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(2011-01-15 19:56:36)







分类: 艺术收藏


龙形玉器制作中使用的范围内突然出现的玉器挂件,在公元前五世纪的套。 However, matched dragon pendants of this quality are rare, having been used only in tombs of the highest ranking individuals.然而,这种质量匹配龙吊坠是罕见的,并曾只在个人排名最高的墓葬中。



这是长期以来一直认为,中华文明在黄河流域开始,但我们现在知道有同时向这一地区北部和南部的许多早期文化。大约从公元前3800到2700的已知的新石器时代红山文化的人民现在生活在远集团东北部,在什么是今天的辽宁省和内蒙古。 The Hongshan were a sophisticated society that built impressive ceremonial sites.红山是一个复杂的社会所建立起来的令人印象深刻的礼仪场所。



Slit rings, later named jue , along with discs, rings and arc pendants, were among the earliest of all ornaments to be made in fine polished stones such as jade.狭缝戒指,后来被命名为 ,随着光盘,戒指和弧垂饰,玉器是在所有的首饰,作为最早被磨光石块等作出罚款。 They were probably worn as earrings.他们很可能是穿的耳环。

The earliest jue , which are more like slit tubes than slit rings, are found in the north-east in the Xinglongwa (about 5000 BC) and Chahai cultures (about 4500 BC), which preceded the Hongshan (about 3800-2700 BC)最早 ,其中环比喜欢缝缝管,被发现在东北),东兴隆洼(约公元前5000年)和Chahai文化(约公元前4500年),这之前的红山(约公元前3800-2700

The manufacture of jue probably spread from the north to the south-east to Zhejiang province, where they are found at Hemudu, and they remained in use in the south-east in the Majiabang and Songze cultures (5000-3000 BC). 制造可能蔓延,从北到南,东部的浙江省,在那里他们发现河姆渡,和他们)仍然在使用在东南部的马家浜文化和嵩泽(5000-3000年。 Many of these early jue are relatively thick and modelled in the round.这些早期的许多比较厚,在全面模仿。


Cong , essentially tubes with a square cross-section and a circular hole, are among the most impressive yet most enigmatic of all ancient Chinese jade artefacts. ,基本上与正方形管截面和圆孔,是最令人印象深刻的也是最神秘的所有古文物中玉。 Their function and meaning are completely unknown.它们的功能和意义是完全陌生的。 Although they were made at many stages of the Neolithic and early historic period, the origin of the cong in the Neolithic cultures of south-east China has only been recognised in the last thirty years.虽然他们中国制造的东在许多阶段的新石器时代早期的历史和南部期间,新石器文化的起源只得到承认在过去的三十年。

The cong is one of the principal types of jade artefact of the Liangzhu culture (about 3000-2000 BC) around Lake Tai in Jiangsu province.丛书是江苏省一大主要类型的湖良渚文化玉器(约公元前3000-2000的人工制品)左右。 Spectacular examples have been found at all the major archaeological sites.壮观的例子,在所有已发现的重大考古遗址。 The main types of cong have a square outer section around a circular inner part, and a circular hole, though jades of a bracelet shape also display some of the characteristics of cong . 类型主要有圆形广场内的一部分外节周围,和一个圆形孔,虽然形状玉手镯也显示了一些特征的。

The principal decoration on cong of the Liangzhu period was the face pattern, which may refer to spirits or deities.良渚时期的主要装饰是脸模式,这可能是指精神或神。 On the square-sectioned pieces, like this example, the face pattern is placed across the corners, whereas on the bracelet form it appears in square panels.在广场上,切片件,像这样的例子,脸模式是被放置在角落,而在手镯形式出现在方板。 These faces are derived from a combination of a man-like figure and a mysterious beast.这些面是来自一个男人般的人物,一个神秘的野兽的组合。



Stone rings were being made by the peoples of eastern China as early as the fifth millennium BC.石环正在由东部的中国人民一样早在公元前五千年。 Jade discs have been found carefully laid on the bodies of the dead in tombs of the Hongshan culture (about 3800-2700 BC), a practice which was continued by later Neolithic cultures.玉片上发现了仔细的尸体,死者中规定的红山文化(约3800-2700年),这是一个被后来的新石器时代墓葬文化继续执业。 Large and heavy jade discs such as this example, appear to have been an innovation of the Liangzhu culture (about 3000-2000 BC), although they are not found in all major Liangzhu tombs.像这样的例子大又重玉碟,似乎一直是良渚文化(约公元前3000-2000)的创新,虽然他们不是在所有主要的良渚墓葬发现。 The term bi is applied to wide discs with proportionately small central holes.该术语适用于广泛的商业智能与光盘中心孔小比例。

