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新目标九年级英语第十二单元Section B 1—2C 教学设计及解析

(2010-11-25 00:00:01)









分类: 九年级11-15单元教材解析

Section B 1—2C 教学设计及解析




    2.学会Itis+adj.+to do sth.句型。



新目标九年级英语第十二单元Section <wbr>B <wbr>1—2C <wbr>教学设计及解析



    How much do you know about table manners around the world? Take the following quiz.Circle“T”(for true)or“F”(for false)after each sentence.关于世界各地餐桌礼仪你了解多少?下面进行一个测试。在每个句子后圈“T”(表示正确)或圈“F”(表示错误)。


    1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

    知识点1  In China,you’re not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.在中国,你不应该端起你的饭碗。(注: 这是不正确的)。

    【讲解】pick up是一个“动词+副词”的词组,意思是“捡起;拾起;拿起”。如:

    A girl picked up a wallet on her way home.一个小女孩在回家的路上捡到了一个钱包。

    The phone stopped ringing just as I picked up thereceiver.我一拿起听筒,电话铃就不响了。

    Pick those things up offthe floor! 捡起地板上的东西!


    My friend’ s father quickly ________ some rubbish and went outside.

A.pick up

B.picked up

C.pick out

D.picked out

    【解答】pick out意思是“选出;认出”,不符合句子意思。结合时态,我们可以知道正确答案是B。

    知识点2  In Brazil,you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink. 在巴西,每次喝完东西后你应该用餐巾纸擦嘴。


    Wipe the dirt off your shoes. 抹去鞋上的污泥。

    Wipe up the milk you spilled, please. 请抹掉洒出来的牛奶。




    【解答】本句可译为:They’re wiping the furniture.

    2a  Tomorrow Steve is going to Japan to be an exchange student His Japanese friend Satoshi is telling him about the table manners in Japan. Listen. Number the pictures in the order Satoshi talks aboutt hem.明天史蒂夫将作为一名互访学生去日本。他的日本朋友塞特斯正在告诉他关于日本餐桌上的礼仪。听,根据塞特斯所讲述的,正确标出图片的顺序。


    Satoshi: You must be really excited about leaving for Japan tomorrow, Steve!

    Steve: Yeah, I am. But I’m a little nervous, too.

    Satoshi: Nervous about what?

    Steve: Well, for one thing, I don’t know how to use chopsticks very well...

    and I don’t know how to behave at the dinner table.

    Satoshi: Oh, I see. I could give you a little lesson on Japanese table manners if you’d like.

    Steve: Really? That would be great!

    Satoshi: Hummm, Let me see. One difference is that sometimes it’s polite to make noise when you’re eating. Especially when you’re eatingnoodles. It shows that you like the food.

    Steve: Really? That’s interesting. In the United States you’re not supposed to do that.

    Satoshi: Yeah, I know. OK, so here are some chopstick rules; it’s rude to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldn’t point at anyone with your chopsticks.

    Steve: Oh, OK. I won’t.

    Satoshi: And also, this isn’t about table manners exactly, but you should know that it’s rude to eat or drink while walking down the street.

    Steve: Huh.

    Satoshi: Oh, and the most important thing you need to know is that you’re not supposed to talk when you’re eating dinner. Only parents are allowed to talk at the dinner table. Children are not allowed to speak.

    Steve: Wow! That’s... that’s unusual!

    Satoshi: I’m just kidding! Steve!


    2 1 4 3

    2b  Listen again.Match these sentence parts.再听遍录音。把句子两部分进行搭配。

    知识点3  to stick your chopsticks into your food把筷子插入你的食物中


    Stick a fork into the meat to see if it’s ready.将叉插进肉里看熟了没有。

    I can’t move.There’s a piece of wire sticking in my leg.我动不了啦。有一根金属丝刺进我的腿里了。


    Our Chinese always use chopsticks to eat,but the English don’t use them.我们中国人通常用筷子吃饭,而英国人不。




    【解答】本句可译为:Some foreigners are learning how to use chopsticks to eat.


