇女在旁边象征性地监督着。即,“watch over”是to be alertly on the lookout, look attentively, or observe, as to see what comes, is done, or happens”的意思。

此外,就是“like the chaperones in the novels of the day”这句话。蒋方舟译成“这一天,如同小说的开头第一章。

chaperones”不是“chapter”的意思。蒋方舟看糊涂了。这个词的意思是“(esp formerly) an older or married woman who accompanies or supervises a young unmarried woman on social occasions.”。这也正是我对上文里蒋方舟将“watch over”误译成“照看”的最好诠释。


“in the novels of the day”里的“novels”,并不仅仅是“小说”的意思。它的根本含义是“new”的意思,是“创新”的意思。“小说”“novel”一词,在西方人的思维里,与“fiction”是一样的。什么叫“fiction”?就是“to do,”“to make”的意思,是创作(不是抄袭)。因此,才有人把“fiction”翻译成“虚构”,这是准确的。这意思也是对中国少男少女天才小说“创作者”们,一个最大的反讽。







Ximena became more voracious the better we got to know each other, she would loosen her bodices and petticoats as the sultry heat of June increased, and it was easy to imagine the devastating power she would have in the dark. After two months of being engaged we had nothing left to talk about, and without saying anything she brought up the subject of children by crocheting little boots for newborns from raw wool. I, the agreeable fiancé, learned to crochet with her, and in this way we passed the useless hours until the wedding: I crocheted little blue booties for boys and she crocheted little blue booties for boys and she crotcheted pink ones for girls, we'd see who guessed right, until there were enough for more than fifty babies. Before the clock struck ten, I would climb into a horse-drawn carriage and go to the Barrio Chino to live my night in the peace of God.




1、“without saying anything译成“毫无预警地”,似不正确。这句话,并没有译者想象得那么复杂,实际上,就是两个月以后,两人make lovemake得差不多了,基本上该说的情话,也全都说完了。所以,到了没有什么话题的时候了,于是,就弄些更实际些的生活类话题了。即“既然没什么可说的,于是,她把孩子的话题摆到台面上”。

2、“一个又一个毫无意义的光阴”(the useless hours:“光阴”在汉语里是不可数名词,也就是说,光阴不能论“个”。这算汉语用词有错。

3she crocheted little blue booties for boys此句漏译了。

3、“I would climb into a horse-drawn carriage”蒋方舟译成了“我会爬进行李箱里”。(见下图)。下图里的就是the horse-draw carriage。不用多解释了。“horse-drawn carriage”并不是行李箱。蒋方舟的真实英语笔译水准 <wbr>第05部分

蒋方舟的真实英语笔译水准 <wbr>第05部分

4、“to live my night in the peace of God.”中的“in the peace of God”不是“与上帝度过平静的夜晚”,而是“带着上帝(特有)的平静,睡上一晚。”






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