The most finely carved discs or bi of the best stone (like this example) were placed in prominent positions, often near the stomach and the chest of the deceased.最细刻光盘或) 双向最好的石头(如本例被放置在显眼位置,经常在靠近胃和死者的胸部。 Other bi were aligned with the body. 其他 BI是赞同他的身体。 Where large numbers of discs are found, usually in small piles, they tend to be rather coarse, made of stone of inferior quality that has been worked in a cursory way.凡发现大量光盘小桩,通常,他们往往是相当粗糙,质量低劣的石头,已在工作作了一个粗略的方式。

We do not know what the true significance of these discs was, but they must have had an important ritual function as part of the burial.我们不知道什么是真正的意义是这些光盘,但是他们必须有作为一项重要的仪式埋葬的一部分功能。 This is an exceptionally fine example, with the two faces very highly polished.这是一个非常好例子,用两副面孔非常高度抛光。



These two animals are very similar; their only significant difference is that one has a closed loop attached to an antler, while the other has antlers that curve sharply to create holes for suspension.这两种动物非常相似,它们的唯一显着的区别在于一个有闭环附加到鹿茸,鹿角,而其他有这条曲线急剧创造悬挂孔。

Deer are relatively rare among jade animal pendants.鹿是比较少见的动物之间的玉吊坠。 However, a number of examples exist, among the most interesting of which is a crouching deer from a tomb dating to the Shang dynasty (about 1500-1050 BC).但是,存在一些例子,其中最有趣的是从坟墓蹲鹿追溯到商代(约公元前1500年至1050年)。 Its head is turned to look over its back and its front leg is bent under its body.它的头是把目光转向了它的背部,它前面的腿是根据其身体弯曲。 This form seems to be an early one that was later ignored as creatures were usually shown standing.这种形式似乎是一个早期的,后来被忽视的动物通常会显示地位。 Such sophisticated poses were probably developed on the borders of China.这种复杂的构成很可能是对中国境内发展。 Contact between the capitals of metropolitan China and the peoples on the western and north-western borders encouraged trade and exchange between two quite different cultures.大都市之间的接触和鼓励中国首都之间的贸易和两种完全不同的文化之间的交流,西部和西北部边界的人民。



Jade sword fittings of the Eastern Zhou period (770-221 BC) were part of a tradition that began in the later Western Zhou (1050-771 BC).东周时期(公元前770-221)玉刀配件都是一个传统,在以后的西周(公元前1050-771)开始的一部分。 The use of jade, with its associations of immortality, to ornament weapons may well have been intended to enhance the force and protection afforded by the weapon.玉的使用它的协会不朽,以装饰武器,很可能是旨在加强部队和武器给予保护。 Over time, such weapons may have been thought to confer resistance to death and decay, and thus preferred over those with decoration in other materials for use in burials.随着时间的推移,这种武器可能已被认为是赋予抵抗死亡和腐烂,从而缓解了与其他装饰材料中使用这些墓葬的首选。

The ornament is in the form of a slightly tapered cylindrical drum.装饰品的是在一个稍微锥形辊筒式形式。 A hole for attaching a blade hilt or similar item is drilled up the middle, slightly off centre.一个用于连接刀片刀柄或类似物品孔钻了中央,稍微偏离中心。 The sides are divided into three registers by narrow ridges incised with fine striations.双方分为三个寄存器的细条纹切开狭窄山脊。

Fully-developed swords of the late Eastern Zhou and Han periods might have had four or even five jade fittings, such as a round pommel ornament, an approximately triangular hilt decoration, a trapezoidal chape on the scabbard to prevent the weapon tip piercing the body, and slides on the scabbard for the attachment of a belt.后期东周,汉时期充分发展剑可能有四个,甚至五个玉如圆鞍马饰品配件,剑柄上装饰一个约三角,剑鞘上的提示,以防止武器刺入身体梯形chape,并在为一个带附件的刀鞘幻灯片。 Jade sword fittings may have followed the use of gold, as gold hilts for iron blades have been found in tombs in Shaanxi province.玉器剑配件可能遵循了黄金的使用,因为铁刀刀柄黄金已在陕西省的坟墓里发现。 Gold was not a material particularly prized by the Chinese - jade and bronze always ranked higher in their hierarchy of valuable materials in early times - and the use of gold was probably introduced into China from Central Asia.黄金在中国并不特别珍贵的材料 - 玉器和青铜时代早期一直名列前茅在更高层次的有价值的材料 - 和黄金的使用可能是为中国引进了中亚。 The jade workers copied the finely worked gold decoration, technically much harder to achieve by carving in hard stone, than using the lost wax method to cast it in a soft metal.玉工精细加工复制的黄金装饰,在技术上更难实现雕刻在坚硬的石头比使用失蜡铸造方法在软金属它。 The very fine scroll work on this ornament is particularly reminiscent of gold work.滚动的非常精细的工作,特别是这个饰品的黄金工作的回忆。 The small striations and stippling are obviously borrowed from work in a soft metal.小条纹和点彩明显借用了软金属工作。



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