    筷子通常是成双出现的,所以,我们要说“一双筷子”就用a pair of chopsticks表示。

    知识点4  It’s rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks.用你的筷子指着别人是很无礼的。

    【讲解】(1)rude是一个形容词,意思是“粗鲁的;无礼的”。它常构成词组be rude to sb.,意思是“对某人无礼”。如:

    It’s rude to interrupt when people are speaking.打断人家的话是不礼貌的。

    I think it was rude of them notto phone and say that they weren’t coming.他们来不了,也不打电话通知一声,太不像话了。

    (2)point是一个动词,意思是“指;指向”。它构成的词组point at意思是“指向;对准”。如:

    “I’ll have that one.”she said,pointing at a big chocolate cake.“我想要这个。”她指着一块大的巧克力蛋糕说。


    He p______to the high mountain far away,and told us the story.



    Talk about the table manners in your country.谈谈你们国家的餐桌礼仪。

    A: We’re supposed to…我们应该……

    B: Yes,and it’s rude to…是的,……是无礼的。









    Different countries have different manners. The manners in China are different from those in America. So you should tell your American friends the following things. What is he supposed to do when he first meets a friend? What should he say to his friends? How does he behave at dinners?


    be supposed to say, shake hands, use chopsticks, pick up, rice, don’t

    练习: ______________________________________________________________________



Dear Peter,

    Different countries have different manners. The manners in China are different from those in America. When you first meet a Chinese friend, you are supposed to say hello to him or her and shake hands. When you have a meal with Chinese friends, you’re supposed to pick up the chopsticks and the bowl of rice. It’s rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks. Please don’t talk too much, when you’re at table.

    Welcome to China.


Han Han



    1.Is Teresa s______to come at 7 o’clock or 8 o’clock?

    2.All of us b______to the queen.

    3.He g______me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.

    4.The journey to the far side of the island is quicker by l______than by sea.

    5.The man s______ the fork into the potato.

    It is…to…改写下列各句。

    1.To stick your chopsticks into your food is not polite.


    2.To laugh at others is rude.


    3.To give the dog regular injections is necessary.


    4.To read in strong light is bad for your eyes.


    5.To hand in our homework on time is required by our teacher.



    1.Americans often______when they meet someone for the first time.

    2.Japanese and Koreans are supposed to______when they meet people.

    3.In Russia people should______when they meet someone for the first time, but friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time are supposed to______.

    4.Brazilians usually______when they meet each other.

    5.In the United States you aren’t supposed to eat with______.

    6.It is______ to say you’re full when you don’t want any more food, you are supposed to say “It was______. ”


    1.You should shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.(同义句转换)

    You______ ______ ______shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.

    2.Liu Mei didn’t know.Will there be a party?(变为宾语从句)

    Liu Mei didn’t know______ ______ ______ ______a party.

    3.The youngest person is supposed to start eating first.(对画线部分提问)

    ______is the youngest person supposed to______?

    4.He’s supposed to bring a small present,______ ______?(改为反意疑问句)

    5.I saw your daughter stick her chopsticks into her food just now.(变为被动语态)

    Your daughter______ ______ ______ ______her chopsticks nto he food just now.


    Ⅰ.1.supposed 2.bowed 3.greeted 4.land 5.stuck

    Ⅱ.1.It is not polite to stick your chopsticks into your food.

    2.It is rude to laugh at others. .

    3.It is necessary to give the dog regular injections.

    4.It is bad for your eyes to read in strong light.

    5.It is required to hand in our homework by our teacher.

    Ⅲ.1.shake hands 2.bow 3.shake hands; embrace 4.kiss 5.chopsticks

    6.rude; delicious

    Ⅳ.1.are supposed to 2.if there would be 3.What, do 4.isn’t he 5.was seen to stick




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