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(2008-07-28 14:34:39)







分类: 外语之旅




Just making sure you’re paying attention. 没啦,只想确定你有在听


You look like you need a drink. 你看起来像需要喝一杯的样子


I never drink at work. 我工作时从不喝酒


Are you serious? 你认真的吗


Like that? 像那样吗


Tell me what else you never do. 你到底还有什么禁忌


What do you mean? 什么意思


Well, you never eat dessert. You never drink at work. 你不吃甜点,工作时不喝酒


I’m kind of hoping you’ll tell me you never go out with guys who sing opera.



Yes. 没错


I got it. 我自己来。


So I’ve got one for you. 换我问你了


What are the three secrets of French cuisine? 法国料理的三大要素是什么


Oh, come on. Everybody knows that. 拜托,大家都知道


Oh, yeah? So, what are they, smarty-pants? 是吗,你说啊,天才


Butter, butter and butter. 牛油,牛油和牛油


You’re good. 你很厉害


You know, you didn’t have to do this. It’s not like I’m drunk or anything.



Nick, this is Sean, he lives downstairs. 这是西恩,他住楼下


This is Nick. We cook together. 这是尼克,我们是同事


How are you? 你好


You obviously don’t live in the building. 你很显然不住在这里


How was Zoe? 柔儿还好吧


Sound asleep. She’s a great kid. 睡的很熟。 她是个好孩子

Have a good nigjht. 晚安


Thanks, Sean.谢了,西恩。


Yeah, he’s so sweet. 他人真好


He was just keeping an eye on Zoe. 他只是帮我看着柔儿。


He’s just a sweet, nice guy. I couldn’t wish for a better neighbor. 他是个好人,也是好邻居


Yeah, he’s always just so… 他一直都是


…in a totally neigh… 非常好的邻居


Take an aspirin. 吃片阿司匹林吧


Yeah. 好


It’s timeto get up, sweetheart. 该起床了


I don’t wanna go to school today. 我今天不想上学


Guess what? 猜怎么着


I don’t wanna go to work today. 我今天也不想工作


Really? 真的吗


Today it’s just gonna be you and me. 今天就我们两个要一起混


To all the gang at 22 Bleecker… 给布立克街22号的大家


Let me introduce you to my little hors d’oeuvre. 大伙,让我介绍我的开胃小菜


Let’s see the photo. 给我们看照片。


She’s adorable. 她好可爱哦


She can’t wait to meet you all. 她等不及要见你们了。


Love and kisses, Leah. 黎儿上。


She asked for some time off. Something personal came up. 她有私事,今天请假


I don’t have enough. 我没有那么多钱


Mortgage, baby. 借房贷啊


Come on. I love this game. 快点,我超爱这游戏


I need a nine. Give me a nine and it’s Free Parking. 我要9点,9点有免费停车位


This is’t fair. 这不公平


I’m rich. 我发财了


You know what this means, don’t you? 你知道这代表什么吗


Come on and fight! You’re afraid of a little pillow? 快打啊,你怕个小枕头吗


I needed that souffle five minutes ago. Let’s go. 我5分钟前就要蛋白牛奶酥了,快点


We did 110 covers tonight. Everything was excellent. 今晚做了110道餐,一切都很棒


You’ve really mastered the menu, Nick. 菜单上的每一道菜你都会做


You put your signature on the dishes, and all the regulars have noticed. 而且有自己的特色,常客都注意到了


How would you like to stay on permanently? 你想长期留下来吗


I think I’d like that. 我当然想


If it’s okay with kate. 只有凯特同意就行


Who is it? Do you have any idea what time is it? 哪位? 你知道现在几点了吗


What? It’s very, very late. 什么? 很晚很晚了


The kitchen was a very different place without you tonight. 厨房没有你完全不一样


I’m sure you did just fine without me. 我相信我不在你也做的很好


It was hell. 超辛苦的


That’s better. 这样才好嘛


Cognac,white wine, celery, leak, shallots, and garlic.



I’m getting truffle. 我也尝到松露


Pancake time. 吃煎饼罗


Okay, flip it. 好,翻面


Nice, you could start your own restaurant. Call it Zoe’s. 你可以开餐馆了。就叫柔儿小馆


Excuse me? I did squeeze the organge juice. 拜托,柳橙汁是我挤的耶


Not in front of Zoe. 别在柔儿面前这样


Zoe ,I’m now going to kiss your aunt. 柔儿,我要亲你的阿姨


This is so embarrassing. 这超尴尬的


So how are we gonna work together now? 我们该怎么一起工作呢


We’ll do what we always did. 就跟以前一样啊


You tell me what to do… 你叫我做事


…and I’ll go behind your back and do whatever I want. 然后我背着你照自己的方法做。


I wanna show you something. Quick. Let’s go. 我带你们看样东西,快走吧


Exuse me. do you have any kaffir lime leaves? 对不起,你有青柠檬叶吗


Over there. You touch, you buy. 在那里,摸过了就要买。


What do you need those for? 你要这玩意干嘛


You’ll see. 等着瞧。


Here they are. 这里


One for you. 一片给你。


Smells good. 好香哦


Like it? One for you. 喜欢吗? 一片给你。


How do I know this smell? 这味道好熟哦


Is this your saffron sauce? 你的番红花酱汁


Apparently we have no secrets anymore. 我们之间没有秘密了


Today for our entree special, we are offering… 今天的特餐包括


Nick came up with a great idea of sending mini desserts home in a box.



It’s so obvious. 很聪明的点子。


I love those wines you recommended for the new menu. 我也很喜欢你推荐的葡萄酒


Well, you’re gonna have to discuss that with Kate. 你要和凯特讨论


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